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發布時間:2021-02-27 09:23:32

A. 高中英語閱讀一篇

It was Saturday night in London. I was waiting to catch the bus home with my friend Laura. I was dressed as the cartoon character the Pink Panther, complete with pink cat ears attached to a hairband, a pink tail made of a long piece of pink cloth, and whiskers drawn on my face. Laura was dressed as a cat. It was, of course , Halloween, and we had been at a Halloween party.

The night of October 31 is a perfect excuse to dress up in silly costumes and have a scary party. Traditionally it was 「 Souls』 Day」, when the ghosts of the dead rose from their graves.

In the UK, however, it also means the end of British Summer Time. All the clocks are put back one hour on the last Saturday of October. You wake up on Sunday morning thinking that it is 8 am, and then remember with relief that you actually have another hour in bed.

The trouble is, the buses had not changed their timetables. The night bus drivers were still operating according to their original hours. However, the day bus drivers had already put their watches back, and were looking forward to that extra hour in bed. So Laura and I waited and waited and waited. People who went past stared, laughed, or made funny comments – 「Someone locks the cat out of the house tonight?」 or 「Who lets the cat out of the bag?」

Finally the bus came – three hours later. By that time we had made friends with local shop owners as they opened for morning business, as well as with a friendly tramp (流浪漢) sitting in the street with his dog.

Halloween may be a party night – just don』t forget the practicalities (實際情況) when you』re in the UK. It could get really scary.

58. What can we learn from the passage?

A.People usually dress themselves up on Halloween.

B.Halloween is on the night of Oct. 30.

C.In the UK, Halloween is celebrated in exactly the same way as other countries.

D.On Halloween, the night bus and the day bus both operated according to the original timetable.

59. Why did the author and her friend have to wait for three hours for the bus that night?

A.Because the bus was delayed.

B.Because it was Halloween that night.

C.Because the clocks were put back.

D.Because they were late for the night bus.

60. How did the passers-by react to the author and Laura』s costumes?

A.They were scared. B.They smiled at them.

C.They were surprised. D.They thought they were funny.

61. What did the author and Laura do while waiting for the bus?

A.They helped the local people.

B.They made friends with local shop owners and a tramp.

C.They helped a tramp.

D.They took care of a homeless dog.

B. 求15篇高中英語閱讀材料及翻譯,100字左右


C. 英語《閱讀一百篇》中文翻譯

水是我們的地球的 " 生活血 " 。它在每個生物中。它在空氣中。它奔跑完成的專山和山谷屬。 它表格湖和海洋。自然有棒的水系。雨水找它到河的路,淡水接合處那鹽海洋的水。

在河的嘴有許多重要的植物和動物生態。 但是污染 destorys 生活。我們有到干凈的我們的河。男人有到工作與自然,不對抗它。

中國的長城是在世界上最長的。它是大約 6000 公里長、 7 公尺高度和 5 公尺寬的。長城有二十世紀多前建造。它是最 difficu 建立沒有任何的現代機器的如此的一座長城。當他們正在建築牆壁的時候,數以千計的男人死了。


它是對給予朋友樂趣某事在他們的生日上。Luis 和鮑伯對給予彼此好笑的事物喜歡。在鮑伯的生日上, Luirs 在他們裡面以花生給予了他鞋子。鮑伯說,"我需要到給予 Luis 好笑的事物,也 ."

當 Luis'birthday 來的時候,鮑伯給予了他一個大的盒子。Luis 打開了它。在那盒子有一樂團看像一鴨子。鴨子有一頂帽子在它的之上頭。Luis 和鮑伯兩者都笑。

D. 翻譯英語閱讀一百篇45.A yo-yo


E. 高中英語閱讀300篇.pdf


F. 高中英語閱讀理解 100篇.txt免費下載


G. 高中英語閱讀理解100篇 one day when i was a boy a party of


H. 高中英語閱讀理解100篇電子書txt全集下載

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