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㈠ 美國迪士尼英文介紹(英文介紹要帶中文翻譯)

Disney Co.

U.S. entertainment corporation.

It was founded by Walt Disney and his brother Roy as Walt Disney Proctions in 1929 to incorporate their cartoon animation studio. It proced short and full-length animated cartoons in the 1930s and 1940s, then expanded in the 1950s to make nature documentaries and live-action films as well as television programs. The opening of the amusement parks Disneyland (1955) and Walt Disney World (1971; see Disney World and Disneyland) strengthened the company's dominance of the family entertainment instry in the U.S. The company declined after Disney's death in 1966 but was revitalized under new management in the 1980s. As the Walt Disney Co. it expanded its proction units to include Touchstone Pictures and Miramax, makers of films for more mature audiences, and revitalized its animation division, procing films such as The Little Mermaid (1989) and Toy Story (1995), the first full-length computer-animated film. The company took an active role in reviving and commercializing New York City's Times Square, including the recreation of some of its animated films, such as The Lion King (1994), as Broadway musicals. In 1994 it opened Celebration, a planned community in central Florida. It acquired the ABC television network in 1996 and became the world's largest media and entertainment corporation; it also operates the cable television Disney Channel.

美國娛樂公司。1929年華特‧迪斯尼與其兄羅伊把兩人成立的華特‧迪斯尼製作公司並入他們的卡通動畫工作室。1930年代和1940年代製作出短篇和長篇動畫片,然後在1950年代擴大到製作自然記錄片和真人表演的影片,還有電視節目。娛樂公園迪斯尼樂園(1955)和迪斯尼世界(1971;參閱迪斯尼世界與迪斯尼樂園〔Disney World and Disneyland〕)的開幕加強了該公司在美國家庭娛樂事業中的支配地位。1966年華特‧迪斯尼去世後,公司營業情況也隨之衰落,然而在1980年代,公司在新的經理人領導下又獲得生機。華特‧迪斯尼公司擴大它的生產部門,包括為成年觀眾製作影片的試金石影業公司(Touchstone Pictures)和米拉邁克斯公司(Miramax),恢復其動畫部門的生機,製作出像《小美人魚》(1989)和第一部足本的計算機動畫片《玩具總動員》(1995)等影片。該公司在振興紐約市的時代廣場並使之商業化方面起了積極的作用,包括它的一些動畫片改造,如《獅子王》(1994)就是改編自百老匯的音樂劇。1994年在佛羅里達州的中部開辦了一個規畫好的「慶典」小區。1996年購並美國廣播公司(ABC),成為全世界最大的媒體和娛樂公司;它還經營有線電視迪斯尼頻道。

Disney World and Disneyland

Two theme parks built by the Walt Disney Co. (see Disney Co.), a U.S. corporation that became the best-known 20th-century purveyor of entertainment.

Disneyland, an interactive, family-oriented fantasy environment that opened in Anaheim, Calif., in 1955, was Walt Disney's response to typical amusement parks, which entertained children but not their parents. The park, which has architecture that is a blend of futurism and nostalgic 19th-century reproctions, has different sections devoted to specific themes. Walt Disney World opened near Orlando, Fla., in 1971. Besides containing Epcot Center (an idealized city), Disney-MGM Studios, and the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom theme parks, Disney World was the first amusement park to incorporate hotels (including two designed by Michael Graves) and sports and other recreational facilities into its master plan. In the late 20th century new Disney theme parks also opened in Paris and Tokyo.


美國華特‧迪斯尼公司(參閱迪斯尼公司〔Disney Co.〕)設立的兩個主題樂園,這家公司是20世紀最著名的娛樂承辦商。迪斯尼樂園是互動式、適合全家同游的幻想樂園,1955年在加州安納漢姆開幕,是華特‧迪斯尼對當時典型樂園的一種反彈,這種典型樂園只娛樂兒童而不及雙親。迪斯尼樂園的建築混合了未來主義及懷舊的19世紀再現,以專門的主題畫分區域。1971年迪斯尼世界在佛羅里達州奧蘭多開幕。除了有未來實驗原型小區中心(理想化都市)、迪斯尼-米高梅製片廠、魔幻王國與動物王國等主題樂園外,迪斯尼世界是第一個將旅館(包括由格雷夫斯設計的兩棟)與運動等休閑設施結合到主計劃之中的樂園。20世紀晚期,巴黎和東京也開辦了新的迪斯尼主題樂園。

㈡ 哪位大神幫我寫一篇介紹迪士尼樂園的英語作文,初二的帶翻譯的,急求啊

I went to Hong Kong Disney Land with my mum, my brother and my grandma in July. Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favorite game. We sat in a cup; it is green with a lot of waves pattern on it. The cups have different colors and patterns. When the game started, the cup turned and turned and turned around. It went faster and faster graally. When it's time up it stopped slowly. When I was in the cup I didn't feel dizzy, when I got out of the cup I felt very dizzy. But I wanted to try it again

㈢ 用英語簡短介紹迪斯尼樂園

it is located in america and famous around the world,all the children love it!它坐復落於美製國,並且全世界文明,所有的孩子都愛它!

㈣ 寫一篇英語作文題目以參觀迪士尼樂園為題寫五十字作

I went to Hong Kong Disney Land withmy mum my brother and my grandma in July. Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favoritegame. We sat in a cup it is green with 香港迪尼斯樂園Hong Kong Disney Land I went to Hong Kong Disney Land with my mum my brother and my grandma in July. Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favorite game. We sat in a cup it is green with a lot of waves pattern on it. The cups have different colors and patterns. When the game started the cup turned and turned and turned around. It went faster and faster graally. When it』s time up it stopped slowly. When I was in the cup I didn』t feel dizzy when I got out of the cup I felt very dizzy. But I wanted to try it again July 21st Saturday 自主學習 Study by Ourselves摘要:自主學習To Study by Ourselves Beijing met with SARS this spring.

㈤ 英語作文去迪士尼

I Like Disneyland
I get to know Disneyland a year ago, at the time, my mother took me to Hong Kong, I

was so happy, we went to Disneyland, I saw many lovely cartoon characters. I saw them

when I was watching TV, I felt so happy, I told my mother I wanted to come to here

again soon. I like Disneyland so much, I want to live in theDisneylandworld.

㈥ 求介紹上海迪士尼樂園英語的短文2、3百字

Disney theme park in Shanghai, is a foregone conclusion. As early as ten years ago, the Hong Kong and Shanghai competing Disney, I had big parade, today adhere to this view. reason for this is that Disney's this American culture, has lagged behind, in fifty or sixty years ago was new, strange mice to make money again today by a few meters, perhaps kids got tired of it? France Disneyland had poor, Hong Kong Disneyland has been suffering losses and even Ocean Park climbed to localise. Shanghai authorities are carefully studying the trend of American culture, then go into this murky, indeed a sigh! Disneyland has been aging, and if not, why many tourism countries, Europe, Spain, and Italy, Asia, India, and Thailand not to introce it? China amusement park-style playground was enough, but never heard of a thriving and profitable. Again and again, lack of new ideas, which is the main reason hasn't favored visitors. Said Hong Kong Disneyland is built, tourists from the Mainland increased by 30%. The beginning may have a 3rd "fresh" effect, but for now, I'm afraid not much specifically to visit Disney. Tourists from the Mainland, mainly for the shopping, specifically for the tour of Disney, believe is negligible. Disney and Hong Kong cooperation built Park, in fact, is to sell a "brand". This brand is worth, you have asked of him, asking price is higher, brand prices shall not prevail. In Shanghai, is the current United States economic downturn is a good time to Disney prices, if this is the case depends on Shanghai's "urgent need". When negotiating with Disney in Hong Kong, at a disadvantage. Reason is that Hong Kong is going through a financial crisis that year, hopes to build a Disneyland "joyous", to attract mainland tourists. Negotiations with Disney, has asked of him, and thus very adverse conditions on the Hong Kong side. To attract mainland tourists don't care if there is a Disneyland, but relaxed the various provinces and municipalities in the Mainland to come to Hong Kong free of policy. Shadows, and then expand Hong Kong's loss. Shanghai, not to learn from Hong Kong, still wants something from him, the outcome, not subject.

㈦ 一篇英語閱讀


㈧ 英語短文閱讀 迪士尼的故事 有五個小問題希望大家幫解答一下 謝謝!



㈨ 創建迪斯尼樂園的任務型閱讀答案英語

全球五大迪士尼樂園目前,美國加州、佛羅里達州,法國巴黎,日本東京和香港5處地方均回建有迪士尼樂園。答資格最老的是美國加尼福利亞的洛杉磯迪士尼樂園,建成於1955年。 1971年,耗時十年的佛羅里達州迪士尼建成。 1983年,第一個在美國本土以外落戶的東京迪士尼建成。 1992年,歐洲也有了迪士尼樂園,巴黎迪士尼建成。 2005年,香港迪士尼度假區於香港開幕。在5大樂園中,位於美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多的迪士尼面積最大,有122.28平方公里,分「動物王國」、「魔幻影城」、「科幻天地」和「夢幻世界」4個主題樂園,每個都比香港迪士尼大,還有2個水上樂園。其次是位於巴黎馬恩河谷的迪士尼,面積19.51平方公里,有「迪士尼樂園」和「華特迪士尼影城」兩個主題公園。洛杉磯迪士尼為2.06平方公里,擁有傳統的「迪士尼樂園」和「加州冒險樂園」。東京迪士尼面積為2.01平方公里,有「迪士尼樂園」和「迪士尼海上樂園」兩個主題樂園。香港迪士尼樂園最小,佔地1.26平方公里,僅為佛羅里達州的百分之一。另外,上海將成為世界上第六個迪斯尼樂園,可能落戶浦東,項目總佔地面積可能達到6-8平方公里。

㈩ 上海迪斯尼英語閱讀短文初中




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