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Ⅰ 六年級英語閱讀邏輯題,求高手!!!



Ⅱ 英語閱讀理解推斷題

我們閱讀時應該特別注意詞的整體性,要把注意力放在句子中較大的單位上,而不要放在一個個孤立的單詞上。例如,下面的句子可以分成三個詞群,Most paragraphs/ have a topic sentence/ which expresses the central idea.我們不妨將它們作為三個相對獨立的整體看待,閱讀時,眼睛只要停頓三次而不是十次。

Ⅲ 英語閱讀理解解題技巧,要詳細,要適用

抓主題句是快速掌握文章大意的主要方法。主題句一般出現在文章的開頭和結尾。 主題句往往對全文起提示、啟迪、概括、歸納之作用,主旨大意題,歸納概括題,中心思想題往往直接可從主題句中找到答案。
The panda is a popular animal. Stories about the panda in the Washington Zoo are always front page news and important features on television newscasts. Stuffed pandas are among the most popular toys for children, and panda postcards are always in demand in zoo gift shops.
三、 邏輯推理,做好深層理解題。
在實際閱讀中,有時作者並未把意圖說出來,閱讀者要根據字面意思,通過語篇邏輯關系,研究細節的暗示,推敲作者的態度,理解文章的寓義。要求讀者對文字的表面信息進行分析、挖掘和邏輯推理,不能就事論事,以偏概全。推理題在提問中常用的詞有:infer, imply, suggest, indicate等。
四、 猜詞悟義,掃除閱讀攔路虎。
a. 定義法
It will be very hard but also very brittle...that is, it will break easily. 從後面的解釋中我們可以了解到brittle 是「脆」的意思。
b. 同位法
They traveled a long way, at last got to a castle, a large building in old times. 同位語部分a large building in old times 給出了 castle 的確切詞義,即「城堡」。
c. 對比法
She is usually prompt for all her class, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class. but一詞表轉折,因此but 前後的意思正相反。後半句的意思是她今天「第一節上了一半才來」,因此反向推理,可得出她平時一向「准時」的結論。
d. 構詞法(前綴、後綴、復合、派生等)
Perhaps, we can see some possibilities for next fifty years. possibility 是 possible 的同根名詞, 據此可以斷定 possibility 意思是「可能性」。
e. 因果法
The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent. So the player could never play the sport again. 從後面的結果「永遠不能再運動」中,可以推測 permanent 的意思為「永遠的,永久的」。

Ⅳ 英語閱讀理解看懂了,但答案選項不出來,邏輯推理也不行


Ⅳ 英語閱讀里的推理題遵循的是什麼樣的邏輯

邏輯推理解題技巧 邏輯推理題主要考查的是應試者的邏輯推理能力。這種題型是在每道題中給出一段陳述,而這段陳述被假設是正確的,不容置疑的。請應試者根據這段陳述從備選答案中選出一個能夠從陳述中直接推出的結論。 邏輯推理題涉及自然和社會生活的各個領域,強調對邏輯關系的正確把握,考察應試者對各種信息的理解、分析、綜合、判斷、推理等思維能力,題目雖有一定的難度,但考生應注意的是,這部分並不專門考察邏輯學及各個領域的專門知識,其面對所有考生,堅持「一視同仁」原則,考查的只是考生的一種基本的邏輯思維能力。聚考網根據歷年考試經驗總結出了解答邏輯推理題的五個原則,希望考生對提高邏輯推理題解題技巧有幫助。 1. 問題先於題干原則。 先看問題再讀題干陳述,邏輯判斷題根據題目中問法的不同可以分成幾大類,因此,閱讀題干前先看問題,根據問題判斷屬於哪一類題型,再帶著問題閱讀題干陳述部分可以很快理清思路,找出正確答案。 2. 緊扣題干答題原則。 題目陳述部分是整個題目的精髓所在,應堅持緊扣題干答題原則,不可隨意加入個人的主觀臆斷。因為邏輯判斷題其前提與結論之間有著必然的聯系,結論決不能超出前提所規定的范圍。因此,應試者在答題的時候,必須嚴格按照題目給出的陳述假設來進行推理,不能因覺得給出的陳述假設不太合乎常理,或與自己已有的知識、經驗有偏差而忽視題目中所陳述的事實,並隨意摻入個人的看法和觀點,這樣的話很容易選錯答案。 3. 題干前提為主原則。 當試題的備選項具有很強的迷惑性,每個選項看起來都有道理,令應試者很難做答時,應試者應堅持「題干前提為主」的原則,選項看起來有道理並不等於與題目給出的前提陳述直接相關,正確的選項應該從前提陳述直接推出,當某個選項的論述是正確的,但不能從短文陳述中直接推導出來時,應排除這個選項。 4. 化繁為簡原則。 在遇到比較復雜的判斷推理題的時候,可以把需要推理的內容藉助符號、圖形、表格等形式直觀化,可以幫助應試者快速、准確進行選擇。例如:做三段論題型時用畫圈的方法(即歐拉圖);做關系推理題時可以畫表格等。 5. 巧用方法原則。 要根據題目的特點,充分利用解答選擇題常用的方法——排除法、代入法。因為利用這兩種方法很多時候都無須讓推理進行到底,很多情況下在推理的過程中就已經排除掉了三項,這樣在幫助考生選擇出正確答案的同時也節省了很多時間。另外,當邏輯判斷涉及數學問題時,思路要拓寬,要敢於借用數學方法(例如:計演算法)來解題,不要認為邏輯判斷題就不能用數學方法來解題。

Ⅵ 求大學英語四級閱讀題,題型盡量為邏輯推理。[email protected]。謝謝啊~

已發送 ,請採納呦

Ⅶ 英文邏輯推理題

1. Nearly one in three subscribers to Financial Forecaster is a millionaire, and over half are in top management. Shouldn』t you subscribe to Financial Forecaster now?A reader who is neither a millionaire nor in top management would be most likely to act in accordance with the advertisement』s suggestion if he or she drew which of the following questionable conclusions invited by the advertisement?
(A) Among finance-related periodicals. Financial Forecaster provides the most detailed financial information.
(B) Top managers cannot do their jobs properly without reading Financial Forecaster.
(C) The advertisement is placed where those who will be likely to read it are millionaires.
(D) The subscribers mentioned were helped to become millionaires or join top management by reading Financial Forecaster.
(E) Only those who will in fact become millionaires, or at least top managers, will read the advertisement.

Questions 2-3 are based on the following.
Contrary to the charges made by some of its opponents, the provisions of the new deficit-rection law for indiscriminate cuts in the federal budget are justified. Opponents should remember that the New Deal pulled this country out of great economic troubles even though some of its programs were later found to be unconstitutional.
2. The author』s method of attacking the charges of certain opponents of the new deficit-rection law is to
(A) attack the character of the opponents rather than their claim
(B) imply an analogy between the law and some New Deal programs
(C) point out that the opponents』 claims imply a dilemma
(D) show that the opponents』 reasoning leads to an absurd conclusion
(E) show that the New Deal also called for indiscriminate cuts in the federal budget
3. The opponents could effectively defend their position against the author』s strategy by pointing out that
(A) the expertise of those opposing the law is outstanding
(B) the lack of justification for the new law does not imply that those who drew it up were either inept or immoral
(C) the practical application of the new law will not entail indiscriminate budget cuts
(D) economic troubles present at the time of the New Deal were equal in severity to those that have led to the present law
(E) the fact that certain flawed programs or laws have improved the economy does not prove that every such program can do so

4. In Millington, a city of 50,000 people, Mercedes Pedrosa, a realtor, calculated that a family with Millington』s median family income, $28,000 a year, could afford to buy Millington』s median-priced $77,000 house. This calculation was based on an 11.2 percent mortgage interest rate and on the realtor』s assumption that a family could only afford to pay up to 25 percent of its income for housing.
Which of the following corrections of a figure appearing in the passage above, if it were the only correction that needed to be made, would yield a new calculation showing that even incomes below the median family income would enable families in Millington to afford Millington』s median-priced house?
(A) Millington』s total population was 45,000 people.
(B) Millington』s median annual family income was $27,000.
(C) Millington』s median-priced house cost $80,000.
(D) The rate at which people in Millington had to pay mortgage interest was only 10 percent.
(E) Families in Millington could only afford to pay up to 22 percent of their annual income for housing.

5. Psychological research indicates that college hockey and football players are more quickly moved to hostility and aggression than are college athletes in noncontact sports such as swimming. But the researchers』 conclusion—that contact sports encourage and teach participants to be hostile and aggressive—is untenable. The football and hockey players were probably more hostile and aggressive to start with than the swimmers.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn by the psychological researchers?
(A) The football and hockey players became more hostile and aggressive ring the season and remained so ring the off-season, whereas there was no increase in aggressiveness among the swimmers.
(B) The football and hockey players, but not the swimmers, were aware at the start of the experiment that they were being tested for aggressiveness.
(C) The same psychological research indicated that the football and hockey players had a great respect for cooperation and team play, whereas the swimmers were most concerned with excelling as indivial competitors.
(D) The research studies were designed to include no college athletes who participated in both contact and noncontact sports
(E) Throughout the United States, more incidents of fan violence occur at baseball games than occur at hockey or football games.

另外多說一句 四六級不考邏輯題。。。。不知道你要這干什麼

1. D 2. B 3. E 4. D 5. A

Ⅷ 求英文邏輯推理題目


Ⅸ 英語閱讀推斷題怎麼 做(快)只限今天





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