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發布時間:2021-03-02 10:55:57

『壹』 八年級下冊英語閱讀


『貳』 人教版初二下學期英語閱讀理解題

  1. because she got a cold。2.because she wanted to get on ahead of the other passengers。3.they told her to wait for her turn later。4.She didn't listen to them.she tried to open the door of the taxi then.5不會。


『叄』 八年級下人教版英語書單詞閱讀

閱讀: (A)
I think that I am very lucky because I have a lot of friends.
My best friend is Mai. She is 16 years old. She is 2 years older than me. We live in the same village. She is my neighbor and we are now classmates, so we have been friends for so long. Mai is tell and thin. With long black hair, she has got an oval(橢圓形的) face with big bright eyes, a high nose and a small mouth. Mai is very beautiful, especially when she smiles. She is always helpful, polite and honest. When her friends have difficulties, she always tries her best to help them. Although we have the same hobbies and interests, we have different personalities(個性).I am sociable and enjoy telling jokes. My classmates think that I』m rather outgoing(外向的). Unlike me, Mai is quite serous and prefer quietness to noise. However, we can keep secrets together, so we are close friends. Mai is one of the best students in my class and she works hard.

『肆』 誰有2018年英語閱讀訓練八年級下冊人教版現代教育出版社的答案

這個來應該源就是你要的那本: https://www.kuaiizuoye.com/codesearch/m/bookview?bookId=

『伍』 八下英語閱讀,

1,make-made;2,her-his ;3,tried- tried to ;4,happening-was happening;5,sleep-asleep;6,at 和around刪除其一;回7,rising-arising;8,an-a;9,neighbor-neghbors;10, but和though 刪除其一
1,I was on the phone.
2,No, I wasn』t.
3,What was jenny(she)doing?
4,So, what did you do next?
5,Thank you.

『陸』 人教版八年級下冊英語閱讀題


『柒』 英語閱讀理解,八下

57. Totally 3 things we can't ask in some western countries: 1) can't ask someone's age; 2) can't ask someone's weight; 3) can't ask someone how much money he gets each month.

58. If we know what we should do in a country, ,t will make us feel more enjoyable and help us not to get into trouble in that country.

59. It is quite important in China for the young to respect the elderly.

60. According to the passage, shaking hands is common.

61. The passage tells us that different countries have different cultures and rules and raises some China cultures as an example to tell us that it is important to get to know what we should do before going a foreign country.

『捌』 八下英語閱讀題

71. decision
72. kindness
73. spirit
74. borrowing
75. trouble
76. My dad fell asleep as soon as he lay on the sofa.
77. May I have a look at your new shirt?
78. In my opinion, he won't change his mind.
79. You can give away some of your old clothes.
80. No matter what happened, we should keep together.
81. D
82. A
83. F
84. B
85. G



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