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發布時間:2020-12-25 14:41:41

『壹』 英語短文閱讀理解

(1) 算出你需要多少錢,並帶上足夠的錢。
(2)important need
I need make a shopping list, take enough money and carry my own shopping bags.
意思相版近的句子: There are many nice things in the shopping mall,but what you really need is only some of them.
主題句:權 Here are some shopping tips for you

『貳』 哪裡可以有英語文章閱讀


『叄』 每天閱讀一篇英語短文真的有用嗎


『肆』 如何讀懂英語文章

英語閱讀需要學生具備兩個條件,第一是能力,第二是思維,那麼在能力不足的情況下(如單詞量不夠、句子讀不太明白),我們只有加大思維比例,就能快速做題。本文教長,分六個小節,因為有許多案例說明,篇幅過長, -所以希望大家耐心看完 一、閱讀能力不足如何克服1、學會讀長難句,不做結構分析 長難句如何讀?一般句子分析主謂賓、定狀補(不可取,因為有可能讀錯,並且沒時間)。應當先拿到意思,不管語法。 語言類學科基礎應當是拿下意思後,積累語言特性,才學語法,因為語法是屬於語言鑒賞范疇,作為高中生所學的初級英語,出於考試角度出發,對英語長難句中的語法認識即可,弄清大意為首要。只有當考察到這句話在表述修辭手法上有什麼特點沒有,我們才做結構分析,大家想想看,高考會出這樣的考題嗎?只有語文才會考。因此,大家在最緊要的時間關頭,少做結構分析。 如大家常做的句子分析,一句話中既有主謂賓,又有定狀補,通常老師會告訴你主謂賓才是重要的,並且謂語動詞是關鍵,這本身就違背語言學科。那麼我們舉個例子:I belive that +某個賓語從句,按照結構分析,I是主語,belive 是謂語,如果說belive最重要,這句子和沒讀一樣。再舉一個例子,有個東西has remain for many years,在結構分析是通常把fot many years省略,當把這部分時間狀語省略後,意思就變成這東西在不在,保存不保存,這句話強調的是保存時間的長短。再舉個例子,Bread are widely consume(麵包廣泛消費),如果大家省略的話,通常都省略副詞widely,省略後就變成了消費不消費麵包,整個意思就變了,過多的做句子的結構分析有時可造成讀錯原文,導致丟分,因此,我們在英語考試時,即得抓住意思,拋掉結構分析,一句話讀下來即可。 2、快速讀懂閱讀文文章方向(篇章性能力main idea),放棄細節 以往大家做題通常都是從頭到尾讀完,能讀懂多少就讀多少,但是做題的時候發現選項都差不多,甚至某些錯誤選項和原文的某處細節一模一樣,所以做這類題時細讀原文毫無意義。大家記住,在做方向題時,細節性問題可以不看。 二、加大思維比例點,用思維方法去做題1、客觀性思維 客觀性思維,與主觀思維相反。通常我們學習語文或者英語時,習慣帶著主觀思維,如一句話是不是給後文做鋪墊,隱含了什麼意思,這就是我們通常做題方式,一般傳統的英語閱讀法通常是將一篇文章讀完後在總結中心,但是這句話是否鋪墊、是否中心思想只有作者才明白,我們憑什麼對別人的文章做判斷、總結?因此允許自己總結,但絕不要把自己總結的扣作者腦袋上,從而這項工作也不必要浪費時間去做。很多人做英語閱讀的時候經常遇到what can you infer from……(從某段得出什麼)很多人將infer等詞讀成推論、暗示,那麼就被完全誤導了,因為答案只有一個,推論、暗示什麼,是根據不同的人的主觀思想三去揣測,理解得角度不同就能得出不同的答案。比如說有個人花500塊錢買了件衣服,設置答案:A、這衣服很便宜,B、很貴。有錢人認為便宜,窮人認為很貴,這就是主觀意識不同,所形成不同的答案,因此雖然這道題大家都讀懂了,但是完全沒有意義,所以英語閱讀沒必要完全讀懂。 英語一定要對應字面意思,客觀指的是在接受原文所給信息時,只能是接受字面意思和字面意思存在的前提。如一道高考題:政府的某個政策,使GDP增長了0.5%,這是原文里的一句話,這句話後邊對應的一個選項為「政府這個政策用處好像效果不明顯」。主觀的人可能認為0.5%代表不明顯, 或者也有人認為0.5%比較高的,但是原文並沒有說明這個政策的效果好不好,明顯不明顯我們不能做主觀判斷。英語的特性是你所獲得的信息必須是原文告訴你的,如果不是原文告訴你的,用自己的主觀意識加上去的,是非常不可取得,標准化考試(選擇題)不允許發揮主觀思想,才能保證「標准答案」的唯一性和普及性,因為只要一發揮主觀思想,就不能確保答案的唯一性和普及性。再舉個簡單的例子,如題目說外面氣溫40多度,待選答案說外頭很熱,這是不能選的,因為原文並沒有說到40多度表示很熱,這就是英語所說的字面意思。 所謂字面意思存在的前提,是表達字面意思的必要條件,通常在考試中會容易形成誤導性。比如說高考真題中有這么道題:[原文]有AB兩組人,A這組人抽煙,B不抽,經過10年的跟蹤調查,A這組人都得了各種各樣的癌症,B組人卻很健康,由此我們知道抽煙和得癌症有必然聯系的。待選項:由於抽煙導致癌症發病率高。這屬於主觀選項,是不可取的,因為原文沒有說明抽煙和癌症發病率高低之間的關系,原文只說明抽煙和得癌症有必然聯系的,沒有說明抽煙和癌症之間的因果關系,並不能一定說明得癌症的原因是抽煙。 再說個例子:管衛東老師在喝水,三選項,A、管衛東口渴了 B、有水可以喝 C、管衛東能喝水 只有B和C才能表達出字面存在的前提,A是非常主觀的答案B和C是描述「喝水」這一客觀的事實。 2、不充分思維 在平時的時候,大家都准備的十分充分,即把什麼問題的原理和步驟都弄的非常清楚。但在英語學科上,必須拋棄充分性思想。平時做題時老師可以做理性分析,將題目說的明明白白,但是在考試時,大家通常面臨時間壓力,是沒有辦法考慮全面的,做題變成是一種感覺,造成很多同學平時會,考試不會,並認為這不是一種能力問題,而是緊張、馬虎問題。所謂的馬虎、緊張的難點是在考場上當時想不到解決問題的方法。 什麼叫不充分?在做任何一件事情的時候都要有主次之分,先去滿足較重要的條件(這件事情要想成功的必要性前提是什麼),當重要的條件得以滿足是這件事情不一定能成功,但這些條件都滿足不了這件事情肯定不能成功。舉個例子,管衛東喝水的前提是要有水喝。根據充分性思維,即便是有水了,管衛東也不一定喝,只滿足和喝水的全部條件,管衛東喝了水後,才算完。但是根據不充分思維去理解,則是沒有水就喝不了,反正前提必須要有水,有了水至少喝水的概率會提升,至於最終喝不喝水,不管他。 在考場上找出100%滿足條件是不現實的,找出必要條件就可,就可節約大量時間,並確保准確率,這就是不充分方式做題。 三、做題時實際應用首先大家注意:英語閱讀題目的direction上表示,選的答案是the best,然後就給我們指明了做題思路。 1、關注問題所問 題問什麼才找什麼,而不是題目中有什麼找什麼。很多題存在誤導,如題目說原文第幾段第幾行說道了什麼什麼,問你表達了什麼(或其他問題)。很多學生就在原文那段那行去找,而實際上題目問的是「表達的是什麼」,那麼我們就該找這段的前後部分,而不是這段這行說的話。這類題通常是誤導學生為主,通常有明顯的時間、地點、人物、事件或原文位置等,將學生的視線吸引到那方面去,引導考生主觀猜測,然後問一個和這方面關系不是很大的問題,以達到干擾作用。 可能很多學生不是很明白,再舉個例子說明,有一位心算學家在接受考驗,一個人問他一道數學題,說一輛火車到了一個站上了多少人,下了多少人,再下個站後又上了多少,下了多少,……再下個站又上了多少,又下了多少,心算學家胸有成竹的計算著,結果問題是:火車經過了多少個站?這個專家就立即傻眼了。因此我們必須先弄清問題問的是什麼,而不是上面有什麼內容,才是做題的關鍵之一。 2、原文的作用 接受原文時,只接受字面意思,文章的原文不能告訴我們哪個答案是對的,但是能告訴我們那些答案肯定是不對的。若直接從原文得答案,必須走充分這條路,即要符合原文,又要符合題意。用不充分性思維做題,大家都明白,凡是正確答案,必定和原文有所關聯,當題目看不懂、文章看不太懂時,選出有可能和原文沾邊的選項,排除不沾邊的選項。 3、答案是比出來的,不是選出來的 我們數學學過如果A能證明B對,B不能說明A,那麼A是B的必要條件不充分條件,英語閱讀同樣適用,當英語閱讀選項滿足這個過程時,就證明B比A好些,這是英語選擇題的一個原則。 四、能力相對較低時英語閱讀做題原則高考英語閱讀題型特徵 1、A選項與原文一致,其他三個選項都有與原文不一致的地方 2、四個選項都沒有錯誤,但是A選項比其他選項更好些 3、四個選項都與原文不完全一致,但是A選項相對好 高考的簡單題中,情況1不少;但高考難題中,情況2和3比較多。 解題思路 (1) 不要試圖從原文去「得到」答案,而是按照標准化試題的固有規律,採用選項比較、找相對最好的答案。 (2) 原文的作用:能很容易地告訴你哪個選項是肯定不對的——與原文一點關系都沒有的選項肯定不對,要排除掉;能告訴你哪些選項可能正確——部分意思與原文沾邊的選項,留下來比較;原文很難告訴你哪一個選項就肯定是正確答案,除非是極簡單的個別題目或者你的英語能力超極高。 (3)答案是比出來的,不是從原文中去得出來的:對比留下的選項中哪個相對最好,而不是對比每個選項與原文是否完全一致。 解題技巧 考場上快速選出答案是最重要的,這里說一下考試中較多出現的,就是所有選項與原文都沾邊的情況。 英語閱讀選項比較原則掌握這3個原則,基本可以將英語閱讀拿下! (1)英語main idea(文章觀點)題型選項原則大多可用下面兩個原則 (2)比較原則(A推B原則):如果A選項能夠證明B選項成立,那麼證明B比A好,依次類推,直接得出答案。注意:該原則只能用在選項有共同點,且待選選項都與原文沾邊,但是較難排除的情況 (3)虛實原則:答案中描述的范圍越大,表達的越虛幻,則更加正確,所謂選項虛就是它不特定指什麼條件,而是放在哪都說的通,從而無從挑出毛病。因為英語表述中越實在,哪怕和原文語句一致,也只能表示他描述的越片面。[有時A推B原則符合虛實原則] (4)如果幾個選項都對應原文不同內容,不適合以上原則,則看題目問什麼,注意維持客觀性。 (5)若有兩個選項意思相反,必有一個正確(兩個相反選項合起來的內容就是包含全部內容) 下面我們看例題(07年北京卷): 例1:This passage is mainly aboutA.Teacher of the Year 2004 in the United States (描述一個老師) B.Ms Mellor』s English teaching instruction(他是英語老師) C.Ms Mellor』s teaching skills of learning English(教英語技巧的老師) D.praises to Ms Mellor from other teachers(得到表揚的老師) 我們看BCD選項都能證明A對(描述一個老師),那麼就直接選A,我們不要管為什麼,也不必從原文去驗證。從虛實角度上說,A的范圍最大,所以也選A。 用信息為零原則來看,當把共同點去了(老師),A選項信息為零,所以A放在任何文章都能成立。 例2:(題目不用看了) A. 如何使用幽默B. 演講中加入幽默 C. 不同的幽默戰術 ABC三個選項都是與原文沾邊的待選答案,那麼按A推B原則,BC都可說明A「如何使用幽默」,但A並不能證明使用幽默代表著在演講中加入,或者變成戰術,所以直接選A。 例3:人們在做夢時,剛開始都是好夢,隨著時間的推移,這個好夢會變成噩夢 A. 人在做夢時,開始時都是好夢B. 隨著時間的推移,好夢會變成噩夢 答案都與原文一致,那麼大家看由B可證明A成立,A成立則不能說明B成立,那麼直接選A 上面應用的是A推B原則,下面我們來看虛實原則: 例4This text is most probably written by ______. A. a specialist in teenager studiesB. a headmaster of a middle school C. a parent with teenage childrenD. a doctor for mental health problems 如果看原文可知道只有A選項與原文沾邊,但是對原文不理解的話,大家可看出A選項范圍最廣,含義最虛。 英語main idea原則:判斷選項與原文沾邊與否排除後,大多可應用虛實原則及A推B原則,如果有兩個選項互為相反,則答案必為其中之一,其他兩個選項直接排除。 其實語言類學科(語文、英語)在單項選擇這塊還是有一定技巧的,抓住學科特色的本質和考題的出發點,就能夠在少讀原文或者對原文把握度不是很精確的情況下把試題做對。很多高考題都可以用這種方法驗證,從而把一些干擾性極強的難題瞬間做出。如有一高考英語閱讀題:A、根據大陸板塊學說,各大洲是連在一起的 B、如果大陸板塊學說是正確的,板塊邊界指出常常產生火山地震 C、大陸板塊學說的正確性是毋庸置疑的 這道題A、B可以直接從原文中找到,根據充分原則,他們是屬於正確選項,但是英語閱讀要求的是the best,如果A、B成立,本身就說明了C是成立的,雖然C在原文中並沒有直接點明,也應當選C,哪怕讀原文時驗證不出,這就是英語閱讀中的題設陷阱和破解的最有效方法。 這些原則如何使用?何時用? 如果選項內容相同點較多,則用A推B原則的概率比較大,即選項要有可比性。如果選項范圍涵蓋范圍很大,可以適用很多地方,或說的很圓滑,就用虛實原則。如果內容不一致,又沒有虛的,參照問題所問,哪個更適合回答題目問題即選 五、適當訓練閱讀能力讀句子原則: 1、 在讀英文結構復雜句的時候,應當在適當的地方形成斷點 斷點不能根據句子結構去分析分兩種方式去理解:根據句子所表達的意思去斷句,即一層意思說完了,下層意思還沒有開始之前,可以斷。如Mr. Sam bought a car which cost him 10 thousands dollars 我們不以結構分析來斷,Mr. Sam bought a car代表一層意思,a car cost him 10 thousands dollars是另一層意思,就這么斷句。如MR.Sam who cames from USA bought a car which cost him 10 thousands dollars,我們應當按意思讀Mr. Sam bought a car,Mr. Sam comes from USA,a car cost him 10 thousands dollars。 或者遇到名詞和代詞標志著句子的開始和結束可開始斷句(句子過長的情況下) 2、不要對句子做結構分析 為什麼說不要對句子作結構分析呢?大家看英語大部分試題,完全可以不必要做語法分析、結構分析,上篇也提到過,分析句子容易出錯,那麼我們本著少出錯的原則做題,才能做的又快又對,有同學說,但選題考語法怎麼辦?只要我們通讀句子,大概讀懂句子的意思,然後看看句子強調的是對象?是時間?是動作?是狀態?抓住這4個,就能很容易的做題,不必管什麼語法了。單選及完型的做法另外再表。 3、按照英語句子的語序 在讀句子的時候腦中自然會想到中文,通常翻譯的過程中,中文和英文的順序並不一樣,在考試時根本不能翻譯成標準的中文句子,我們根本不是專業翻譯,所以只能根據單詞的意思去理解,因此按照英語句子的語序去翻譯是大多數的的習慣,翻譯成一篇亂七八糟的譯文即可,這樣不僅快的多,而且有助於考試時做題。如can I do my homework tonight?翻譯成「能我做我的作業晚上么?」不必翻譯成「晚上我能做作業么?」雖然別扭,但是意思大家都懂,且省卻了句子的結構分析,對於考試理解來說沒有任何影響,若復雜句做結構分析翻譯時,大家反而手忙腳亂,花費大量時間。在翻譯過程中把認識的英文單詞按照語序報一遍,就能快速理解了。 4 、一句話必須讀出明確性 通常大家認為結構復雜句子主要的是主謂賓,尤其是謂語動詞,這樣是不可取得,我們要看意思的明確性在哪,就是強調點在哪。這樣對於題目的理解和快速查看原文,利於快速得出正確答案。 六、英語閱讀做題技巧總結及大部分閱讀文訓練 一定要用客觀的思想做題,以原文及題目的字面意思或形成字面意思得必要前提去找答案,千萬不要帶有主觀的聯想。用不充分性思維去思考,可以不讀原文,先從答案入手。 1、一定要看清問題設問問的是什麼,始終認為,我不知道作者怎麼想,我只知道他怎麼問,問什麼,然後回原文查找與問題相關的字句,查找能夠解答的文字信息,不要被問題其他文字所干擾,最後比較選項。 1)只有一個選項沾邊,直接選 2)多個選項沾邊並有相同點,應用A推B原則、虛實原則 3)多個選項沾邊但沒有相同點,看哪個最適合回答原文,那些文字對照的較為客觀即是待選答案。 做的熟練得同學可以根據選項的特性,如符合A推B原則、虛實原則的,可以不看原文做答案。 2、閱讀過程不要分析句子結構,照著認識的單詞逐個翻譯,弄清大概說的是什麼即可,這樣才能加快閱讀速度和減少出錯概率(翻譯組合後容易帶有主觀意識) 3、學會簡單的斷句,以意思層為主,而不是根據語言結構。 篇章能力訓練:如何快速讀懂文章方向 1、段首句:注重關系詞,如(this、it、such、as a result等明顯和上文有關聯的) 2、轉折:如果原文第一句話描述一個觀點,第二句話開始做論據,接著來個轉折詞,如however等描述第三句話也是表達一個觀點,必然會推翻第一句話的觀點,因此轉折後的句子是我們所要的內容。如果轉折詞後的句子也是一個論據,那麼代表它是由反面意思來證明第一句的觀點是正確的,大家要注意有所區分。 3、帶因果詞的句子:帶有這些詞的句子多包含觀點。

『伍』 英語閱讀文章


My name is Wang Ling. I『m a girl. I』m twelve. I』m in Class Three. Grade One, My nother and my father are teachers. Miss Gao is my English teacher. I think she is twenty – five. She is a good teacher. I like her.
( )1.Wang Ling is in Class Two, Grade One.
( )2.Her mother is a teacher.
( )3.Miss Gao is her Chinese teacher.
( )4.Miss Gao is twenty – five.
( )5.Wang Ling isn』t a boy.
Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the U.S.A Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis (乒乓球)after class.
Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other. (互相)
( )、Wu Dong has an American friend.
( )2、They go to school from Monday to Friday.
( )3、They often fly planes after class.
( )4、Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.
( )5、Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them.

閱讀短文,判斷正誤(對的寫T, 錯的寫F)
This is Billy and his brother』s bedroom. It』s not very big, but it is tidy(整潔).There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between(在……中間)the beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.
True or False:
( ) 1. The bedroom is small, and it』s clean.
( ) 2. There are two desks in the bedroom.
( ) 3. There are some Chinese books on the desk.
( ) 4. There are two maps on the wall.
( ) 5. There isn』t a phone in the bedroom.
( ) 6. The chairs are for Billy and his brother.

閱讀短文,判斷正誤。(對的寫T, 錯的寫F)
We have a two-month holiday every summer. It starts in July and ends in August. During(在…期間) this summer holiday. I went traveling out of Nanjing with Sue. She is my good friend. We went to Shanghai by boat. We had a good time there. My classmates were all at home. They did their homework and watched a lot of TV. They told me they didn』t like traveling.
( )1、The summer holiday starts in June and ends in August.
( )2、We took a boat to Shanghai.
( )3、We had a lot of fun in Shanghai.
( )4、My classmates stayed at home.
( )5、My classmates like traveling.
Hi, everyone. Here is the weather report. It』s an interesting day today for weather around the country.
Look! It』s sunny in Beijing, but rainy in Jinan. It』s fine and cloudy in Qing. It』s raining in Shanghai. It』s warm in Guangzhou and Fuzhou. It』s cool in Xi』an and Shenyang .It』s cold in Harbin. It』s hot in Shenzhen and Hongkong.
That』s the weather report for today. Thank you for watching.
( )1、The radio is giving the weather report .
( )2、It』s fine in Beijing today.
( )3、You may play volleyball outside in Xi』an.
( )4、You can go to Shanghai today.
( )5、You can go to the park in Fuzhou.

Mary is an American school girl. She is ten years old. Now she and her parents(父母) are in Shanghai. Her parents teach English in our school. They are very kind. Mary is a good pupil. She is good at math. She is clever. Now she can speak a little Chinese.
( ) 1 Mary is from America.
( ) Her father is a Chinese teacher.
( ) 3 Mary is in Shanghai now.
( ) 4 She isn』t good at math.
( ) 5 Mary can speak a lot of Chinese
Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the U.S.A Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis (乒乓球)after class.

Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other. (互相)
( )1、Wu Dong has an American friend.
( )2、They go to school from Monday to Friday.
( )3、They often fly planes after class.
( )4、Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.
( )5、Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them.

I'm Fangfang.I live in a village. It's small but beautiful..
Look! That is my house. There are some trees near it. Behind the house
there's a big river. You can see some boats on the river. Many cks are
beside the boats. How lovely! Oh, many flowers are between the trees.
Let's get some to our teachers.
( )1.Fangfang's house is small.
( )2.There's a small river behind the house.
( )3.There are some boats on the river.
( )4.What lovely cks they are!
( )5.Some flowers between the trees are for our English teachers。

Mrs. White__1__in a school. It is Sunday. She has__2__classes. At eight in the morning, she
__3__to a shop and buys a nice dress. She puts it in her bag and then buys__4__cakes for her children. At eleven she__5__home. She wants to put on her new dress, but she__6__find her bag. She calls the shop assistant (售貨員), 「Hello, Mrs. Black. This is Mrs. White. Can you help__7__ find my bag?__8__in your shop.」
「Of course, Mrs. White,」 says the assistant. 「We found three bags here. But which one is__9__?」
「I』m__10__,」 says Mrs. White, 」 I can tell you which one is mine.」
1. A. work B. works C. working D. study
2. A. not B. any C. some D. no
3. A. walks B. go C. walking D. walk
4. A. a piece B. a little C. some D. much
5. A. gets to B. gets C. get D. get to
6. A. can B. don』t C. can』t D. isn』t
7. A. I B. my C. mine D. me
8. A. It』s B. Its C. They』re D. He』s
9. A. you B. your C. mine D. yours
10. A. go B. come C. coming D. coming

younger older of gray glasses
This is a picture ____ my grandmother. She is eighty years old.She has _____ hair and she wears ________ . She loves me very much and I love her very much,too.
WangLin is twelve years old,Jenny is twenty years old and Li Ming is fourteen years old. Wang Lin is ____ than Jenny. Jenny is ____ than Li Ming,but ____ than WangLin.

ZhangLin is a boy. He』s twelve years old. His English is very good.Because his mother is an English teacher. His favouriter clothes is a yellow shirt. It』s very nice. He likes to play foot ball with his friends. He always go to school by bus.On Sundays we offten play and study together. We are good friends.
1. Zhang Lin』s mother is a Chinese teacher. ( )
2. He likes a yellow shirt. ( )
3. He always goes to school by bike. ( )
4. Zhang Lin is twelve years old. ( )
5. He is my good friend. ( )

to in of with at on far
1. Look ____ her hair.It』s red.
2. I live _____ China.
3. She goes to work_______ her bicycle.
4. They go _____ a walk after supper.
5. This is a picture _____ my family.
6. I like to play checkers______ my uncle.
7. Do you go to the gym ____ play badminton?

Li Ming has two good friends from Canada. They are rose and Mike. Their country is very far from China.
They are in the same school,but they are not in the same class(班) .Li Ming and Rose are in Class One. They live in the same building. It is a little far from their school. They ride their bicycles to school and ride home together every day.
( )1.Where are Rose and Mike from?
A. The U.K. B.Canada C.Australia
( )2.Li Ming and Mike are _____.
A.in the same class B.not in the same school
C. not in the same class.
( )3.They live ______.
A. very far from their school B.near their school
C.in one building
4.They go to school and come home ____ every day.
A. by bicycle B.by bus C. by car

Hello,my name is Jimmy. I』m eleven . I am in Class Five,Grad (年級)Six.Now let me tell you some thing about my family. There are three people in my family. My father my mother and I .My father is a worker and my mother is a worker ,too.And they are both good workers, I am a good student. My father and mother love me very much. I love them very much,too. We have a new car. It』s green. I like it very much.
1.We have an old car. ( )
2.I』m in class six, Grand Five ( )
3.There are three people in my family. ( )
4.My father and mother are both worker. ( )
5.I don』t like our car. ( )

『陸』 有哪些閱讀英文文章,短文的app



4,Last but not least,所有素材資源都是免費提供給愛學習的小夥伴們!


『柒』 英語文章文體有哪些












人物、情節、環境是小說的三要素。情節一般包括開端、發展、高潮、結局四部分,有的包括序幕、尾聲。環境包括自然環境和社會環境。 小說按照篇幅及容量可分為長篇、中篇、短篇和微型小說(小小說)。按照表現的內容可分為神話、仙俠、武俠、科幻、懸疑、古傳、當代、浪漫青春、游戲競技等。按照體制可分為章回體小說、日記體小說、書信體小說、自傳體小說。按照語言形式可分為文言小說和白話小說。

『捌』 閱讀英語文章的方法


『玖』 有哪些閱讀英語文章的app







『拾』 英語短文閱讀

At an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The crowd cheered. Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters. A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman.

His blade came down in a mighty arc - but the insect continued on its way! The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.

"Why are you so happy?" someone yelled. "You missed!"

"Ah," replied the swordsman, "you weren't watching very carefully. They fly lives, yes - but he will never be a father."





A Mistake

An American, a Scot and a Canadian were killed in a car accident. They arrived at the gates of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake. "Give me $500 each," he said, "and I'll return you to earth as if the whole thing never happened."

"Done!" said the American. Instantly, he found himself standing unhurt near the scene.

"Where are the others?" asked a medic.

"Last I knew," said the American, "the Scot was haggling price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay."





Pig or Witch

A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells "PIG!!" The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, "WITCH(女巫)!!" They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road. If only men would listen.


Response Ability

An Ogden, Iowa, minister was matching coins with a member of his congregation for a cup of coffee. When asked if that didn't constitute gambling, the minister replied, "It's merely a scientific method of determining just who is going to commit an act of charity."

Philosopher Bertrand Russell, asked if he was willing to die for his beliers, replied: "Of course not. After all, I may be wrong."

A newspaper organized a contest for the best answer to the question: "If a fire broke out in the Louvre, and if you could only save one painting, which one would you carry out?"
The winning reply was: "The one nearest the exit."




Jonesie The Great Lion Hunter

A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion. So its leaders sent a message to the great hunter, Jonesie, to come and kill the beast.

For several nights the hunter lay in wait for the lion, but it never appeared. Finally, he told the village chief to kill a cow and give him its hide. Draping the skin over his shoulders, he went to the pasture to wait for the lion.

In the middle of the night, the villagers woke to the sound of blood-curdling shrieks coming from the pasture. As they carefully approached, they saw the hunter on the ground, groaning in pain. There was no sign of the lion.

"What happened, Jonesie? Where is the lion?" asked the chief.

"Forget the damn lion!" he howled. "Which one of you idiots let the bull loose?"






Weather Predict

A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow rain." The next day it rained.

A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow storm." The next day there was a hailstorm.

"This Indian is incredible," said the director. He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather.

However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didn't show up for two weeks.

Finally the director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the director, "and I'm depending on you. What will the weather be like?"

The Indian shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know," he said. "Radio is broken."







I Am Acting Like a Lady

One day when women's dresses were on sale at the FarEast Department Store, a dignified middle-aged man decided to get his wife a piece. But he soon found himself being battered by frantic women.

He stood it as long as he could; then, with head lowered and arms flailing, he plowed through the crowed.

"You there!" challenged a thrill voice. "Can't you act like a gentleman?"

"Listen," he said, "I have been acting like a gentleman for an hour. From now on, I am acting like a lady."






回答者: 寒蟬鳴泣の時 - 魔法師 四級 2009-5-19 21:06
1。Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day. 今天和朋友一起出外交遊,外面的空氣很好,人感覺很舒服。我們騎著自行車一路欣賞鳥語花香。享受著大自然帶給我們的無限美好。大家開開心心地度過了愉快的一天。

2。Today Mailehaoo clothes, and parents take to the streets is happy, the parents have to pay to buy things. Unlike in their street to buy things they like to take a long time but saw the price, Ha-ha, is really very happy. I love my parents, I too thank them for the care and love. `` 今天買了好多衣服,和父母上街就是愉快,買東西有父母幫付錢。不像平時自己上街買東西碰到喜歡的但看了價錢都要考慮好久,呵呵,真的是很開心。我愛我的父母,太感謝他們對我的關心和愛戴了。
3.Flute " Robinson Crusoe " of good fortune, novelist of British, describe protagonist drift about on the island, overcome the difficulty, the legend story of pioneering an enterprise with painstaking efforts. Novel write true naturally, legendary. The protagonist plants the crops on the detached island, puts up the log cabin, has eaten the innumerable trials and tribulations, survive. Want, go back human world anxious, want to go how about go out of these damnable place only like make him to be fascinated, result fail, get back to, long separated for Britain for 28 year give me enlightenment by " Robinson's records of adventure " on 1868 year finally, tanacity of him let me wait for a chance to cause trouble, want, march toward another goal for life, look like Robinson like that spend one's own strength,reach ideal realm one's own. We need possess Robinson so spirit of struggle diligently.
英國小說家笛福的《魯濱遜漂流記》描述了主人公漂流海島,戰勝困難,艱苦創業的傳奇故事. 小說寫得真實自然,富有傳奇色彩.主人公在孤島上種莊稼,搭木屋,吃了千辛萬苦,生存下來.但想回人間的心切,使他著迷般地只想到如何走出這個鬼地方,結果還是失敗了,最後於1868年回到闊別28年的英國
The World's Greatest Swordsman

At an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The crowd cheered. Then the second-place man sliced a fly into quarters. A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman.

His blade came down in a mighty arc - but the insect continued on its way! The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.

"Why are you so happy?" someone yelled. "You missed!"

"Ah," replied the swordsman, "you weren't watching very carefully. They fly lives, yes - but he will never be a father."





A Mistake

An American, a Scot and a Canadian were killed in a car accident. They arrived at the gates of heaven, where a flustered St. Peter explained that there had been a mistake. "Give me $500 each," he said, "and I'll return you to earth as if the whole thing never happened."

"Done!" said the American. Instantly, he found himself standing unhurt near the scene.

"Where are the others?" asked a medic.

"Last I knew," said the American, "the Scot was haggling price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay."





Pig or Witch

A man is driving up a steep, narrow mountain road. A woman is driving down the same road. As they pass each other, the woman leans out of the window and yells "PIG!!" The man immediately leans out of his window and replies, "WITCH(女巫)!!" They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road. If only men would listen.


Response Ability

An Ogden, Iowa, minister was matching coins with a member of his congregation for a cup of coffee. When asked if that didn't constitute gambling, the minister replied, "It's merely a scientific method of determining just who is going to commit an act of charity."

Philosopher Bertrand Russell, asked if he was willing to die for his beliers, replied: "Of course not. After all, I may be wrong."

A newspaper organized a contest for the best answer to the question: "If a fire broke out in the Louvre, and if you could only save one painting, which one would you carry out?"
The winning reply was: "The one nearest the exit."




Jonesie The Great Lion Hunter

A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion. So its leaders sent a message to the great hunter, Jonesie, to come and kill the beast.

For several nights the hunter lay in wait for the lion, but it never appeared. Finally, he told the village chief to kill a cow and give him its hide. Draping the skin over his shoulders, he went to the pasture to wait for the lion.

In the middle of the night, the villagers woke to the sound of blood-curdling shrieks coming from the pasture. As they carefully approached, they saw the hunter on the ground, groaning in pain. There was no sign of the lion.

"What happened, Jonesie? Where is the lion?" asked the chief.

"Forget the damn lion!" he howled. "Which one of you idiots let the bull loose?"






Weather Predict

A film crew was on location deep in the desert. One day an old Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow rain." The next day it rained.

A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow storm." The next day there was a hailstorm.

"This Indian is incredible," said the director. He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather.

However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didn't show up for two weeks.

Finally the director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the director, "and I'm depending on you. What will the weather be like?"

The Indian shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know," he said. "Radio is broken."







I Am Acting Like a Lady

One day when women's dresses were on sale at the FarEast Department Store, a dignified middle-aged man decided to get his wife a piece. But he soon found himself being battered by frantic women.

He stood it as long as he could; then, with head lowered and arms flailing, he plowed through the crowed.

"You there!" challenged a thrill voice. "Can't you act like a gentleman?"

"Listen," he said, "I have been acting like a gentleman for an hour. From now on, I am acting like a lady."








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