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㈠ 大學英語精讀4答案

1、 我確信這項所謂明智的決定,與期望相反,會帶來極其嚴重的後果。
I am convinced that, contrary to expectations, the so-called informed decision will bring very grave consequences.
2、 誠然,他曾欺騙你,但他已經承認自己做錯了,並道了歉。所以你不應該老是以懷疑的態度對待他。
It』s true that he once deceived you, but he has admitted he has done wrong and apologized. So you shouldn』t always treat him with suspicion.
3、 他在這個問題公開進行辯論之前就已表明了自己的立場。
He has taken a stand on the issue before it was openly debated.
4、 在調查過程中,他們發現了種種形式的政治腐敗,並揭露了許多貪官污吏。
In the course of their investigation, they discovered various forms of political corruption and exposed a number of corrupt officials.
5、 瑪麗的兩難處境是:把真相告訴老闆從而失信於她的同事,還是讓老闆蒙在鼓裡從而辜負他的信任。
Mary』s dilemma was whether to betray her colleagues by telling him boss the truth or to betray his trust by keeping him in the dark about it.
6、 首先,是什麼使你認為這項規劃會促進改革?其次,你怎麼知道這些改革會讓全縣得到好處?
Now, in the first place, what has made you think (led you to think) this program will promote reforms, and in the second, how do you know these reforms will benefit the whole country?
1. 從書中汲取知識的最有效辦法之一,是在頁邊空白處作有見地的筆記。
One of the most efficient devices to absorb knowledge from books is to mark the books in the margin.
2. 熱天很難保藏食品,使之保持新鮮與食用安全。很自然,許多人覺得在夏季還是不上飯店為好。
It』s hard to preserve food fresh and eatable in summer. Naturally many people feel it better not to eat out.
3. 閱讀時在作者強調的論點底下劃線,對我們會有所裨益。
It』ll do good to us to underline the point the author emphasizes.
4. 經過好幾天偵查。警方終於弄清這起謀殺案和新近發生的越獄事件有關。
After several day』s investigation the police tied up that this murder was relevant to the recent prison break.
5. 我想勸說他們採納我們的計劃,首先因為這一計劃所需資金較少,其次,不會造成環境污染。
I intend to persuade them to adopt our plan. First it needs little money, in second place it won』t lead to environment pollution.
6. 父親用繩子吧芹菜扎在一起,放在河裡浸了浸,然後拿到菜場去賣。
Father tied up the celery and dipped it into water, than took it to the market for sale.
1. 法庭的判決引起史密斯先生的朋友們的氣憤,他們相信他是無辜的。
The court』s judgment aroused anger among Mr. Smith』s friends, who believed that he was innocent.
2. 當我們經過那家價格昂貴的餐館時,父親催我們快走,他說在這樣高檔的地方用餐是大大超過我們的經濟能力的。
As we passed the expensive restaurant, father hurried us along saying that it was well beyond our means to have dinner at such a fancy place.
3. 老師在評價一篇文章並給它打分時,可能是根據總的印象而不是根據仔細的分析。
A teacher may evaluate and grade an essay on the basis of his general impression rather than on a detailed analysis.
4. 小狗將我的一張畫搞壞了,我真想 對 它發火,可它那十分可愛的樣子使我不禁笑著把它從地上抱了起來。
I was inclined to get angry at the puppy for ruining my painting but he was so cute that I could not help but laugh and pick him up.
5. 如今人們理所當然地認為家裡總是有自來水的,然而就在不久前,幾乎人人都是從井裡或小溪里向家裡提水。
Nowadays people take it for granted that their homes have running water, but only a short time ago almost everyone had to carry water from a well or a stream to their home.
6. 安東尼徹夜未眠,因為他對於是否得插手此事舉棋不定。
Anthony stayed up all night because he just could not make up his mind whether or not to take a hand in the matter.

1、 上個周末,我們開車外出度假,希望避開城市的喧囂(noise)和污染,可是汽車途中拋錨我們只好乘計程車回家.
Last weekend we drove out on vacation hoping to get away from the noise and pollution of the city, but the car broke down on the way and we had to return home by taxi.
2、 請你注意並非所有的學生都願意出席畢業典禮,所以學校才要求凡是想領取畢業證的畢業生都得出席。
Not all of the students, mind you ,are willing to attend the graation ceremony so the school has to require that all graating students attend the ceremony if they want to receive a diploma.
3、 對於婦女在社會中的地位問題,我們的許多看法來自封建時代,與今天的社會是格格不入的。
Many of the ideas we have about the role of women in society are derived from feudal times and are not relevant in today』s society.
4、 如今人們的流動性比以往任何時候都大,這也許就是為什麼行動電話十分普及的原因。
People today are more mobile than ever before; perhaps this is why mobile phones have become so common.
5、 幾乎每個孩子都曾夢想去太空旅遊,體會一下在失重環境下生活是什麼樣子。
Virtually every child has dreamed of traveling in space and experiencing what it would be like to live in a gravity-free environment.
6、 我們學校鼓勵學生獨立思考,不要受老師觀點的束縛。
Students of our school are encouraged to do independent thinking and not to be restricted by the teacher』s points of view.
Environmental protection should be given priority for any country that plans to provide a secure future for the younger generation.
Life in the cities is hectic and noisy compared with rural life which is quiet and peaceful.
In many countries schools require students to pledge loyalty to the flag of their country before beginning class every morning.
4. 乾旱對環境的影響比睡在對環境的影響更具破壞力,因為乾旱持續的時間長。
The impact of a drought on the environment can be more destructive than that of a flood because it lasts for a longer period of time.
5. 洪水退走後,士兵們到村裡幫助把水排出田裡,以便及時重新種上莊稼。
When the flood receded, the soldiers came to the villages to help drain the water out of the fields so that crops could replanted in time.
6. 有一個時候,每個人起碼都認識幾個鄰居,可如今人們似乎太忙,無暇相互接觸。
At one time everyone at least knew some of their neighbors, but today it seems that people are too busy to have time to stay in touch with one another.

1、 退休的人如果找不到什麼事情可做,常會意志消沉。
Retired people are often depressed if they can』t find something to do.
2、 為了幫我們准備好參加辯論,教練要我們經常注意與我們自己的論點相悖的論點。
To prepare us for the debate, the coach wanted us to be always aware of the arguments that are quite the reverse of ours.
3、 在工作日全家都忙著幹活,但一到周末他們喜歡坐汽車開到附近鄉下兜風。
On weekdays the whole family was busy working, but when the weekend came they loved to get in the car and drive around the nearby countryside.
4、 醫生往往為自己能夠醫治好病人罕見的疾病而自豪。
A doctor often prides himself on the ability to cure his patient of a rare disease.
5、 如果不按時將書歸還圖書館或到期前不續借,就得按規定罰款。
If books are not returned to the library on time or not renewed before they are e, a fine must be paid in accordance with the regulations.
6、 總的說,很少有人不抱怨自己的工作的,然而一旦他們不能工作了他們又會不高興。
On the whole, few people do not complain about their jobs. On the other hand, they would be very unhappy if they were unable to work.

㈡ 大學英語精讀 第四冊 閱讀理解翻譯sos



㈢ 想要大學英語精讀4答案


㈣ 大學英語精讀第四冊tesy your self 1閱讀理解及答案

一、ADCDCCDCAB 二、 1. In a hospital. 2. Forabout three days. 3. Fast food. 4. 3 / Three.
三、 1. How can I help you? / What』內s wrong with you 2. Did yousleep well last night 3. How long haveyou been like this 4. there is nofever 5. I』ll give you some medicine
四容1. I』ve been like this 2. I』ve caught a cold 3. Ialways spend two hours practicing 4. Let me take his temperature 5.told me to stop eating fast food

㈤ 大學英語精讀4課後習題答案


㈥ 《大學英語精讀4》課後答案


㈦ 求大學英語精讀4的課後答案


㈧ 大學英語精讀第四冊第一單元comprehension of the text答案


㈨ 誰有外教社大學英語精讀第四冊的課後閱讀答案啊(只要課文理解的選擇題答案)


㈩ 大學英語精讀4

Test Yourself 1 Section D Compound Dictation
Proper telephone use can do a great deal to make the physician's life easier while helping the patient to receive better service.Before calling the office,take a moment to organize your thoughts.What is the problem ? When did it begin ? If there is a pain,does it come and go or is it steady ? Does anything bring it on or relieve it ? If there is an infection or any other reason to suspect a fever,the temperature should be taken.Try to decide whether the problem is urgent.Before calling,write down a one-sentence description of your problem,your reason for calling,a symptom list,and no more than three questions that you may have.
Busy physicians often receive many more calls than they could possibly handle alone.So when you call,don't start by asking to speak with the doctor. In a well-run office,the receptionists and nurses are trained to assemble the information needed for a preliminary evaluation of the situation.These people usually know which matters to handle alone and which ones the physician must handle personally.After talking to a receptionist or nurse,if you still believe it is necessary to must handle personally.After talking to a receptionist or nurse,if you still believe it necessary to speak with the physician,that is the time to ask.
when you telephone,have a pad and pencil handy to write down any instructions.Human memory is notoriously faulty.Call early in the workday when the physician'assistants are on ty and hospitals and laboratories are able to give their best services.That way the problem can be handled most efficiently.
Remember,good medical care should be a partnership between patient and physician.

Test Yourself 2 Section D Compound Dictation
Majestic,serene.Just two words to describe the scenic regions of Utah in the Mountain West of the United States.Now,our office offers fabulous,five-day outdoor packages of the state for the adventurous.
On the first day of your tour,visit the capital of histoic Salt lake City,Temple Square,home to the world-famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir,and other local historical sites.
Then,your tour will take you on a four-day adventure of a lifetime to central and southern Utah where you will hike and backpack through Arches National Park,Goblin Valley,and Bryce National Park.You'll also explore the magical world of Little Wild Horse Canyon. This very narrow,winding chasm,with its steep walls on either side of you,will leave you in amazement knowing that it was formed from rushing water and erosion over millions of years.
You'll also hike and climb up to remote Indian ruins,study their history along the way,and learn how to respect and preserve the sites and widlife you encounter.You also learn the basics in rappelling-techniques designed specifically for the novice climber to descend a steep slope using a rope.
The price of your tour package includes local transportation in Utah,one-night'lodging in a four-star hotel in salt Lake City,hiking and camping gear,two meals a day,and your professional tour guide.Transportation from your point of origin is not included.Contact our office between 8 and 5:30 p.m.for more information and current availability on this wilderness trek,for which reservations must be made thirteen days in advance.Let us show Utah like no one else can.



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