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發布時間:2021-03-15 00:57:36

㈠ 需要一篇適合初一學生可以閱讀的英語文章,200個單詞以上,不要自己寫的作文


Tomorrow. What crosses your mind when you think of tomorrow? Some people think of the future literally as the next day. To others, it means the unknown. To me, it signifies hope. Let me tell you a story.
Every day, on the way to and from school I pass by a children's hospital. One morning, as I was hurrying to school, I noticed a child staring out of a small window on the first floor. The next minute I tripped and sprawled on the ground. As I slowly pulled myself up and sted myself off, I looked up again and saw the child laughing. In spite of my situation, I was pleased to have made someone laugh. I bowed as though I were a performer. The child clapped and waved at me. As I stepped closer, I saw that the girl's head was bald, a sign that she was a cancer patient. I quickly waved one last time to her before hobblingoff towards the school.
The next morning and the next, I looked out for the little girl and waved to her, doing a little jig just to make her laugh. I thought about her and wondered what her life must be like. 'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day.' Those lines from a Shakespearean poem I had learnt in school came to my mind. Was that how the child lived from day to day?
I felt the urge to visit the child. I went to the hospital and looked for the room facing the road. I found the little girl. She was thin and pale. When she saw me, her eyes widened with recognition and she welcomed me with a shy smile. I talked to her a bit and learnt her name, Suki. The nurse who saw me talking to her later told me that Suki was a leukemia patient. Her navy officer father was a widower and was on ty outside the country. The nurse encouraged me to visit Suki so that she would not be so lonesome. As I was leaving, Suki called to me, `?' I understood and said, 'Yes, tomorrow.'
After that, I popped in to visit Suki after school every day. We played card games, Scrabble and read together. Even though, Suki was only ten, I found that I could get along with her very well. I was not visiting her out of pity. I really looked forward to her company. At the end of each visit, she always asked, `Tomorrow?' and my reply was always, 'Yes, tomorrow.'
Two months later, Suki told me the good news. She was well enough to be discharged from hospital. On the day that was scheled for her father to take her home, I visited her one last time. She gave me an envelope and said that it contained her email address. I promised to write. After Suki left, I opened the envelope. It was a short letter. Suki thanked me and told me how my answer to her question 'Tomorrow?' had given her hope from day to day. She believed that she recovered because of this. At the end of the letter, she wrote `Tomorrow?' followed by her email address. I smiled and said to myself, 'Yes, Suki, tomorrow.'

㈡ 我要幾篇適合初一學生閱讀的英語小短文。快!!!!


An apple tree

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow ... He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.
Time went by ... the little boy had grown up and he no longer layed around the tree every day.
One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad. "Come and play with me!" the tree asked the boy. "I am no longer a kid, I don't play around trees anymore." The boy replied, "I want toys. I need money to buy them." "Sorry, but I don't have money ... but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money." The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.
One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. "Come and play with me!"The tree said.

"I don't have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?"
"Sorry, but I don't have a house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house." So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. "Come and play with me!" the tree said.
"I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?"
"Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy." So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went sailing and never showed up for a long time.
Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. "Sorry, my boy. But I don't have anything for you anymore. No more apples for you ..."The tree said. "I don't have teeth to bite," the boy replied. "No more trunk for you to climb on." "I am too old for that now," the boy said. "I really can t give you anything ... the only thing left is my dying roots," the tree said with tears. "I don't need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years," the boy replied. "Good! Old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. Come sit down with me and rest." The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears ...
This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad ...When we grew up, we leave them ... only come to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. No matter what, parents will always be there and give erything they can to make you happy. You may think the boy is cruel to the tree but that s how all of us are treating our parents. Please be nlightened by this story and love your parents!

㈢ 我要幾篇適合初一學生閱讀的英語小短文

A trip to the countryside


On Sunday my brother and I went to the countryside to take some photographs.We drove a car to a quiet place near the mountains.We left in the mornong befor the sun got too hot.


After about two hours we came to a nice place,It was near a river,with some large trees beside it,so we parked the car under the trees .


We saw some beatiful birds and butterflies.After walking for about an hour,we returned to the car,But we could not get the car to start,Finally we got the car to start by pushing it.


We took some interesting photographs of the mountains.We also took some nice pictures of the rivers. We saw some beatuiful birds and some small animals,We took agood number of pictures.


My brother is a good photographer.Taking pictures is one of his hobbies.He can develop photos himself.


While we were walking in the forest,we saw a large green snake. We did not wait to take a photograph but we ran away as fast as we could. Then we went home


It is very interesing trip, which is full of
danger,excitement. What an adventurous holiday it was!



㈣ 適合初一學生朗讀的英語文章

我讀初中和高中一直買這個看 感覺很好

㈤ 我要幾篇適合初一學生閱讀的英語小短文 快!!!!!!!!!!

風和太陽(The Wind And The Sun)
One day the wind said to the sun, 「Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.」
「We will see about that,」 said the sun. 「I will let you try first.」
So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.
「I give up,」 said the wind at last. 「I cannot get his cloak off.」 Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.
(有一天風跟太陽說: 「看看那個沿著路上走的人.我可以比你快讓他把披風脫下來.)
(「我們等著看吧,」太陽說, 「我讓你先試.)
(「我放棄了,」風最後說, 「我無法讓他把披風脫下來.」然後由太陽試試看.他盡可能地曬他.不久,那個人很熱就把披風脫下來了.)

㈥ 適合初一學生讀的英語小短文


㈦ 適合初中生閱讀的英語故事小短文

Bertrand Russell

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love ,the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.
I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy -- ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it , next, because it relieves loneliness-- that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world , into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what -- at last -- I have found.
With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much I have achieved.
Love and knowlidge , so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of lonelines, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.




這篇文章 是標準的英語專業四級作文範文,英語專業必備,所有的精美英文收集書中都有這一篇。

英語專業八級 ,希望能夠幫到你。

㈧ 適合初中生閱讀的英語短文

建議你買《新東方中學生》這本書,該書將娛樂與學習和做人等方面都版進行了融合,權是比較適合中學生閱讀的。 娛樂:常會收錄一下著名的電視劇話電影,當然都是外國的,在看這些的同時,又增長了學習的能力,收獲了課外知識。 學習:該書常收錄一下學習方法的篇章或者一些解題的技巧等,而且不枯燥。 做人:該書還常含有勵志的問題,及學習安排等方面,與生活相聯系,讓人感覺真實。 可能有些地方會看不懂,但可以查字典,不過該書更適合高中生瀏覽,但如果初中生的話,如果水平好一點的話,也是可以的。



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