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❶ 如何做英語閱讀理解的文章出自哪裡

A man was very hungry , and he went to buy cakes at a snack bar. When he ate a cake, he found (發現) he was still hungry, and so he ate a second one. He felt (感覺) so hungry. After seven cakes , he was not hungry. Suddenly, he had an idea. 「, if(如果) I eat the seventh one first, I only need to buy one cake, and I can save six Yuan.」
( )1. The man bought ____ cakes.
A. one B. seven C. six
( )2. After the man eating five cakes , he was still_______.
A. not hungry B. thirsty C. hungry
( )3. One cake is_______ Yuan.
A. six B. seven C. one
( )4. Was he full if(如果) he ate only one cake?
A. Yes, he was. B . No, he wasn』t. C. Yes, he was right.
( )5. The title(題目)is ___________ .
A. A man and a snack bar B. One cake and seven cakes
C. A foolish (愚蠢的)man
There is an old woman in English. She doesn』t like children at all. But she loves cats. She has black cats and white cats. She has mother cats and baby cats. So the children like to come to her house. They come to play with the cats .More and more cats come to the old woman』s house. Soon there are too many cats and the old woman can』t feed (飼養) them at all. Then she has an idea. 「The children love my cats,」 she thinks. So she gives each(每一個) child a cat. Then she is happy, the children are happy, and the cats are happy, too, because they each have a home.
T or F
( ) 1. The old woman likes cats and children very much.
( ) 2. The children come to the woman』s house because they want to help her do some housework.
( ) 3. The old woman can』t feed the cats because she doesn』t like them any more .
( ) 4. The old woman gives each child a cat .
( ) 5. Every cat has a home at last.
Where Am I?
It』s a fine day. We are not at home. We』re under a tree. Here and there are flowers, trees and birds. Two boats are in the river. Beside the river are banana trees, orange trees and apple trees. We have cakes, eggs, apples, oranges and bananas. They are very delicious(美味的).
Suddenly(突然地), an apple hits(打,擊中) me. Where am I? I find I』m not under a tree. I』m in my home.
Read the passage and write 「T」 for true or 「F」 for false:
( )1. I』m not at school today.
( )2. Banana trees, apple trees and orange trees are in the river.
( )3. Here and there are flowers, trees, birds and boats.
( )4. Suddenly, an orange hits me.
( )5. The story means it is a dream.
Vicky』s family
It』s half past five. School is over. Vicky comes back. His mother is not at home and the door is closed. His brother, Jim, is playing football in the school. His sister, Becky, is singing with her friends. He cannot go in.
His mother comes back with a basket. There are three cakes in it. He wants to eat them.
「The other two are for Jim and Becky,」 says his mother. 「You each have one.」
「But I am hungry now, Mum,」 says Vicky. 「May I have two?」
「Yes, you can. Go and cut yours in half!」
Choose the best answer from A,B or C according to the passage:
( )1. Vicky leaves school at ______.
A. 4.00 B. 4.30 C. 5.30
( )2. ______ is the second to come to the house.
A. Vicky』s mother B. Jim C. Becky
( )3. Vicky』s mother comes home with a ______.
A. bag B. basket C. box
( )4. Becky is singing with ______.
A. Jim and Vicky B. her friends C. her parents
( )5. There are ______ children in Vicky』s family.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5
Enjoy your vegetables
There are some vegetables in Mrs. Brown』s garden. She looks after them very carefully. And when summer comes, they look very nice.
One evening, Mrs. Brown looks at her vegetables and says, 「Tomorrow I can cook meals with these vegetables.」
But early in the next morning, her son runs in and shouts, 「Mother! Mother! Come quickly! Our neighbour』s cks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables!」
But it is too late. Mrs. Brown cried and her neighbour is very sorry. One day before Christmas, the neighbour brings Mrs. Brown a nice and fat ck. On the ck』s back is a piece of paper with the words 「Enjoy your vegetables.」
( )1. There are ______ in Mrs. Brown』s garden.
A. children B. trees C. vegetables D. cks
( )2. One day the neighbour』s cks _______.
A. go into the garden B. come and eat up the vegetables
C. go swimming D. come to pick the flowers
( )3. The neighbour feels very ______ for that.
A. happy B. glad C. interesting D. sorry
( )4. One day before Christmas, the neighbour brings Mrs. Brown ______.
A. two cks B. a small ck C. a thin ck D. a nice and fat ck
( )5. What』s on the ck』s back?
A. A letter. B. Some money C. A note. D. Some vegetables.
I get up at 6:30in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to school at 7:30.I go to school by bus.
Classes begin at 8:00.We have six lessons every day. We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Classes are over at 4:30. After school we clean our classroom. Then we go home.
I get home at five. We have dinner at 6:30.After dinner I do my homework. I go to bed at 9:00or 10:00.
( )1.I go to school at 6:30.
( ) 2.I go to school by bus.
( ) 3.We have seven lesson every day.
( ) 4.After school we play games.
( ) 5.We have dinner at 5:30.
一定要採納我 我可是一點點打得呢

❷ 考研英語試卷中閱讀文章都是出自哪裡


其中社會科學是考研英語閱讀的主要和重點選材,自然科學一直保持在 1 篇文章左右的分量,人文科學的重要性則有上升的趨勢。







❸ 英語閱讀理解


❹ 做英語閱讀理解題如何推斷文章出處

樓下來說的不完全,關鍵就在源於 答案就在文章里,文章中一定有相應的關鍵詞
比如如果是出自某個網頁 會有websites網站 click點擊 log日誌
旅遊的話會有相應的景點 最突出的特徵應該是 表示方位或時間的連詞
map一定會介紹方位吧 the east north west east
然後實在沒有在去想文章內容 是介紹狗的類型、還是介紹某個活動,還是一個故事

❺ 我做英語閱讀理解是,有個題目很糾結,就是問文章主要告訴了什麼內容或文章最好的標題是什麼


❻ 英語閱讀理解文章出自哪裡怎麼做


❼ 高中英語閱讀中,有一道題是問:這篇文章是出自,報紙,或雜志。。。怎麼做這道題

這種題目現在原抄文中找襲有沒有明顯的標志,如 click there 等那就肯定是網上開頭是報社和記者名稱,以及發稿日期,那就肯定是再報紙上。再從文章的結構上,開頭總說,在步步介紹,再評論等,就是報紙。這些都是,通常就是雜志了,一個人做題經驗,很少有是雜志的答案

❽ 在英語閱讀中,通常會出現這樣一類題,問你這篇文章可能出自於哪裡,選項有可能給什麼報紙啊,雜志啊,...


❾ 英語閱讀題里有一種判斷文章出處的 比如這篇文章摘自 雜志報紙text book還是。。

是有這樣的題,但是不會問你是出自text book的





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