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『壹』 英語四級考試寫作必背範文140篇的目錄

第一部分 大學英語四級考試·寫作相關信息剖析
第二部分 必背範文140篇
1.The Advantages of Travel 115
2.Wrork and Health/16
3.The Rush to Cities/18
5.Protecfion of Environment/22
6.Internet and Privacy/23
7.City Life or Rural Life/25
8.Dictionaries and Students/27
10.Young People Should Have Ideals
11.The Harm of PC Games/32
12.Ambition and Action/34
13.How to Get Along with Your Roommates/36
14.We Should Respect the Elderly /37
15.Should Class Auendance Be Required/39
16.How People Spend Their Leisure Time/41
17.Sports and Games/42
18.Intemet and Our Life/44
19.Travel Alone or Travel with a Companion?/46
20.Keeping a Diary in English/47
2.Campus Lectures/51
4.My View on Job-hopping/54
5.Sense of Humor/56
6. Why Do Some Animals Die Out?/57
7.Parental Hopes and Personal Ideals/59
9.Making Friends through the Internet /62
10.How to Make FuU Use of Reference Books/64
12.The Expansion of Enrollment/62
13.On Dieting/68
14.On Hardships/70
15.The Functions of Music in DailyLife/71
1.Keeping a Good Mood/74
2.The Role ofMigrant Workers/76
3.Holiday Economy/77
4.The Importance of Social Practice/79
5.Reading——The Best Way to Acquire Knowledge/81
6.Skipping Classes on CoHege Campus /82
7.Choosing Careers/84
8.Certificate Craze on Campus/86
9.Fast Fbod/87
10.Craze for Civil Service Examinations/89
11.Multi-media Teaching Protocols/91
12.Knowledge and Diploma/92
13.Learn How to Learn/94
14.College Romance/96
15.Appearance and Capability/97
16.Cheating in Examinations/99
17.Should CoUege Students be Tutots?/101
18.How to Prevent Energy Crisis/102
19.A Witness of a Theft Incident/104
20.A F00d Poisoning Accident /106
1.Salary or Interest/109
2.Haste Makes Waste/110
3.Failure Is the Mother of Success/112
4.The Graate Mania/113
5.Environment and Development/115
6.Campus Extracurricnlar Activities117
7.Universitv Students』Pursuit of Famous Brands/118
8.School Tuition/120
9.Shopping Online/122
10.Learning:A Lifelong Career/123
11.On Punctuality/125
12.Is it Necessary to Attend Training Classes?/126
14.Manners on Campus/129
15.Mutual Understanding/131
17.A Joy Shared Is a Joy Multiplied/134
18.Silence Is Golden/135
19.Ecation for All/137
20.E-mail or Letter-writing?/139
1.Read Good Books/142
2.The Career I』d Like:Teaching/144
3.The Prevalence of Western Holidays/145
4.HOW Will Our Life Go on without Internet?/147
5.Blood Donation without Repayment/149
6.Psychological Problems of University Students/151
7.The Rise of「Shanzhai」Culture/153
8.Part-time Jobs/155
9.HOW to Deal with Peer Pressure/156
11.111e Popularity ofBlog/160
12.How to Improve Public Morals/162
13.Where There Is a Will Theye Is a Wav/164
14.Going Abroad to Study/166
15.More Academic Pressure Does Harm to Health/167
17.Blindly Worshipping Stars/171
18.How to Deal with Depression/173
19.Depend on Yourself/175
20.It』S Time to Stop Software Piracy/176
22.P0pular Music/180
23.Petroleum Crisis /182

『貳』 英語四級作文高分範文背誦:如何度過一個有意義的周末

I have met so many friends in my college life. They have exerted enormous influence on my life. However, one of my most impressive friends is my roommate, Li Ming. In the class meeting on the first day of school, Li Ming did not impress us at all. We started to notice him because he was always late for classes. We were thus impressed by his laziness. I came to know him and his situation because we were roommates and spent much time together: his mother was seriously ill and sick abed in long-term, his father left him and his mother mercilessly. Hence, it was him that shouldered the heavy burden of taking care of his sick mother supporting the whole family. Finally, under great pressures, he balanced his life and study perfectly: he was no longer always late, took good care of his mother and even won the scholarship many years in a row. The experience of Li Ming can be one of the most convincing cases of the power of persistence and will. He left a deep impression and imposed a rable influence on me. Indeed, friend such as him can be regarded as asset and property in our life. We have rights to choose our own friends,but we should also be prudent and sensible enough to choose friends who can bring us 「positive energy」. 在我的大學生活中,遇到了很多朋友。他們對我的人生產生了重大的影響。然而,我印象最深的朋友是我的室友李明。在開學第一天的入學班會上,他沒有給全班同學留下任何印象。李明讓我們開始認識他,是因為他總是上課遲到,同學們都以為是個懶惰的人。因為我們是室友,平時的交往比較多,後來我才慢慢了解到他的情況:原來他的母親罹患重病,長期卧床,父親殘忍地離開他們而去,照顧生病的母親和養家重任只能由他來承擔了。令人驚訝的是,在重壓之下,他將自己的生活和學業平衡地很好:他不再總是遲到,將媽媽照顧的很好並且連續幾年獲得獎學金。李明的經歷是堅持和意志的作用的最有說服力的例子之一。他給我留下的印象無法磨滅,他對我造成的影響持續深遠。的確,這樣的朋友被視為我們生活中的財富和資產。我們有權利選擇自己的朋友,然而交友的過程中,我都應該足夠理智和謹慎,選擇那些能夠給我們帶來正能量的真正的朋友。

『叄』 求::::大學英語四級寫作經典範文背誦100篇文本!!




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