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『壹』 推薦一些簡單的英語英漢對照讀物

「書蟲」是外語教學與研究出版社和牛津大學出版社共同奉獻給廣大英語學習者的一大精品。中英雙語對照閱讀,提高閱讀量,擴增單詞量。建議初學者能熟練的掌握3-5本,通讀100本左右。對英語的提高很有好處。 入門級 入門級:適合小學高年級、初一,共10本 1、《生存游戲》 2、《俠盜羅賓漢》 3、《白色巨石》 4、《紅酋長的贖金》 5、《吸血鬼獵手》 6、《逆戟鯨》 7、《霧都疑案》 8、《亞瑟王傳奇》 9、《亞瑟王朝里的美國人》 10、《把錢拿出來!》 第一級 第一級:300生詞量,適合初一、初二學生,分上、下兩冊,共20本 上冊(共10本) 1、《愛情與金錢》 2、《蘇格蘭瑪麗女王》 3、《在月亮下面》 4、《潘德爾的巫師》 5、《歌劇院的幽靈》 6、《猴爪》 7、《象人》 8、《世界上最冷的地方》 9、《阿拉丁和神燈》 10、《別了,好萊塢先生》 下冊(共10本) 1、《小公主》 2、《邦蒂號暴動》 3、《奧米茄文件》 4、《誰謀殺了總統》 5、《福爾摩斯和公爵的兒子》 6、《白色死亡》 7、《綠野仙蹤》 8、《難忘米蘭達》 9、《福爾摩斯與賽馬》 10、《湯姆·索亞歷險記》 第二級 第二級:600生詞量,適合初二、初三學生,分上、下兩冊,共25本 上冊(共12本) 1、《威廉·莎士比亞》 2、《格雷絲·達林》 3、《鋼琴之戀》 4、《莫爾格街兇殺案》 5、《魯賓孫漂流記》 6、《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》 7、《格林·蓋布爾斯來的安妮》 8、《五個孩子和沙精》 9、《風中奇緣》 10、《長池村的故事》 11、《歐·亨利短篇小說集》 12、《分享年》 下冊(共13本) 1、《神秘女人——阿加莎·克里斯蒂》 2、《德拉庫拉》 3、《喬納森·哈克的日記》 4、《亨利八世和他的六位妻子》 5、《哈克貝利·費恩歷險記》 6、《阿利格拉之謎》 7、《五鎮故事》 8、《法蘭克福的耳環》 9、《新森林的孩子們》 10、《福爾摩斯探案故事》 11、《一個國王的愛情故事》 12、《亡靈島》 13、《坎特維爾幽靈》 第三級 第三級:1000生詞量,適合初三、高一學生,分上、下兩冊,共19本 上冊(共10本) 1、《弗蘭肯斯坦》 2、《野性的呼喚》 3、《秘密花園》 4、《曾達的囚徒》 5、《愛麗絲鏡中世界奇遇記》 6、《風語河岸柳》 7、《神秘幻想故事集》 8、《鐵路少年》 9、《三個陌生人》 10、《伊桑·佛羅姆》 下冊(共9本) 1、《聖誕歡歌》 2、《多里安·格雷的畫像》 3、《勃朗特一家的故事》 4、《牙齒和爪子》 5、《星際動物園》 6、《誘拐》 7、《公正》 8、《化學秘密》 9、《劫機!》 第四級 第四級:1500生詞量,適合高一、高二學生,分上、下兩冊,共17本 上冊(共9本) 1、《巴斯克維爾獵犬》 2、《不平靜的墳墓》 3、《三怪客泛舟記》 4、《三十九級台階》 5、《小婦人》 6、《克蘭福德》 7、《華盛頓廣場》 8、《織工馬南》 9、《化身博士》 下冊(共8本) 1、《雙城記》 2、《格列佛游記》 3、《金銀島》 4、《黑駿馬》 5、《紅字》 6、《極限之旅》 7、《吉姆老爺》 8、《洛娜·杜恩》 第五級 第五級:2000生詞量,適合高二、高三學生,共6本。 1、《大衛·科波菲爾》 2、《遠離塵囂》 3、《遠大前程》 4、《呼嘯山莊》 5、《園會》 6、《理智與情感》 第六級 第六級:2300生詞量,適合高三、大學低年級學生,共5本 1、《簡·愛》 2、《霧都孤兒》 3、《傲慢與偏見》 4、《苔絲》 5、《白衣女人》

『貳』 羅賓漢的英語故事 帶翻譯


『叄』 羅賓漢全文翻譯


『肆』 《羅賓漢》故事英語主要內容

During the famous Crusades in the 12th and 13th centuries, King Richard of England was captured. Prince John, who stayed in England, opportunity to usurp power and refused to redeem him.


The Sheriff of Nottingham, who was in collusion with him, also seized the territory of Robin Hood's family, who was loyal to King Richard, and get in touch with his sweeteart Marianne.


Robin Hood was forced to hide in Sherwood and led a peasant army to rob the rich help the poor . Finally, he successfully King Richard and smashed the conspiracy of Prince John and others.







『伍』 求一篇羅賓漢奇遇記的英文讀後感

  1. .Nicolas Cage stars on another block buster hit movie,Knowing.The movie is about a professor who stumbles upon a set of number codes that predicts all disasters in the world from the past to the future.Now he must find a way to stop or prevent the disasters from happening.If he can.The numbers on the paper was drawn by a mysterious girl 50 years in the past who saved the paper on a time capsule that was their school project
    I was forced to watch this as part of an odd exchange with my roommates girlfriend.The upshot is we got to see "I Love You Man," which was pretty damned funny.
    After "Knowing" finished,just about everyone in the theater had the same WTF look on their face,as the realization of what they just witnessed washed over them.Who read that script and said "oh,in the end glowing,winged beings come to Earth and gather 'chosen ones' to rescue from the fire reining down from the sky?that sounds like a fine idea."

2.Robin Hood was a legendary English outlaw. Some people believe he was a real person but most do not. In the story, Robin Hood lived with his band of merry followers in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire. They wore green suits and pointed caps, and they were gay and bold. Robin Hood and his men had many exciting adventures. The Merry Men robbed the rich and gave money to the poor. Robin Hood fought the sheriff of Nottingham, a corrupt official who treated the poor badly. So he became a hero of the common people. Robin Hood was a great archer. He never missed his target. He travelled around the country in many different disguises so that no one knew who he was. Whenever Robin Hood got into trouble he would blow his horn and his men would come to help him.
Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian were the best-known members of his band. Friar Tuck was a fat, jolly priest. Little John stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow. Maid Marian was Robin Hood』s sweetheart.
Although Robin fought and robbed landowners, church leaders and government officials, he and his band respected the ruling king, RichardⅠ. In many stories, the king disguised himself and joined the Merry Men, in order to capture Robin. But the king then discovered that Robin Hood and his fellows were honourable people and pardoned them.

3.Robinhood: (a) the life of Robinhood in 600 years ago in the uk. He was born of a noble, but he was wanted for the shooting of the king's deer, and he fled to the mountains. There, he made friends with a group of like-minded heroes of the greenwood. Those who dare to fight with the ready to do boldly what is righteous, unfair. Later, Robin Hood for notting Anju archery champions and become outlaw leader, also won the Miss Marianne's heart. Robin Hood and his Greenwood friends robbed the rich to help the poor, with the help of bell recaptured his wife Helen, and held a grand wedding for him. But the wedding has brought back Robinhood miss Marianne miss. Robin Hood and his Greenwood friend ability outstanding, to win the match and the king bodyguard of archery, and thus received the king's pardon and appreciate, the absolute freedom. In the Queen's sake, Robinhood and miss Marianne finally come together. Robinhood's spirit makes me admire. Now the society, so, do boldly what is righteous to help others too little. For example, on the road to see people grab things, quickly hide far, for fear that even their own damage. See someone for money, think he is not a liar. It may also be because the bad guys use people's compassion to do too many things, so that many people no longer believe that there are real people in the community. But the story of Robinhood, I think society needs the truth, we need to take care of others, not only yourself. For example: when I was a child, I was sitting on a bus, I saw the high grade students to grab a small class of seats, not a man to help, not even look at a glance. Maybe one person stood up, then there will be a lot of people to stand up, just for that little student. If I was the child, I must be very grievance. Slowly, with the social discontent, such a thing is more, there is a desire to get revenge on social psychology. Because people are too cold, too selfish, even the children have learned not to shut their own things no matter how. If there are more people like Robinhood, the society may become more harmonious and more beautiful! I want to be a generous heart, brave, man of indomitable spirit.

4.Robinhood: because of the exam, so I am very relaxed. Today, I went shopping with my mum, neighbor's little brother want to buy an English song tape, my mother let me pick a box of tapes, I will pick the I like "Robin Hood". After I come home, can not wait to playing the tape, after listening to immediately be deeply attracted, by listening to the tape, I know the hero Robin Hood always wears a green uniform, wearing a red hat, holding a bow and arrow, very handsome. Original Robin Hood is a jazz, but because there are many Normans oppression, so fled to Xie Wei was in the forest, to walk through the forest rich charge exorbitant meal fee, inspirational quotes yue.mipang.com) if it is Norman will be asking for more, but if this is poor, Robin Hood not only do not charge a penny, may also give money to the poor! One time, has a royal descent of Sir Richard to Xie Wei was in the forest, Robin Hood had wanted to Sir Richard received some money, but know Sir Richard because son accidentally injure others, in order to save the son, so under the rich man a lot of money, immediately millionaire money period to can not themselves to cobble together the money, is their cornered, came to the Xie Wei forest, Robin Hood after listen to, gave him lots and lots of money, and agreed to a year.

Robin Hood not only sense of obligation, and very witty, brave, not only their partners repeatedly rescued, they would repeatedly be snatched from the jaws of death. Once, he disguised himself as an old woman, from the pursuit of the enemy. Back to the forest, the partners have a joke he said where the old lady, Robinhood told them what the past, we all admire him. After listening to the story, I admire Robinhood for the people, we should also learn his wit and courage and the spirit of justice. I really admire him! Robin Hood Du Hougan (3) Robin Hood this book focuses on the team who robbed the rich to help the poor Robin Hood while the from to disarm bullies in the hands of the property distributed to the civilian population, while with the bullies who fought for rescued many innocent people, so there are a lot of people to join their team, and by the story of everyone's praise. From the book I know Robin Hood's name is Robin. Later because and bullies do struggle, fear of government was behind the murder, so renamed as Robin Hood. I also know that Robinhood in the fight against the enemy: bold and crafty brave stab sword, accurate judgment of the enemy ambush position. In order to save the innocent people to forget about one's own him. Once, he in order to save the imprisoned in the ngeon of innocent Sir Richard, he from the base camp of along the way by the many to many men and bully intercept is bully men fighting Robin lost brother, came to the ngeon Robin Hood hard to find, only to find the Sir Richard, and later as he spent a lot of money output to help him solve the debt, to return to the land. I should learn from Robinhood his good character, and I should try my best to help others in the future.


『陸』 羅賓漢的故事(中英對照)


『柒』 羅賓漢故事的劇本,英文的,有的給英語課上用,賞200分

In the rude days of King Rich-ard and King John there were many great
woods in England. The most famous of these was Sher-wood forest, where
the king often went to hunt deer. In this forest there lived a band of
daring men called out-laws.
They had done something that was against the laws of the land, and had
been forced to hide themselves in the woods to save their lives. There
they spent their time in roaming about among the trees, in hunting the
king's deer, and in robbing rich trav-el-ers that came that way.
There were nearly a hundred of these outlaws, and their leader was a
bold fellow called Robin Hood. They were dressed in suits of green,
and armed with bows and arrows; and sometimes they carried long wooden
lances and broad-swords, which they knew how to handle well.
they had taken anything, it was brought and laid at the feet of Robin
Hood, whom they called their king. He then di-vid-ed it fairly among
them, giving to each man his just share.
Robin never allowed his men to harm any-body but the rich men who
lived in great houses and did no work. He was always kind to the poor,
and he often sent help to them; and for that reason the common people
looked upon him as their friend.
Long after he was dead, men liked to talk about his deeds. Some
praised him, and some blamed him. He was, indeed, a rude, lawless
fellow; but at that time, people did not think of right and wrong as
they do now.
A great many songs were made up about Robin Hood, and these songs were
sung in the cot-ta-ges and huts all over the land for hundreds of
years after-ward.
Here is a little story that is told in one of those songs:--
Robin Hood was standing one day under a green tree by the road-side.
While he was lis-ten-ing to the birds among the leaves, he saw a young
man passing by. This young man was dressed in a fine suit of bright
red cloth; and, as he tripped gayly along the road, he seemed to be as
happy as the day.
"I will not trou-ble him," said Robin Hood, "for I think he is on his
way to his wedding.
The next day Robin stood in the same place. He had not been there long
when he saw the same young man coming down the road. But he did not
seem to be so happy this time. He had left his scarlet coat at home,
and at every step he sighed and groaned.
"Ah the sad day! the sad day!" he kept saying to himself.
Then Robin Hood stepped out from under the tree, and said,--
"I say, young man! Have you any money to spare for my merry men and

『捌』 初一的書蟲英語讀後感要《俠盜羅賓漢》那一篇的!急求。要原創,抄的不要!!

Robin Hood was a legendary English outlaw. Some people believe he was a real person but most do not. In the story, Robin Hood lived with his band of merry followers in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire. They wore green suits and pointed caps, and they were gay and bold. Robin Hood and his men had many exciting adventures. The Merry Men robbed the rich and gave money to the poor. Robin Hood fought the sheriff of Nottingham, a corrupt official who treated the poor badly. So he became a hero of the common people. Robin Hood was a great archer. He never missed his target. He travelled around the country in many different disguises so that no one knew who he was. Whenever Robin Hood got into trouble he would blow his horn and his men would come to help him.
Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian were the best-known members of his band. Friar Tuck was a fat, jolly priest. Little John stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow. Maid Marian was Robin Hood』s sweetheart.
Although Robin fought and robbed landowners, church leaders and government officials, he and his band respected the ruling king, RichardⅠ. In many stories, the king disguised himself and joined the Merry Men, in order to capture Robin. But the king then discovered that Robin Hood and his fellows were honourable people and pardoned them.

『玖』 求企鵝英語初二《羅賓漢》的漢語翻譯




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