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Ⅰ 關於提高英語閱讀的英語文章(急!!!)

In spite of 「endless talk of difference,」American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people. There is 「the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and the casualness and absence of consumption 「launched by the 19th——century department stores that offered 「vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite. 「these were stores 「anyone could enter, regardless of class or background. This turned shopping into a public and democratic act. 「The mass media, advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization. Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous. Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today』s immigration is neither at unprecedented level nor resistant to assimilation. In 1998 immigrants were 9.8 percent of population; in 1900, 13.6 percent .In the 10 years prior to 1990, 3.1 immigrants arrived for every 1,000 residents; in the 10years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1,000. Now, consider three indices of assimilation–language, home ownership and intermarriage.
The 1990 Census revealed that 「a majority of immigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spoke English『well』or『very well』after ten years of residence. 「The children of immigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in English. 「By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families. 「Hence the description of America as a「graveyard」for languages. By 1996 foreign–born immigrants who had arrived before 1970 had a homeownership rate of 75.6 percent, higher than the 69.8 percent rate among native-born Americans.
Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics 「have higher rates of intermarriage than do U.S–born whites and blacks. 「By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian–American women are married to non-Asians.
Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet 「some Americans fear that immigrant living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation』s assimilative power.」
Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America? Indeed. It is big enough to have a bit of everything. But particularly when viewed against America『s turbulent past, today』s social inces hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment.

1.The word 「homogenizing」(Line 2, Paragraph 1) most probably means
[A] identifying
[B] associating
[C] assimilating
[D] monopolizing

2. According to the author, the department stores of the 19th century
[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture.
[B] became intimate shops for common consumers.
[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite.
[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption

3.The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S.
[A] are resistant to homogenization.
[B] exert a great influence on American culture.
[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture.
[D] constitute the majority of the population.

4. Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?
[A] To prove their popularity around the world.
[B] To reveal the public『s fear of immigrants.
[C] To give examples of successful immigrants.
[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture.

5.In the author』s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is
[A] rewarding.
[B] successful.
[C] fruitless.
[D] harmful.

homogenize: vt.cause to become equal or homogeneous as by mixing;均質化,使(某物)成分均勻
【形】 homogeneous a. 由同類部分組成的
【名】 homogeneity n. 同種,同質
【構詞】詞頭:homo- 同、相同 如 homophone n. 同音異形詞; homosexual a. 同性戀的

democratize: vt. become (more) democratic; of nations 使民主化
【例】democratize the administration of an organization 使一組織的管理民主化
【名】 democracy n. 民主、民主政治,民主制度; democrat n. 民主主義者;(Democrat指美國民主黨黨員或其擁護者) democratization n. 民主化
【形】democratic a. 民主的,民主政治的;民主作風的,平等的
discourse: n. lengthy or serious treatment of a subject in speech or writing 論文、演講 vi. talk、preach or lecture about sth(usu at length)(通常長篇大論的)論說、宣揚或講授某事物
【例】The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects 演講者頭頭是道的論述了一系列問題。
intimate: a. having or being a very closely or friendly relationship 親密的,私人的,秘密的; private and personal 私人的,個人的;
vt make sth known to sb exp discreetly or indirectly 將某事透露給某人,(尤其指謹慎的或間接的)暗示、示意
【例】She has intimated to us that she no longer wishes to be considered for the post 她已向我們透露希望不再考慮讓她擔任該職。
【習】be/get on intimate terms with sb (漸漸)熟悉某人並關系密切
【名】intimation n. 示意、暗示
cater: v. provide food or services,esp. at social functions 備辦食物或服務(尤其指社交方面);投合,迎合
【用法】 ~ for sb/sth 由某人/某事物提供、迎合 (即主語必須是被用來迎合sb/sth的那個東西)
~ to sth 滿足某種需要或要求(即主語必須是發起迎合動作的主體)
【例】TV must cater for many different tastes 電視節目必須迎合各種人的愛好。
Newspapers catering to people』s love of scandal 迎合人們愛看丑聞消息的報紙
【名】catering n. 承辦酒席(的行為或行業) caterer n. 承辦酒席的人
elevate: v. lift up,raise to a higher place or rank 舉起,提拔 ; make the mind or morals better or more ecated 使思想或道德更好,更有修養
【例】 He has been elevated to the peerage 他已升為貴族 The teacher hoped to elevate the minds of her young pupils by reading them religious stories. 教師希望給小學生讀宗教故事來提高他們的修養.
【形】elevated a. 好的,高尚的 elevating a. 提高思想道德的,引人向上的
【名】elevation n. 提高、被提高,高度(尤指海拔),建築物正視圖
unprecedented: a. 空前的
【例】Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented. 科學和技術已經開始滲透了我們生活的各個領域;結果,社會正以空前的速度改變著
resistant: a. relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection)抵抗的,反抗的
【例】This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics. 這種新的傳染病對抗菌素有抗葯性。
【名】resistance n. 抵抗,對抗

Ⅱ 推薦幾本提高英語閱讀的書

那我推薦你一本《新概念英語>-四 這本最適合了,並且考研的都適用,很好

Ⅲ 提高英語閱讀能力應該看什麼書

先看簡單的英語散文,什麼英語精美晨讀小短文都可以,然後可以看雜志報紙,先中國的,什麼英語文摘,Chinadaily,接著看英語的,什麼Newsweek, Times之類的啊。

Ⅳ 怎樣快速提高英語閱讀水平,我是高三的

8.「毛病」(bad habits): 教學過程中,發現學生在閱讀時常做些不利於閱讀的壞動作。有的同學晃頭、顛腿、轉筆、聽音樂、咬指頭、趴在桌子上、揪頭發等等。

文章的結構往往容易把握,用主題句開門見山。作者往往通過信號詞(signal words或transitional words)和關聯詞(referents來組織段落、文章.對信號詞的迅速反應和對關聯詞的准確判斷是至關重要的;要特別注意區分作者的觀點與文章里所提到的人物的觀點,同時注意作者所使用的表示贊同、反對等感情色彩的詞彙。
1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the information
in the passage?
2) The author mentions all of the following except . . .
3)Which of the following statements is correct according to the
4)The writer mentions all of the items listed below except ______. 5) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?
6) What is the example of . . . as described in the passage?
7) The reason for . . .is . . .
8) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. ) ...
9)From the passage we know that ______.
10)In the passage, the author states that ______.
細節理解題就是我們常見的wh-題,它們大多是根據 文章中的具體信息如事實、例證、原因、過程、論述等進行提問的。有些問題可以在文章中直接找到答案,有些則要我們在理解的基礎上將有關內容系統化才能找到,比如計算、排序、是非判斷、圖形比較等。做此類題的方法一般是先用尋讀法找出與問題相關的詞語或句子,再對相關的部分進行細讀,找出正確答案。
1、是非題出題形式: a.三正一誤: Which of the following is true except…? Which of the following is mentioned except… b.三誤一正: Which of the following is true? 這種做題方法主要與三正一誤的下列問法相聯系: Which of the following mentioned except… Which of the following is not mentioned…?
The author provides in line…(或Paragraph…)an example in order to…
3、年代與數字: 這個考點有幾種出題方式,但不管以何種形式出現,只要題干問年代與數字,答案就對應於文章中的年代與數字。

4、比較: 比較考點的表現形式主要有: a.比較級與含有比較意義的詞彙手段和句型結構; b.表示絕對意義的字眼:
first(第一),least(最不),most(最)等; c.表示惟一性的詞彙:only, unique等; 閱讀最好能圈出表示最高級、惟一性和絕對意義的詞彙,便於做題時回原文定位。
Invited by Mr. Ye Huixian, host of the well received TV programme 「Stars Tonight」,Miss Luo Lin, Miss Asia of 1991,appeared as the guest hostess on the Shanghai TV screen last Sunday.

Ⅳ 學霸的經驗:如何迅速提高英語閱讀能力




Ⅵ 如何提高英語閱讀理解水平

二、訂一份英語報紙,開始可訂屬中學生看的,如「S hanghai Student Post」,隨著水平的提高再轉訂「S hanghai Star」,隨後訂「S hanghai Daily」或「China Daily」。報紙的詞彙量很大,涉及各個方面,對擴大詞彙量,獲取信息很有幫助。

Ⅶ 如何提高英語 閱讀理解成績






Ⅷ 求一篇關於 「如何提高英語閱讀」的英語論文

Reading is one of the four basic skills which learners are required to master if they want to learn a foreign language. English reading can improve reader』s perception so as to give a lot of help to improve listening, speaking and writing. It can increase knowledge, widen their visions, and enhance their interest in English. However, in China, in foreign language learning, many learners seem to have difficulty in reading accurately and efficiently. To help the learner become a more efficient reader, it is crucial to improve their reading ability. This paper clearly states how we should improve reading ability by adopting the following methods: improving language knowledge, enlarging the reader』s schema, forming a good habit of reading, applying reading skills, be confident and active in reading. [Key words] reading ability; language knowledge; reading schema knowledge; reading skills 1. Introction These days the influence of the English language is increasing. Today no matter you like it or not, English is the closet thing to a lingua franca around the globe; English is very widely used for business. Between different countries, most business letters around the world are written in English, and three quarters of the world』s books and newspapers are made in English. Reading is one of the four basic skills which learners are required to master if they want to learn a foreign language. English reading can improve reader』s perception so as to give a lot of help to improve listening, speaking and writing. It can increase knowledge, widen their visions, and enhance their interest in English. So it is clear that it』s very important to do a lot of English reading. But the problem is that many English learners seem to have difficulty in reading accurately and efficiently. Moreover, in various international and domestic examinations, English reading has taken larger and larger part. In this situation, how to improve English reading draws more and more attention. This paper tries to state some points as how to help English reader improve their reading ability. 2. Improve your language knowledge The language knowledge here mainly refers to vocabulary and grammar. Your language knowledge can help you read both fast and with high comprehension. 2.1 Vocabulary The English language has about 750, 000 words, and more new words are coming into use daily. Also, words are constantly being redefined. Each word takes additional meanings as time passes until it has many meanings. It has been proved that the readers with small store of vocabulary will find it very difficult in reading comprehension. How to solve this problem? According to the study of Hatch and Brown,learners' strategies for 1earning vocabulary fall into five essential steps: 1) having sources for encountering new words; 2) getting the forms of the new words; 3) learning the meanings of the words; 4)making a strong memory of the words; and 5) using the words. This word acquisition theory not only manifests the inner rule or vocabulary learning but also reveals the three important aspects of vocabulary learning: word form, word meaning and word use.[1] Therefore, we can build up our vocabulary from the following aspects: Firstly, learn about word formation. You can enlarge your vocabulary by using the rules of word formation, Many words in the English language are made up of word parts called roots, prefixes, and suffixes, like「 sad 」, 「sadly」, 「sadness」, and so on. Therefore, this method is used to help readers get the meaning of an unknown word by analyzing the word structure, which is by dividing words into usable parts such as roots, prefixes and suffixes. If you know a number of commonly used prefixes, roots and suffixes, they will be of use in unlocking the meanings of unknown words that you find in your reading. For example, when you know the word 「courage」, 「 encourage,discourage,courageous」 will not be new to you.[2] Secondly, collect the new words you often meet in reading. That doesn』t mean encouraging you to consult the dictionary whenever you meet a new word in reading. The appropriate way is to try to guess the word meanings from context clues, from the words around it, and then you will graally know the clear meaning of the word after meeting it often. And now, if you look it up in the dictionary, you will have a good memory of it. Thirdly, learn a certain number of new words by heart every day. Young students have good memories. It is possible for you to memorize some words every day without much difficulty. You can choose some words for yourself, which is very helpfu1. When you meet these words in your reading,you will feel easy, 「Aha, I』ve known their meanings. 」 You will feel confident and more interested in reading. 2.2 Grammar Language is composed of words and grammatical structures. The accurate rate of comprehension is based on the mastering degree of the words and grammar. In case of learning a language, for instance, a child or a beginner who learns a foreign language, learns some words first, then begins to get in touch with the regulation of sentence --grammar, then he can use words to make sentences himself. Only by understanding the rules of the game, you can win the game. Sometimes, we find some learners recite a large number of words and they can say the meaning of them as they see them, but when these words are arranged into a sentence, these learners cannot make sense of them. Why? That is because they are not familiar with grammar. Grammar is the skeleton, which proces the variety of different words combinations. We know that if you thread coins with a cord, you can carry away many coins at a time easily; if the coins scatter on the floor, it is hard to pick up every one. Grammar is like the cord to give life to the combination of words and make the expression diversified. It makes us know the approval, interrogatory or surprising tone and the like. Mastering grammar is the basic step to make progress on English reading. More exercises on grammar are all too good and no harm can come of it. Sometimes, in the reading, you will find that comprehension of an entire passage depends on your ability to understand a single sentence. Sentences, which are very long, sentences, which have more than one meaning, or sentences, which contain difficult grammatical patterns often, cause comprehension problems. In this case, readers should keep the following points in mind. (1) If the sentence is long, try to break it up into small parts: The general then added, 「The only reasonable solution to the sort of problems caused by the current unstable political situation is one of diplomacy and economic measures and not the use of military force.」 You should read the sentence like this:」 The only reasonable solution to the sort of problems/caused by the current unstable political situation/is one of the diplomacy and economic measures/and not the use of military force.」 (2) Look for key words that tell you the relationship within a sentence. 「The West had sent armies to capture and hold Jerusalem; instead they themselves fell victim to new ideas and subtle influences,」 「 Instead 」indicates that something happened contrary to expectations. 3. Enlarge your schema about various topics and things 「The importance of reader』s knowledge of the world has been long emphasized in the reading processes. The role of this previously acquired knowledge in language comprehension has been formalized as schema theory.」[3] According to schema theory, comprehending a text is an interactive process between the reader』s background knowledge and the text. The more you already know, the less you need to find out. A good reader does not read passively only for the prepositional meaning of each sentence, but more importantly, he reads for the meaning at the pragmatic level. He can understand not only its surface meaning decided by vocabulary and grammar, but also the real purpose of the writer in using a particular piece of language. He does this by creating an effective discourse between himself and the writer to negotiate meaning. 4. Form a good habit of reading If you are reading for meaning,try to read fast. Some people read very slowly. They think that reading slowly helps them understand better. That is not right. As a mater of fact, the faster you read, the better you understand. The expression「haste makes waste」 does not apply to reading. Remember, nothing hurts concentration more than reading too slowly. Your mind will keep up with your reading speed if you ask it to. By always reading at your top speed, you challenge your understanding and make it easier for your mind to concentrate on the materia1. To improve your reading speed, you must get rid of the following bad habits: a.Point at words or hold a pen or a pencil or ruler under the line while reading; b.Mumble the words to yourself or say the words in your mind,though other people cannot hear you reading; c.Read back from time to time; d.Stop reading at occurrence of the unknown words to look them up in the dictionary.[4] A good reader should develop a correct method of reading. That is to train himself to read attentively ( not to read back) and silently (not to read aloud), sentence by sentence, not word by word. Whenever meeting a new word, try to guess the meaning from the context. Consulting the dictionary from time to time not only affects one』s reading speed and the comprehension of the reading material, but also gets the reader frustrated. 5. Apply various reading skills 5.1 Prediction

Ⅸ 如何快速提高英語閱讀(追加100分)









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