導航:首頁 > 英語閱讀 > 在線閱讀英語對學生的影響


發布時間:2021-03-02 12:46:54

1. 閱讀對英語的學習有什麼重要性


2. 寫一個五千字的論文,題目是 淺談英文原著閱讀對大學生擴充詞彙量的影響 ,論文寫些什麼,總覺得大綱沒


3. 在線學習英語課有哪些對孩子的應試教育影響較大的


4. 翻譯成英語:閱讀好書對我們青少年會產生重大影響

Reading good books is a strong factor of the life of teenagers.

5. 閱讀對孩子英語學習有多大的作用

日常的閱讀使語言更流暢,閱讀讓人信心更強; 內容准確,易於理解的讀物幫助學生提升整專合閱讀,表達和思考的屬能力; 擴大閱讀范疇以利於學生提升詞彙量和知識水平; 增加閱讀量有利於加深對寫作風格和寫作模式的學習和理解日常。

6. 語文的閱讀能力對英語的閱讀能力有影響嗎


7. 英語閱讀小文章 電腦游戲對孩子的影響

A: What』s your opinion about children ecation?
B: it is very important for them and parents should prepare everything for them.
A: do you think it is necessary for
parents to prepare computer or some device in their bedroom?
B: of course, it is very important.
Computer is a good tool for children to study. It can stimulatechildren』s creativity
and there are a lot of resources for children to learn.
A: maybe you areright, but I have some concerns about it.
B: so what areyour concerns?
A: computer is agood tool for study, on the other hand , it can be harmful for children,especially for their health. If they spend too much time on computer, theireyesight will be affected and if they sit in front of the computer inactive fora long time, their health will be weakened.
B: that sound reasonable,but parents can do something to avoid it. They can accompany with theirchildren when using computer and remind them of the time.
A: it sounds a good idea. But there are a lot of wonderful things in internet,
I still worrythat the children will be addicted in it. In addition, if they get access to computer too early,they will depend on it too much and lost independence of study.
B: you are exaggerating!
It is not as bad as that. Computeris a necessity of our life. Children must learn to use it
properly. Parents just have to be more careful.

8. 英語作文 許多學生在線看書在線看書的好處紙質書會過時嗎




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