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發布時間:2021-02-26 14:15:33

Ⅰ 如何提高小學六年級英語閱讀理解


Ⅱ 求小學六年級英語閱讀理解,需40篇。

幾本好的書籍名稱 出版社 作者 推薦原因

小學英語階梯閱讀訓練 南京大學專出版社 梁屬起、劉琴等 此本書籍在閱讀文本選擇的上,對學生的閱讀能力有一定的挑戰。

小學英語閱讀名師伴讀 河北教育音像出版社 趙淑紅 此書是按照話題來把閱讀材料分類的;每個話題從體裁的選擇上都有一定的變化;兼顧了學生的應試和閱讀技巧的培養。

英語閱讀周計劃 北京出版社出版集團 陳業瑩等


小學英語閱讀100篇 上海外語教育出版社 錢麗英等 此書前後體例一致,就連練習的題型,也是高度一致的。文章從易到難,便於不同程度的學生使用。

Ⅲ 孩子馬上六年級,英語閱讀理解比較薄弱,怎麼才能快速提高


Ⅳ 在小學六年級的英語閱讀教學中存在哪些問題

meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that tho

Ⅳ 怎樣提高小學六年級英語水平



Ⅵ 有沒有小學六年級的英語閱讀材料就是一篇篇的閱讀那種不要太簡單也不要太難,就在六年級的水平這種程

1. 閱讀短文,根據短文回答問題。

My name is Liu xiaofen. I am a pupil. Look at this old photo. My grandpa took it fifty years ago. The little baby in the photo is my aunt. She was a baby with big eyes. She was nice to look at. The boy is my father. My father was a lovely boy with very short hair. My aunt』s name is Liu Jianwen. She left Guangzhou for Australia when she was forty. At that time our house was small. Look at the photo. My father and my aunt were in front of our little old house. My father and my grandparents left the house in 1990. now we live in a big apartment in Guangzhou. Yesterday we got a letter from my aunt. She said she would come to Guangzhou to see us. I think she will be happy to see that we live in a comfortable apartment.

1) When did Xiaofen』s grandfather take the photo?

2) What can we see in the photo?

3) Who』s the boy in the photo? What about the baby?

4) Was Liu Xiaofen』s aunt lovely when she was a baby?

5) When did Liu Jianwen leave for Australia?

6) Does Liu Xiaofen』s family still live in the old house?

7) Did Liu Jianwen write a letter to Xiaofen』s family?

8) What is Liu Jiawen going to do?

2. 讀短文,根據短文內容回答問題。

Mr Gore was an American farmer two years ago. He lived on a farm near New York with his three children. Now Mr Gore and his family live in New York. Mr Gore works at a factory. His old house had only one bedroom, one living room, one toilet and one kitchen. There was a garden behind the house. His new house is larger than his former one. It has three bedrooms and two living rooms, two toilets and a big kitchen. The first floor and the second floor are nearly the same. But there wasn』t a garden. The house is near a park. Mr Gore can take a walk after work. And Mr Gore can fish by the lake on Saturday and Sunday.

1) Is Mr Gore American?

2) What was his job two years ago?

3) What did his old house look like?

4) Where does Mr Gore live now?

5) Which is bigger, Mr Gore』s old house or his new one?

6) Which has more rooms, the old house or the new one?

3. 讀短文,根據短文回答問題:

My cousin David was a student at Oxford University(牛津大學) from 1995 to 2000. He studied hard and all the teachers liked him. He became a teacher in Leeds in 2005. David has small blue eyes and a square face. He often wears a pair of glasses. He is tall and thin. He likes wearing black clothes. He is kind, patient and honest. He has a girl friend now. Her name is Susan. Susan works at a bank in London. She』s a bank clerk there.

1. Was David a teacher in 1997?

2. Did David study hard when he was a student?

3. When did he become a teacher?

4. Does David wear glasses?

5. What does Susan do?


Ⅶ 小學六年級英語閱讀理解有什麼技巧(只是選擇題)




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