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發布時間:2021-02-25 11:48:39

① 歷年大學英語四級作文真題及範文匯總








There are an increasing number of museums which are open to the public for free in our daily life nowadays. However, no consensus is reached among the public on the influence it brings about on the museums and the visitors involved.

Some people hold the opinion that free admission to museums will contribute to numerous problems ranging from the spoiling of the environment to the damage to the facilities of the museums.

It is known that some visitors will throw away the garbage here and there, which will do great damage to the surroundings of the museums. Worse, it will take a lot of time and effort for the museums to fix the facilities destroyed by the little kids who come to the museum without company of their parents. However, there are different opinions on whether visitors should enjoy free admission or not. Some people maintain that visitors can acquire new knowledge and enrich their lives by visiting various museums.

As far as I am concerned, just as every coin has two sides, it is true to the above phenomenon. Therefore we are expected to take measures to ecate the public to observe the rules and regulations when visiting the museums. Thus, more and more indivials will enjoy a favorable environment.



Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

1. 目前不少父母為孩子包辦一切

2. 為了讓孩子獨立, 父母應該……

How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent?


Nowadays, there is a growing concern over such a phenomenon, that is, some parents take care of almost everything concerned with their children, including study, work, marriage. Some parents believe that this is love, however, it is only to destroy children''s independence thoroughly.

For the future of the next generation, more efforts should be made by parents to help their children to be independent. The fundamental one is to cultivate the awareness, namely, the importance and necessity of being independent, which is supposed to begin from childhood. Children should be taught that no one can be stronger and more helpful than themselves in this world.

The quality of independence is so indispensable for us that parents had better act as a tutor, not a dictator. And only with parents'' trust, can the next generation accumulate confidence step by step.


My views on Online Shopping

1. 現在網購已經成為一種時尚

2. 網上購物有很多好處,但也有不少問題

3. 我的建議

At present, on-line shopping has gain popularity in the society. Almost every young man has practiced buying stuffs via the Internet; more importantly, some are so addicted to on-line consumption that they even purchase private cars at virtual 4S stores.

On one hand, daily procts sold on line are usually much cheaper than those displayed in the shelves. Also, it is convenient for consumers, especially commuters, to obtain what they need in this way. On the other hand, buyers cannot check their intended on-line procts. Thus, what they shall receive are probably not in accordance with those introced in the webpage.

In my opinion, on-line shopping creates both merchants and consumers an efficient and economical way of selling or buying commodities, so it should be encouraged. And related agencies need to improve the supervision, ensuring that the consumer benefits will not be damaged.

② 大學英語四級寫作經典例句


③ 求::::大學英語四級寫作經典範文背誦100篇文本!!


④ 英語四級考試寫作必背範文140篇的目錄

第一部分 大學英語四級考試·寫作相關信息剖析
第二部分 必背範文140篇
1.The Advantages of Travel 115
2.Wrork and Health/16
3.The Rush to Cities/18
5.Protecfion of Environment/22
6.Internet and Privacy/23
7.City Life or Rural Life/25
8.Dictionaries and Students/27
10.Young People Should Have Ideals
11.The Harm of PC Games/32
12.Ambition and Action/34
13.How to Get Along with Your Roommates/36
14.We Should Respect the Elderly /37
15.Should Class Auendance Be Required/39
16.How People Spend Their Leisure Time/41
17.Sports and Games/42
18.Intemet and Our Life/44
19.Travel Alone or Travel with a Companion?/46
20.Keeping a Diary in English/47
2.Campus Lectures/51
4.My View on Job-hopping/54
5.Sense of Humor/56
6. Why Do Some Animals Die Out?/57
7.Parental Hopes and Personal Ideals/59
9.Making Friends through the Internet /62
10.How to Make FuU Use of Reference Books/64
12.The Expansion of Enrollment/62
13.On Dieting/68
14.On Hardships/70
15.The Functions of Music in DailyLife/71
1.Keeping a Good Mood/74
2.The Role ofMigrant Workers/76
3.Holiday Economy/77
4.The Importance of Social Practice/79
5.Reading——The Best Way to Acquire Knowledge/81
6.Skipping Classes on CoHege Campus /82
7.Choosing Careers/84
8.Certificate Craze on Campus/86
9.Fast Fbod/87
10.Craze for Civil Service Examinations/89
11.Multi-media Teaching Protocols/91
12.Knowledge and Diploma/92
13.Learn How to Learn/94
14.College Romance/96
15.Appearance and Capability/97
16.Cheating in Examinations/99
17.Should CoUege Students be Tutots?/101
18.How to Prevent Energy Crisis/102
19.A Witness of a Theft Incident/104
20.A F00d Poisoning Accident /106
1.Salary or Interest/109
2.Haste Makes Waste/110
3.Failure Is the Mother of Success/112
4.The Graate Mania/113
5.Environment and Development/115
6.Campus Extracurricnlar Activities117
7.Universitv Students』Pursuit of Famous Brands/118
8.School Tuition/120
9.Shopping Online/122
10.Learning:A Lifelong Career/123
11.On Punctuality/125
12.Is it Necessary to Attend Training Classes?/126
14.Manners on Campus/129
15.Mutual Understanding/131
17.A Joy Shared Is a Joy Multiplied/134
18.Silence Is Golden/135
19.Ecation for All/137
20.E-mail or Letter-writing?/139
1.Read Good Books/142
2.The Career I』d Like:Teaching/144
3.The Prevalence of Western Holidays/145
4.HOW Will Our Life Go on without Internet?/147
5.Blood Donation without Repayment/149
6.Psychological Problems of University Students/151
7.The Rise of「Shanzhai」Culture/153
8.Part-time Jobs/155
9.HOW to Deal with Peer Pressure/156
11.111e Popularity ofBlog/160
12.How to Improve Public Morals/162
13.Where There Is a Will Theye Is a Wav/164
14.Going Abroad to Study/166
15.More Academic Pressure Does Harm to Health/167
17.Blindly Worshipping Stars/171
18.How to Deal with Depression/173
19.Depend on Yourself/175
20.It』S Time to Stop Software Piracy/176
22.P0pular Music/180
23.Petroleum Crisis /182

⑤ 英語四級作文範文(兩篇)

Credit Cards
Personal credit cards are becoming more common in China. Banks and other financial institutions are encouraging their customers to change the way they buy things. Credit cards, otherwise known as 「 money」, are being offered on very good terms to encourage the change. Consumers will be able to 「buy now, pay later」, and many see this as an advantage.
But people need to be careful. There are dangers associated with credit cards. Some people find it very easy to exceed their budget. They are tempted to purchase goods that they do not really need, and can become quickly overburdened by debt. The credit cards often charge a high rate of interest, which exacerbates the problems for these people.
However, used wisely credit cards can improve the quality of people』s lives. They can give people access to money to meet sudden unplanned expenses. Properly handled, they can let people control their expenditure and the monthly statements provide a record of where their money has gone.



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