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⑴ 牛津高中英語模塊四reading的翻譯,老師要檢查


⑵ 牛津高中英語模塊7 u4 reading翻譯

reading 名詞 n.
1. 閱讀;朗讀 [U]
I enjoy music and reading.
Reading makes a full man.
閱讀使人充實。 2. 讀物,閱讀材料[C][U]
These books make good reading.
這些書讀起來很有趣。 3. 學識[U]
He is a man of wide reading.
他是個博覽群書的人。 4. 【物】讀數,示數,示度[C] 5. 解釋,看法[C][(+of)]
What is her reading of the facts?
她對這些事實是怎麼看的? 6. (議會的)讀會,(議案的)宣讀;朗讀會,讀書會[C]
形容詞 a.
1. 閱讀的;讀書用的
reading glasses
讀書用的眼鏡 Project project1
及物動詞 vt.
1. 計劃;規劃
The government projected a tax decrease.
政府計劃降低稅收。 2. 投擲,發射,噴射[(+at/into)]
The fountain projects a stream of water.
噴泉噴出一股水。 3. 投射(光線等);映[(+on/onto)]
They were delighted to see their holiday slides projected on a screen.
他們高興地看到他們度假的幻燈片在屏幕上放映出來。 4. 突出;使凸出 5. 闡述;表明...的特性,使呈現特性
He had projected himself as a reformer in the presidential campaign.
他在總統競選中曾以改革者的姿態出現。 6. 預計,推斷
Can you project our sales in the coming year?
你能預測我們來年的銷售情況嗎? 7. 【心】把(自己的感情等)投射給(別人)[(+on/upon/onto)]
不及物動詞 vi.
1. 突出,伸出[(+from/into)]
Nails that project from the wall may tear your clothes.
牆上突出的釘子會撕破你的衣服的。 2. 【心】投射
名詞 n. [C]
1. 方案,計劃,規劃
This project seems to be very attractive.
這一方案看來很有吸引力。 2. 工程
The project was estimated to have cost $900,000.
這一工程估計耗去資金九十萬美元。 3. 科研項目
She's doing a project on alt ecation.
她正在進行一項有關成人教育的研究。 4. 【美】國民住宅
She lives in the same project, one flight up.

⑶ 牛津高中英語模塊四reading翻譯


⑷ 牛津高中英語模塊四 workbook P101答案 急需!!!


⑸ 牛津高中英語模塊4reading翻譯 急急急

/ 5ri:dIN; `ridIN/ n
[U] (a) action of a person who reads 閱讀; 朗讀: be fond of reading 喜歡讀書 * [attrib 作定語] reading matter, ie books, newspapers, etc 閱讀材料(書﹑ 報等) * have a reading knowledge of French, ie understand it when written 有閱讀法語的能力. (b) books, etc intended to be read 讀物; 讀本: heavy/light reading, ie for study/entertainment 學習[消遣]讀物 * Her articles make/are interesting reading for travellers. 她的文章旅行的人很喜歡看. (c) knowledge gained from books 書本知識: a pupil of wide reading 有豐富書本知識的學生.
[C] amount indicated or registered by a measuring instrument (儀器上的)讀數: readings on a thermometer, dial, etc 溫度計﹑ 刻度盤等的讀數 * The readings we took were well above average. 我們記錄的讀數遠遠高於平均數.
[C] way in which sth is interpreted or understood (對某事物的)解釋, 理解: my reading of this clause in the contract, ie what I think it means 我對合同中這一條款的理解 * Give me your reading of the situation. 告訴我你對局勢的看法.
[C] variant wording of a text, esp when more than one version of it exists 異文(尤指不同版本的): different readings (eg by editors) of a speech in Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》劇中一段台詞的異文(如經編者改動過的).
[C] (a) entertainment at which sth is read to an audience; passage read in this way 朗誦會; 朗誦的章節: a poetry-/play-reading 詩歌[劇本]朗誦會 * readings from Dickens 狄更斯作品的朗誦片段. (b) formal announcement of sth to an audience 向公眾正式宣布的事物; 告白: the reading of a will, marriage banns, etc 遺囑﹑ 結婚等的啟事. (c) formal reading aloud of a passage from the Bible (在儀式上朗讀的)《聖經》中的章節: a reading from St John's gospel 選自《約翰福音》的朗讀.
[C] (in the British parliament) one of the three stages of debate through which a Bill must pass before it is ready for royal assent (英國議會中)一法案在提交國王批准以前須通過的三讀之任何一次.
# `reading age one's ability to read, measured by comparing it with the average ability of children of the specified age 閱讀年齡(與某年齡兒童的平均閱讀能力相比較而測定的某人的閱讀能力): alts with a reading age of eight 有相當於八歲兒童閱讀能力的成年人.
`reading-desk n desk for supporting a book that is being read (讀書用的)書桌.
`reading-glasses n [pl] glasses for reading (as contrasted with those for seeing things at a distance) 閱讀眼鏡(與一般視物所用者有別).
`reading-lamp (also `reading-light) n lamp designed or placed to give light so that a person can read 供閱讀使用的燈.
`reading-room n room in a library, club, etc set aside for reading 閱覽室.

⑹ 牛津高中英語模塊4課後答案第90頁

1.personally2.determine 3.target 4.packet 5.shock 6.poster 7.approach 8.poisonous
B21.to 2.about 3.on 4.even though 5.the 6.in 7.across 8.to

⑺ 牛津英語(高中)模塊4 第一單元的Reading 的中文翻譯 急用







謝謝採納我的建議! !

⑻ 牛津高中英語模塊三,四reading翻譯.

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