導航:首頁 > 英語閱讀 > 牆壁上的蝸牛英語閱讀


發布時間:2021-02-26 09:22:44

⑴ 英語短文閱讀

1.A snail sleeps much of the time (D)

2.In the sentence "...,the snail draws its body into its to pull (C)

3.From the story we know a snailcan't see well (B)

4.A snail goes to sleep when it rains heavily (D)

5.Which of the following is NOT true?The snail's teeth will never be worn out (C)

⑵ 英語閱讀周周練七年級答案


⑶ 蝸牛閱讀理解


⑷ 尋找一篇英語閱讀理解。

People have different ways to express love. Once, our teacher asked us to talk about it. There were all kinds of answers. Someone said we could use flowers to express love; someone said we could use languages;(1) someone said we could _____ troubles and happiness _____ each other. A girl told us a true story. A young man and his wife were both biology scientists. They often did some research on wild plants in the forest. They had a clever girl and they loved each other. One day, they went to the forest as usual. But when they climbed up the hill, they were frightened. A lion was watching them. They didn』t bring a gun with them. It was impossible to run away. Their faces got pale and they stood there without moving. The lion stood there, too. (2) After a few minutes it came up to them slowly, and then it ran faster and faster. It came in front of his wife. Just at that time, the man shouted in a loud voice and began to run away. The lion turned around and began to run after the man. Lions prefer to attack the running person. It is the lion』s character. After a while, the man was killed by the lion. The woman came back safely.The girl asked us if we knew what the man had said. All the students gave one of these two answers. One was, 「Honey, sorry.」 And the other was 「Hurry, run」. But the girl said we were all wrong. The man shouted to his wife loudly, 「Take care of Lily. Live happily.」 At last, the girl said, 「At the most dangerous moment, my dad ran away alone. He used the special way to show his love.」1. 在(1)句空白處填上恰當的詞使句意完整、上下文通順:_________________________2. Why was it impossible for them to run away? _______________________________________.3. 將(2)句譯成漢語。_______________________________________________________.4. 在文中找出與下列句子意思相近的句子:____________________________________ 「Do you know what the man said?」 the girl asked us.5. 找出文中或寫出最能表達該短文主題的句子。_______________________________________________________________________

⑸ 新課標小學英語閱讀100篇蝸牛篇【共35篇】所有短文翻譯


⑹ 《蝸牛》的閱讀答案

1 鋒利 靈敏 觸角來
2 因為今天會下雨,所以要源帶雨傘
4們常用蝸牛爬行來形容速度慢。其實,確切地說蝸牛不是爬行,而是滑行。在它通過的地方都有它分泌的一層粘液,這樣,蝸牛即使在鋒利的刀刃上爬,身體也不至被割破。ll 蝸牛害怕陽光,因為陽光會把它的身體烤乾。它大部分時縮在殼里睡覺,殼口還用一層粘液封起來。整個冬季它可以一連睡上幾個月。ll 蝸牛的嘴比竹尖還小,可是長著兩萬五千顆牙齒。當然,這些牙齒,我們的肉眼是看不見的。如果我們把蝸牛放在一個紙盒裡,那它能用牙齒咬個洞逃走呢 ll 它的眼睛長在觸角的頂端,不過視力很弱。好在它的嗅覺異常靈敏,彌補了視力的不足。ll

⑺ 閱讀真題八十篇蝸牛的秘密


⑻ 蝸牛是怎麼死去的為什麼蝸牛死後是黏在牆上!







⑼ 童年與蝸牛閱讀第四小題的答案


⑽ 1道英語閱讀選擇題

snail draws its body into its shell and

動物 怎麼 他的身體 進入殼中。



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