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⑴ 高一英語必修二unit4 reading翻譯 p26頁的


⑵ 人教版高一英語必修二第四單元課後習題答案

human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with

⑶ 高一英語人教版必修二四單元的reading部分翻譯

戴西微笑著說:「那是好消息。它顯示的重要性,野生動物保護,但我想幫你同世界自然基金會建議。「地毯復活了,立刻在濃密雨林。一隻猴子看到他們,因為它擦本身。「你在干什麼? "問黛絲。「我保護自己免受蚊子,「這回答道,「當我找到了一個蜈蚣昆蟲,我碰一下我的身體。它包含了一種影響的葯物的蚊子。你應該多注意雨林在我住的地方和欣賞這些動物是如何生活在一起。沒有雨林、任何動物和任何葯物。」

⑷ 英語必修二第四單元的知識點

【原句回放】but I』d like to help as the WWF suggests. (Page26)
【點撥】suggest vt. 建議,提出,使想起,暗示
1) 接名詞、代詞或動名詞
That girl's sun-tanned face suggests excellent health.
He suggested going out for a walk.
2) 接從句,構成:
It is suggested that... 有人提議……
I suggest that... 我覺得/認為
The doctor suggested that I (should) come again next day.
1) 當suggest表「建議」時,從句中要用虛擬語氣;當suggest表「暗示」,從句中用陳述語氣。
如:He suggested that the meeting(should)be put off. 他建議這個會議應該推遲。
His expression suggests that he didn』t sleep well last night.
2) suggest的名詞為suggestion,其後接表語從句或同位語從句時,從句中也用虛擬語氣。
如:My suggestion is that we(should) add some sand to the soil. (表語從句)
His suggestion that you(should)eat more vegetables to lose weight is reasonable.
He came to my class every week, but his attitude ______ he was not really interested in the subject.
A. expressed B. described C. explained D. suggested

2.die out
【原句回放】 As a result these endangered animals may even die out. (Warming up)
【點撥】die out
Elephants would die out soon if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wish.
Many old customs are dying out. 很多老的習俗將要逐漸消失。
The fire died out in the end. 火最後熄滅了。
【拓展】die away (聲,光,風等)漸弱
die off (家庭成員,種族等)相繼死亡,草木枯死。
die down (火,興奮等)漸弱,漸息
die of 因……而死(死於疾病、情感等)
die from 因……而死
be dying to do 很想做,渴望做
1. Now some creatures are in danger of ______.
A. dying out B. dying off C. dying of D. dying from

2. The practice of children working in factories has nearly ______.
A. died off B. died out C. died D. died down
【答案與解析】1.A 2.B
1. 句意為: 現在一些動物有滅絕的危險。 die off 是指多個主體的相繼死去。C,D兩項後要接賓語。
2. 根據拓展,題意應解釋為「幾乎消失」。die down是聲音等逐漸消失,不合題意。。

【原句回放】It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. (P26)
【點撥】 vt. 影響, 感動, 侵襲
如:Smoking affects health. 吸煙影響健康。
We were deeply affected by the news. 我們深深被這消息所感動。
1)effect是名詞,意為「結果」、「效力」、「影響」,常用在 have effect on等片語中。如:
The medicine has little effect on the old man. 這葯對那老人幾乎沒有效果。
Punishment almost had no effect on the naughty boy. 懲罰對這個頑皮的孩子幾乎沒有用。
come into effect 開始生效,開始實施
have an effect on 對……有影響; 對……起作用,產生效果
in effect 正在實行
2)affect 指「產生的影響之大足以引起反應」,著重「影響」的動作, 有時含有「對......產生不利
如:The rise in prices will affect all classes. 價格的漲幅將會影響到各階層的人。
The climate affected his health. 氣候影響了他的健康。
The incident ______ the relations between the two countries.
A. affected B. effect C. effort D. had an effect

【原句回放】There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad.(P26)
【點撥】原句可換為There Daisy saw an antelope with a sad face looking at her.
1) with +賓語 +形容詞
You mustn』t sleep with the door open.
2)with +賓語+ 副詞
He has a bad habit of sleeping with the light on.
3)with +賓語+ 介詞短語
A woman came in with a baby in her arms.
4)with +賓語+不定式
With so much work to do, he could not go home.
5)with +賓語+現在分詞
Coming into the school, we may find rows of classroom with trees standing in front of
6)with +賓語+ 過去分詞
With the task completed, we may have a good rest now.
如:With the old man leading, the soldiers started toward the mountains.
Two soldiers stand at the gate with a gun in their hands.
2)「with+復合賓語」結構可在句中作定語。如 :
The room with the window half open is my bedroom. 那個半開窗戶的屋子是我的卧室。
There were rows of white houses with trees in front of them.
______ proction up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.
A. As B. For C. With D. Through

【原句回放】About 30—40 remain after being left in peace with no hunting.(Warming up)
Don』t disturb her. Just leave her in peace for a while.
There was a short peace, but then another war broke out.
The UN troops were busy keeping the peace in that area.
We tried to make peace with them.
【拓展】in peace 和平地,安心地
at peace 平靜地
at peace with 與……處於和平狀態(反義詞at war with)
peaceful adj. 安靜的
It is our hope that the two countries will live ____ forever.
A. in a peace B. in peace C. peaceful D. in peacefully
【答案與解析】B。從句的意思是「兩個國家永遠和平相處」。A項的結構是不正確的;因為空白處要填狀語,故C項不正確;D項,把in 去掉就可以了。

【原句回放】It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.(P26)
This book contains all the information you need. 這本書包含所有你需要的信息。
The hall can contain 500 people. 大廳能容納500人。
She couldn』t contain herself for the joy. 她高興得難以自製。
contain 和 include
contain 指作為組成部分而被「包含」或「容納」。
include 指作為整體中的一部分而被包括進去,使用「句子,including +被包括部分」。
1. In the accident, five passengers were killed, ______ a foreigner.
A. including B. included
C. include D. which were included

2. The bag ________ a lot of books ___________ some English books and history books.
【答案與解析】1. A 2. contains;including
1. 本題考察的是include的一種特殊用法。從句子結構來說,已經有了主語和謂語,空格中就不應是謂
語,而是非謂語動詞。此處including 可以看作介詞用法。

【原句回放】I』m protecting myself from mosquitoes. (Page 26)
【點撥】protect...from 保護……免受……危害
protect sb./ sth. from + n
protect sb./ oneself from +doing
protect A against B 保護A免遭B的危害
如:He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.
I』ll protect you /myself from being insulted. 我將保護你(我自己)免受侮辱。
【拓展】 keep sb. from doing sth.
stop sb. (from) doing sth. 均為阻止某人干某事
prevent sb. (from) doing sth.
如:The school stopped the students from playing computer games. 學校阻止學生玩電腦游戲。
常用的片語:under the protection 在……的保護之下
a protection against/ from 防……的保護物
give /provide protection 提供保護
Flowers in our garden are well protected ______ the weather.
A. on B. to C. against D. with
【答案與解析】C。本題考查的是protect 與介詞from 或against 連用的用法。表示「免遭」。

【原句回放】Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province (Warming up)
【點撥】 reserve
1) 保護區 n.
nature reserve自然保護區
We have large reserve of oil. 我們有很大的油區。
2) 儲藏,貯備 n.
I must keep a good reserve of energy for tomorrow』s match.
3) 預約,預定 v.
I』d like to reserve a table for two. 我要預定一個兩人桌。
4) 保留 v.
如:You』d better reserve some money for future need. 你最好為了將來貯備一些錢。
【拓展】reserved adj. 預定的
reservation n. 保留條件,預約,預定
in reserve 預備的,儲備的
unreserved adj. 未預定的
1. We 』d like to _______a table for five for dinner this evening.
A. preserve  B. reserve  C. retain D. sustain

2. These rooms are _______for special guests.
A. occupied  B. reserved C. reversed D. restored
【答案與解析】1.B 2.B
1. 本題意為:我們今天晚上5人用餐,想預訂一個桌位。 reserve預定,預約;preserve 保護,維
修;retain保持,保留; sustain 支撐,供養。

【原句回放】as a result these endangered animals may even die out. (Warming up)
【點撥】endanger 使……遭受危害
如:Smoking endangers his health. 吸煙使他的身體遭受危害。
in danger 處於危險之中
如:The patient is in danger. 病人處在危險中。
in danger 是指人或物本身處於危險中,受到外來的威脅。
be in danger of 有……危險
be out of danger 脫離危險
endangered adj. 瀕危的
(1) The tiger is ______danger of dying out.
A. atB. in the  C. in  D. inside

(2) --- I hear Jack once was _______of losing his life.
--- Yes, But now he is _______.
A. in danger; out of danger B. in the danger; out of the danger
C. in the danger; out of danger D. in danger; out of the danger
【答案與解析】1. C 2. A
1. 句意:老虎處於滅絕的危險。danger用於這些含義時,前邊不加冠詞。
2. danger 表達抽象概念的時候,其前不加冠詞。

【原句回放】...animals, insects and birds died out more recently. (Page30)
【點撥】recently adv. 最近,新近,與過去時態和現在完成時態連用。
如:Did she have a party recently? 她最近舉辦過聚會嗎?
They've recently bought a new car. 他們不久前買了一輛新汽車。
1)和一般過去時共同使用的時間狀語:this morning,tonight,this April,once,before,
如:I didn't go to school this morning. 我上午沒有去上學。
2)現在完成時的時間狀語:for,since,so far,ever,never,just,yet,till / until,up to
now,in past years,always, up to/till now 直到現在,ever since(then) 從那時起,in the
past few(three) years 在過去幾年裡
如:He has traveled to nearly twenty European cities so far.
3) 用於現在完成時的句型
(1) It is the first / second time…that…結構中的從句部分,用現在完成時。
It is the first time that I have visited the city.
(2) This is the+形容詞最高級+that…結構,that從句要用現在完成時。
This is the best film that I've (ever) seen.
I wonder why Jenny ____ us recently. We should have heard from her by now.
A. hasn't written toB. doesn't write to
C. won't write to D. hadn't written to


How daisy learned to help wildlife?翻譯為:戴茜是如何學會保護野生動物的






原文:Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.One day she woke up and found a flying carpet by her bed."Where do you want to go?" it asked.Daisy responded immediately."I'd like to see some endangered wildlife," she said." Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal that gave fur to make this sweater." At once the carpet flew away and took her to Tibet.There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad.It said,"We' re being killed for the wool beneath our stomachs.Our fur is being used to make sweaters for people like you.As a result,we are now an endangered species." At that Daisy cried,"I'm sorry I didn' t know that.I wonder what is being done to help you.Flying carpet,please show me a place where there' s some wildlife protection."

The flying carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe.Daisy turned around and found that she was being watched by an elephant."Have you come to take my photo?"it asked.In relief Daisy burst into laughter." Don' t laugh," said the elephant," We used to be an endangered species.Farmers hunted us without mercy.They said we destroyed their farms,and money from tourists only went to the large tour companies." So the government decided to help.They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers.Now the farmers are happy and our numbers are increasing.So good things are being done here to save local wildlife".

Daisy smiled." That' s good news.It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but I' d like to help as the WWF suggests." The carpet rose again and almost at once they were in a thick rainforest.A monkey watched them as it rubbed it self." What are you doing?" asked Daisy."I'm protecting myself from mosquitoes," it replied."When I find a millipede insect,I rub it over my body.It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.No rainforest,no animals,no drugs."

Daisy was amazed."Flying carpet,please take me home so I can tell WWF and we can begin procing this new drug.Monkey,please come and help." The monkey agreed.The carpet flew home.As they landed,things began to disappear.Two minutes later everything had gone - the monkey,too.So Daisy was not able to make her new drug.But what an experience!She had learned so much!And there was always WWF...

⑹ 高一英語必修二第四單元 詞語

Ⅱ1.decrease by
2.in peace
3.hunt for
4.in danger of
5.as a result
6.be concerned about
Ⅲ.1.pay attention to
2.According to
3.have effect on
5.protect from
6.be used for





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