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Ⅰ 英語四級作文常見類型有哪些









1.As the graph depicts , …

2.From the cartoon /picture , we can see that …

3.According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph ,

4.The table shows / indicates / reveals that …

5.It can be seen /concluded from the picture / table / figures that …



1. "Knowledge is power." This is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people.

2. "Ecation is not complete with graation." This is the opinion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opinion.

3."...." We often hear statements/words like those/this.

4. We often hear such traditional complains as this "....".



1. For years, ...had been viewed as .... But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing ..., people ....

2.People used to think that ... (In the past, ....) But people now share this new idea.



1.Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that...

2. Now there is a(n)growing awareness/recognition of the necessity to....

3.Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of ....

4.Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that....



1.When asked about..., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that …. But I think/view a bit differently.

2. When it comes to ...., some people believe that…. Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but I tend to the former/latter.

3. Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that..... They claim/ believe/argue that ... But I wonder/doubt whether.....



1. Recently the rise in the problem/phenomenon of ... has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.

2. Recently the issue of the problem/phenomenon of ...has been brought into focus/into public attention.

3. Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality ... is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.

Ⅱ 英語四級作文常考類型有哪些

1、 比較型議論文





There is no doubt that…has (brought society) both advantages and disadvantages/merits and drawbacks

Obviously, it has both advantages and disadvantages/merits and drawbacks/positive effects and negative effects.

With the rapid development of … is /are playing an increasingly important part in …today.


In spite of /Despite the adverse effects, it has its beneficial effects.

The advantages derived from …are much greater than the disadvantages.

Generally speaking, the advantages can be listed as follows:

What’s more,…



After weighing/considering the advantages and disadvantages/merits and drawbacks/positive effects and negative effects, I conclude that …

Based on the analysis above, I believe that the …far outweigh the… .


通過對比法,對不同事物進行比較,客觀分析, 從而得出結論。





When we…we’ll be faced with the choice between…and…

When…, it is inevitable to meet /face the choices between…and…

Recently, more and more people tend to …However, I feel that.

A and B are two important forms of…for us. Although A is getting more and more popular, B is by no means disappearing.


Despite the similarities, they are different from each other in the following aspects:

First of all,…Second,…Third,…And finally/lastly,…

On the contrary/in contrast



All in all/In conclusion/In a word/To sum up/In summary/To put it simply..

Although B has its disadvantages, it can be accepted that…

Therefore it depends on…






People’s opinion/views/ on …vary from person to person. Some say that …,while others think/believe that…

When it comes to …, different people have different opinions.

The phenomenon of …has drawn nationwide attention.


Some people argue/assume that…,but things are quite different/this doesn’t work.

Some take the position that …; some come to believe that….But I think/suppose

Some people take for granted that…, but others take/hold an opposite idea…..As far as I’m concerned, I agree with the former/latter opinion.

I’m on the side of the first argument. The following are the reasons for my personal consent.

I’m in favor of the first idea.


All things considered, I remain firmly in favor of…

On the whole, I agree with the statement that…


特點: 一般要求作者一開始就闡明觀點或提出問題 ,接著擺出事實和理由加以論述,然後得出結論。內容可以是論人,論事,或論物。




No one can deny that…

It is often said that…

As everyone knows,….

Recently, /In recent years, there has been in increasing concern about the problem of…

It is well known that …has created certain problems for the society today.

The problem of…is becoming more and more serious.


To illustrate /prove this point, let us consider…

It has been reported /found/estimated that

To take …as an example,…

There are many examples to show that…

A number of factors will account for …


The best way to solve the problem is ...

In addition to /apart from this, another way to solve the problem of …is …

Effective measures should be taken to solve the problem.

Many things can contribute to solving the problem, but the following ones may be the most effective.

Our government should make stricter rules to

It is essential that quick necessary actions /steps /measures should be taken to deal with the phenomenon/ to cope with the problem.

It is high time we took proper steps actions to the terrible situation.




There are several reasons for…

There are many factors that account for /contribute to /responsible for …,but the following are the typical ones.

There are a number of serious effects on…Perhaps the most potential consequence is …

Taking into account cet4v.com factors, /Judging from all the evidence offered, we may come to the conclusion that...

Therefore, it can be inferred that…

Accordingly, I recommend that…

Ⅲ 英語四級常用國家名稱

國家或地區名稱(中文) 地區代碼 國家或地區名稱(英文)

阿爾巴尼亞 AL Albania

阿爾及利亞 DZ Algeria

阿富汗 AF Afghanistan

阿根廷 AR Argentina

阿拉伯聯合大公國 AZ Azerjan

阿拉伯聯合大公國 AE United Arab Emirates

阿魯巴 AW Aruba


阿曼 OM Oman

埃及 EG Egypt

衣索比亞 ET Ethiopia

愛爾蘭 IE Ireland

愛沙尼亞 EE Estonia

安道爾 AD Andorra

安哥拉 AO Angola

安圭拉 AI Angola

安地卡及巴布達 AG Ntigua and Barbuda

奧地利 AT Austria

澳大利亞 AU Australia

巴貝多 BB Barbados

巴布亞紐幾內亞 PG Papua,Territory of

巴哈馬 BS Bahamas

巴基斯坦 PK Pakistan

巴拉圭 PY Paraguay

巴林 BH Bahrain

巴拿馬 PA Panama

巴西 BR Brazil

白俄羅斯共和 BY White Russia

白俄羅斯共和 BY Byelorussian SSR

百慕大 BM Bermuda

保加利亞 BG Bulgaria

貝南 BJ Benin

比利時 BE Belgium

冰島 IS Iceland

波多黎各(美) PR Puerto Rico

波蘭 PL Poland

波士尼亞赫塞哥維納 BA Bosnia Hercegovina

玻利維亞 BO Bolivia

貝里斯 BZ Belize

波札那 BW Botswana

不丹 BT Bhutan

不列顛島(美) VI Vigin Islands(U.S.)

不列顛島(英) VG Virgin Islands(British)

布吉納法索 BF Burkina Faso

蒲隆地 BI Burundi

布維島 BV Bouvet Island

朝鮮 KP North Korea

赤道幾內亞 GQ Equatorial Guinea

丹麥 DK Denmark

德國 DE Grmany

東帝 TP East Timor

多哥 TG Togo

多明尼加 DO Dominica

多明哥 DM Gominica

俄羅斯聯邦 RU Russia

厄瓜多 EC Ecuador

法國 FR France

法屬玻里尼西亞 PF French Polynesia

法屬蓋亞那 GF French Guiana

法屬南方領土 TF French Southern Territoties

梵蒂岡(羅馬教庭) VA Vatican

菲律賓 PH Philippines

斐濟 FJ Fiji

芬蘭 FI Finland

維德角 CV Cape Verde,Republic of

福克蘭群島 FK Falkland Islands

甘比亞 GM Gambia

剛果(布) CG Congo

哥倫比亞 CO Colombia

哥斯大黎加 CR Costa rica

格瑞那達 GD Grenada

格陵蘭 GL Greenland

喬治亞 GE Georgia

古巴 CU Cuba

瓜德羅普 GP Guadeloupe

關島 GU Guam

蓋亞那 GY Guyana

哈薩克 KZ Kazakstan

海地共和國 HT Haiti

韓國 KR Korea

荷蘭 NL Netherlands

宏都拉斯 HN Honras

吉里巴斯 KI Kiribati

吉布地 DJ Djibouti

吉爾吉斯共和國 KG Kyrgyzstan

幾內亞 GN Guinea

幾內亞比索 GW Guinea-Bissau

加拿大 CA Canada

迦納 GH Ghana

加彭 GA Gabon

柬埔寨 KH Cambodia

捷克共和國 CZ Czech Republic

辛巴威 ZW Zimbabwe

喀麥隆 CM Cameroon

卡達 QA Qatar

開曼群島 KY Cayman Islands

葛摩 KM Comoros

科威特 KW kuwait

可可島 CC COCOS Islands

克羅埃西亞 HR Croatia

肯亞 KE Kenya

庫克群島 CK Cook Island

拉托維亞 LV Latvia

賴索托 LS Lesotho

寮國 LA Laos

黎巴嫩 LB Lebanon

立陶宛共和國 LT Lithuania

賴比瑞亞 LR Liberia

利比亞 LY Libya

列支敦斯登 LI Liechtenstein

盧森堡 LU Luxembourg

盧安達 RW Rwanda

羅馬尼亞 RO Romania

馬達加斯加 MG Malagasy

馬爾地夫 MV Maldives

馬爾他 MT Malta

馬爾維納斯群島 MW Malawi

馬來西亞 MY Malaysia

馬里 ML Mali

馬紹爾群島共和國 MH Marshall Islands

模里西斯 MU Mauritius

茅利塔尼亞 MR Mauritania

美國 US America

美屬薩摩亞 UM


蒙古 MN Mongolia

孟加拉 BD Bangladesh

秘魯 PE Peru

密克羅尼西亞聯邦 FM Micronesia

緬甸 MM Burma

摩爾多瓦 MD Moldova,Republic of

摩洛哥 MA Morocco

摩納哥 MC Monaco

莫三比克 MZ Mozambique

墨西哥 MX Mexico

納米比亞 NA Namibia

南非 ZA South Africa

南極洲 AQ Antarctica

南斯拉夫 YU Yugoslavia

諾魯 NR Naura

尼泊爾 NP Nepal

尼加拉瓜 NI Nicaragua

尼日 NE Niger

奈及利亞 NG Nigeria

紐埃 NU Niue

挪威 NO Norway

帛琉 PW Palau

皮特開恩群島 PN Pitcairn Islands

葡萄牙 PT Portugal

日本 JP Japan

瑞典 SE Sweden

瑞士 CH Switzerland

薩爾瓦多 SV El Salvador

獅子山 SL Sierra leone

塞內加爾 SN Senegal

塞普勒斯 CY Cyprus

塞席爾 SC Seychelles

沙烏地阿拉伯 SA Saudi Arabia

聖誕島 CX Christmas Island

聖多美與普林西比 ST Sao Tome and Principe

聖赫勒那 SH St.Helena

聖露西亞 LC St. Lucia

聖馬利諾 SM San Marino

斯里蘭卡 LK Sri Lanka

斯洛伐克 SK Slovakia

斯洛維尼亞 SI Slovene

史瓦濟蘭 SZ Swaziland

蘇丹 SD Sudan

蘇利南 SR Surinam

蘇聯(前) SU USSR(formerly)

索羅門群島 SB Solomon Islands

索馬里 SO Somali

塔吉克 TJ Tsjikistan

泰國 TH Thailand

坦尚尼亞 TZ Tanzania

湯加 TO Tonga

特立尼達和多巴哥 TT Trinidad and Tobago

突尼西亞 TN Tunisia

吐瓦魯 TV Tuvalu

土爾其 TR Turkey

土庫曼 TM Turkomanstan

托克勞 TK Tokela

瓜地馬拉 GT Guatemala

委內瑞拉 VE Venezuela

汶萊 BN Brunei Darussalam

烏干達 UG Uganda

烏克蘭 UA Ukiain

烏拉圭 UY uruguay

烏茲別克 UZ Uzbekstan

西班牙 ES Spain

西撒哈拉 EH West Sahara

西薩摩亞 WS Western Samoa

希臘 GR Greece

象牙海岸 CI Lvory Coast

新加坡 SG Singapore

新喀里多尼亞 NC New Caledonia

紐西蘭 NZ New Zealand

匈牙利 HU Hungary

敘利亞 SY Syria

牙買加 JM Jamaica

亞美尼亞共和國 AM Armenia

葉門 YE Yemen

伊拉克 IQ Iraq

伊朗 IR Iran

以色列 IL Israel

義大利 IT Italy

印度 IN India

印度尼西亞 ID Indonesia

英國 GB United Kingdom

英國(正式代碼為GB) UK England

英聯邦的印度洋領域 IO British Indian Ocean Territory

約旦 JO Jordan

越南 VN Vietnam

尚比亞 ZM Zambia

扎伊爾 ZR Zaire

查德 TD Chad

直布羅陀 GI Gibraltar

智利 CL Chile


Ⅳ 大學英語四級常見作文分享


When we watch TV, there are so many beautiful models, wearing beautiful dress with their skinny body, they are sending out such message that if you are skinny, you』ll be looking gorgeous just as them. Affecting by the trend, young people loose weight by no means.


On the one hand, some young people lose weight by taking medicine, even eat no food. The ads are always leading the young people to the wrong thought, they tell people that they can loose weight quickly by taking some pills, which are doubted by the doctors. In order to look as the movie starts, people even reject to take food, they eat fruit and fight against hunger.


On the other hand, some young people keep the clear mind, they make themselves look perfect by doing exercise and keep balanced diet. Their purpose is not looking as good as movie starts, but for keeping fit. They don』t believe in the ads, they believe that lose weight not properly will hurt the body, so they pay special attention to the health.


Loosing weight is hard work, even dangerous thing, if we are so blind to loose weight, we will lose our life. Young people should take care to the healthy way.



The Prevalence of Western Fast Food

1. 洋快餐頗受中國消費者的青睞

2. 產生這種現象的原-因

3. 我的看法

【範文】The Prevalence of Western Fast Food

Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food.

There are several reasons for its popularity. For one thing, it is fast and convenient. Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. Precious time won』t be wasted waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to serve. For another, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the comfortable environment of the fast food restaurants in American style.

I think that fast food isn』t healthy enough because it doesn』t compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and we should turn to it only once in a while.

Ⅳ 英語四級考些什麼常見的試題


Ⅵ 英語四級語法常見五大錯誤



1. 主從句疊置

1) There are more and more students who like to use the computer. / More and more students like to use the computer.

2) There are still many problems that should be noted and resolved. / Many problems still should be noted and resolved.

2. 簡單句疊置

I like chatting on line very much, so I go to the net bar almost every weekend. / I like chatting on line very much. I go to the net bar almost every weekend.

3. 從句疊置

It is known to all that computers play an important role in many fields of our life. / As is known to all, computers play an important role in many fields of our life.

4. 句子成分缺失

If we work hard, we will surely be successful. /Working hard, we will surely be successful.

5. 語序錯誤

1) Why do college students spend more and more time on the computer?

1) I often wonder where they have got their money.



Many people think that the Internet will be more useful in the future.


1) I have been excited several days at the news that you will come here.

2) Most of the students are satisfied with the service in the dining hall.


1) Wise men seek opportunities rather than wait for them. / A wise man seeks opportunities rather than wait for them.

2) Some people are afraid that computers may control men in the future.


1) Let me say “hello” to you on behalf of everyone.

2) Doing exercise in the morning is good for one’s health.

3) Having studied in our school for 3 years, I find that the canteen service has changed a lot.


1) We can use computers in doing everything we like.

2) A college student should be able to do his washing on his own.


1) A/The horse is a useful animal.

2) The exam will be held in December, 2004.


1) I wish you can consider my suggestions.

2) If a person wants to succeed, he must learn to enre sufferings and setbacks.


1) Students must know how to operate a computer. / Students must know how to work on a computer.

2) People can be exposed to many new things on the Internet. / People can learn many new things on the Internet.

3) The purpose of this letter is to express some opinions on the service in the dining hall. / The purpose of this letter is to make some complaints about the service in the dining hall.


1) What generated so large a change? / Why is there so large a change?

2) Now 6000 yuan is enough for you to buy a P4 computer. / Now you can buy a P4 computer for 6000 yuan.

3) In a room often live 6-8 students.

4) I think there are three reasons for this great change.

5) The prices of the food are too high. / The food is too expensive.

6) The reason for this is that some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard. / This is because some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard.


1) However, every coin has two sides. I think the surroundings in our canteen are the best among all universities.

2) The man was racing down the street because he was late for the class.

3) At last I want to let you know that I love our university very much.

4) My favorite sports are swimming, jogging, mountaineering and playing table tennis.

5) The best English film in my eyes is Forrest Gump.


Ⅶ 英語四級考試常用單詞有哪些

1、fur [fɝ] n.毛皮: chattered on and on about her new fur coat.


2、reflect [rɪ'flɛkt] v.考慮:Take enough time to reflect before doing important things.


3、seize [siz] v.扣押:The weapons hidden in the house were seized by the police.


4、prosecute [ 'prosikjuit] vt.對…提起公訴,告發,檢舉;繼續從事,起訴,

記詞根記憶:pro(向前、大量的)+secut(跟隨)+e,向前跟隨: 繼續從事

5、transition [traen'zijan] n.過渡,轉變。區分 transit 運輸,區分 transient 轉瞬即逝的。

6 、accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速。例accelerate the rate of economic growth 加速經濟增長

7、progress ['prɑɡrɛs] v.進展:He will visit once every two weeks to see how his new employees are progressing.


Ⅷ 大學英語四級常用短語


1.in the long run 從長遠來看,最後

2.on offer 在出售中

3.choose from... 從...中挑選

4.be curious about... 對...感到好奇

5.confront with... 使面臨, 使面對

6.with interest 有興趣地

7.an average of ... 平均是...

8.at high altitudes 在很高的地方

9.draw one』s attention 吸引某人的注意

10.focus on 集中

11.in years to come 在未來的幾年內

12.as a matter of fact 實際上

13.adopt a positive approach 採取一種正確的方法

14.wait for 等待

15.pass through 經過, 通過

16.a sequence of 一系列的

17.set apart from 把...區分開

18.take ... for granted 以...為驕傲

19.be aware of/that 注意到

20.translate into 翻譯成

21.set in 開始

22.intend to do 想要做

23.looking forward to 期望

24.be built from... 用...去建造

25.a wide variety of 很多的

26.at advanced levels 在高級范圍內

27.carry out 完成,實施

28.according to 根據

29.aim to do 指望做某事

30.make sacrifices to do 做出犧牲而做

31.in depth 深入地

32.a series of 一系列,一連串

33.above all 首先,尤其是

34.after all 畢竟,究竟

35.ahead of 在...之前

36.ahead of time 提前

37.all at once 突然,同時

38.all but 幾乎;除了...都

39.all of a sudden 突然

40.all over 遍及

41.all over again 再一次,重新

42.all the time 一直,始終

43.all the same 仍然,照樣的

44.as regards 關於,至於

45.anything but 根本不

46.as a matter of fact 實際上

47.apart from 除...外(有/無)

48.as a rule 通常,照例

49.as a result(of) 因此,由於

50.as far as ...be concerned 就...而言





Ⅸ 英語四級常用單詞

table n.桌子;餐桌;項目表
tablet n.碑,匾;葯片
tag n.附加語;標簽
tail n.尾巴;末尾部分
tailor n.裁縫 vt.裁製衣服
take vt.拿;抓;拿走;吃
tale n.故事,傳說
talent n.天才;才能;人才
talk vi.講話 vt.談論
tall n.高的,身材高的
tame a.馴服的;順從的
tan n.棕褐色 a.棕黃色的
tank n.坦克;大容器,槽
tap vt.&vi.&n.輕叩
tap n.塞子;龍頭 vt.開發
tape n.線帶;磁帶,錄音帶
target n.靶,標的;目標
task n.任務,工作,作業
taste vt.嘗;嘗到 n.味覺
tax n.稅,稅款;負擔
taxi n.出租汽車
tea n.茶;茶葉;茶樹
teach vt.講;教育 vt.教書
teacher n.教師,老師,先生
teaching n.教學,講授;教導
team n.隊,組
tear n.眼淚,淚珠
tear vt.撕開,撕裂
technical a.技術的,工藝的
technician n.技術員,技師
technique n.技術,技巧;技能
technology n.工藝學,工藝,技術
tedious a.冗長乏味的,沉悶的
teenager n.青少年
telegram n.電報
telegraph n.電報機;電報
telephone n.電話 vi.打電話
telescope n.望遠鏡
television n.電視;電視機
tell vt.講述;吩咐;辨別
temper n.韌度;心情,情緒
temperature n.溫度;體溫
temple n.聖堂,神殿,廟宇
temporary a.暫時的,臨時的
tempt vt.引誘,誘惑;吸引
temptation n.誘惑,引誘
ten num.十,十個
tenant n.承擔人,房客,佃戶
tend vt.照管,照料,護理
tend vi.走向,趨向;傾向
tendency n.趨向,趨勢,傾向
tender a.嫩的;脆弱的
tennis n.網球,網球運動
tense n.時態,時
tense a.拉緊的,綳緊的
tent n.帳篷
tenth num.第十;十分之一
term n.期;學期;條件;詞
terminal a.末端的 n.末端
terrible a.可怕的;極度的
terrific a.可怕的;極大的
territory n.領土,版圖;領域
terror n.恐怖,驚駭
test n.&vt.試驗;檢驗
text n.原文,本文;課文
textbook n.課本,教科書
textile n.紡織品 a.紡織的
than conj.(比較級)比
thank vt.謝謝,感謝 n.感謝
that a.那 pron.那 ad.那樣
the art.(定冠詞)這,那
theatre n.戲院;戲劇;教室
their pron.他(她、它)們的
theirs pron.他(她)們的東西
them pron.(賓格)他們
themselves pron.他們自己
then ad.當時;然後;那麼
theoretical a.理論(上)的
theory n.理論;學說;意見
there ad.在那裡;在那點上
thereby ad.因此,從而,由此
therefore ad.因此,所以
thermometer n.溫度計,寒暑表
these a.&pron.這些
they pron.(主格)他(她)們
thick a.厚的;密的;濃
thickness n.厚(度);密(度)
thief n.竊賊,偷竊犯
thin a.薄的;淡的 vi.變薄
thing n.物;用品;事;情況
think vt.想;想要;認為
third num.第三;三分之一
thirdly ad.第三
thirst n.渴,口渴;渴望
thirsty a.渴的;渴望的
thirteen num.十三,十三個
thirty num.三十,三十個
this a.這;今 pron.這
thorn n.刺,棘;荊棘;蒺藜
thorough a.徹底的;詳盡的
those pron.那些
though conj.雖然 ad.可是
thought n.思想;思維;想法
thoughtful a.沉思的;體貼的
thousand num.千,千個 n.無數
thread n.線;絲;螺紋;頭緒
threat n.威脅,恐嚇,凶兆
threaten vt.&vi.威脅,恐嚇
three num.三,三個
thrill n.一陣激動
thrive vi.興旺,繁榮,旺盛
throat n.咽喉,喉嚨;嗓音
throne n.寶座,御座;王位
throng n.群,人群 vt.擠滿
through prep.穿過ad.從頭到尾
throughout prep.遍及 ad.到處
throw vt.投,擲,拋,扔
thrust vt.插,刺 n.插;諷刺
thumb n.(大)拇指
thunder n.雷 vi.打雷 vt.吼出
Thursday n.星期四
thus ad.如此,這樣;因而
tick n.滴答聲;記號
ticket n.票,券;綱領;傳票
tide n.潮,潮汐;潮流
tidy a.整潔的;整齊的
tie n.領帶;聯系 vt.系
tiger n.虎
tight a.緊的;緊身的
till prep.conj.直到…為止
timber n.木材,木料
time n.時間;時機;次,回
timetable n.時間表,時刻表
timid a.膽怯的;羞怯的
tin n.錫;罐頭
tiny a.微小的,極小的
tip n.梢,末端,尖,尖端
tip vt.輕擊 vi.給小費
tire vi.疲勞,累;厭倦
tired a.疲勞的;厭倦的
tissue n.薄絹;薄紙;組織
title n.標題,題目;稱號
to prep.到,向,達到
toast n.烤麵包 vt.烘,烤
toast n.祝酒;祝酒詞
tobacco n.煙草,煙葉
today ad.在今天;現在
toe n.腳趾,足尖
together ad.共同,一起
toilet n.廁所,盥洗室,浴室
tolerance n.忍受,容忍;公差
tolerate vt.忍受,容忍,寬恕
tomato n.番茄,西紅柿
tomb n.墳,冢
tomorrow ad.在明天 n.明天
ton n.噸;大量
tone n.音;腔調;聲調
tongue n.舌,舌頭;語言
tonight ad.在今夜 n.今夜
too ad.也,還;太,過分
tool n.工具,器具,用具
tooth n.牙齒
top n.頂;首位 a.頂的
topic n.題目,論題,話題
torch n.火炬,火把;手電筒
torrent n.奔流,激流,洪流
tortoise n.龜,烏龜
torture n.拷問;折磨 vt.拷打
toss vt.&vi.扔,拋,擲
total a.總的 vi.合計,總共
touch vt.觸摸;觸動 n.觸
tough a.堅韌的;健壯的
tour n.&vi.旅行,游歷
tourist n.旅遊者,觀光者
toward(s) prep.向;對於;接近
towel n.毛巾,手巾
tower n.塔 vi.屹立,高聳
town n.鎮,市鎮,城鎮
toy n.玩具,玩物
trace n.痕跡;絲毫 vt.跟蹤
track n.行蹤;路徑;軌道
tractor n.拖拉機;牽引車
trade n.貿易;職業 vi.交易
tradition n.傳統,慣例
traditional a.傳統的,慣例的
traffic n.交通,通行;交通量
tragedy n.悲劇;慘事,慘案
trail n.痕跡;小徑 vt.跟蹤
train vt.培養 n.列車;隊列
training n.訓練,鍛煉,培養
traitor n.叛徒,賣國賊
tram n.(有軌)電車
tramp n.流浪者,遊民
transfer vt.轉移;調動vi.轉移
transform vt.改變;改造;變換
transformation n.變化;改造;轉變
transformer n.變壓器,轉換器
transistor n.晶體管
translate vt.翻譯,譯 vt.翻譯
translation n.翻譯;譯文,譯本
transmission n.傳送;傳動;發射
transmit vt.傳送,傳達;發射
transparent a.透明的;易識破的
transport vt.運輸 n.運輸
transportation n.運輸,運送,客運
trap n.陷阱;詭計 vt.誘騙
travel vi.&vi.&n.旅行
tray n.(淺)盤,托盤,碟
treason n.謀反,通敵,叛國罪
treasure n.財富;珍寶 vt.珍視
treat vt.對待;處理 n.款待
treatment n.待遇;治療,療法
treaty n.條約;協議,協定
tree n.樹
tremble vi.發抖,哆嗦;搖動
tremendous a.極大的,非常的
trend vi.伸向;傾向 n.傾向
trial n.試,試驗;審判
triangle n.三角(形)
tribe n.部落,宗族
trick n.詭計;竅門 vt.哄騙
trifle n.小事,瑣事;少許
trim a.整齊的 vt.使整齊
trip vi.絆;失足 vt .絆倒
triumph n.凱旋;勝利 vi.成功
troop n.軍隊;一群,大量
tropical a.熱帶的
trouble n.煩惱;困難 vi.煩惱
troublesome a.令人煩惱的;麻煩的
trousers n.褲子,長褲
truck n.卡車,載重汽車
true a.真的;忠實的
truly ad.真正地;忠實地
trumpet n.喇叭,小號
trunk n.樹干;大衣箱,皮箱
trust n.信任 vt.相信;委託
truth n.真理;真實;真實性
try vt.試;審問 vi.嘗試
tub n.桶,盆,浴缸,浴盆
tube n.管;電子管,顯像管
tuck vt.折短,捲起;塞
Tuesday n.星期二
tuition n.教,教誨;學費
tumble vi.摔倒,跌倒;打滾
tune n.調子;和諧 vt.調諧
tunnel n.隧道,坑道,地道
turbine n.葉輪機,汽輪機
turbulent a.騷動的,騷亂的
turkey n.火雞;火雞肉
turn vt.轉;翻 vi.轉動
turning n.旋轉;變向;轉彎處
turnip n.蘿卜,蕪菁
tutor n.家庭教師;導師
twelfth num.第十二
twelve num.十二,十二個
twentieth num.第二十
twenty num.二十,二十個
twice ad.兩次,兩倍
twin a.孿生的 n.孿生兒
twinkle vi.閃爍,閃耀
twist vt.捻;擰 vi.&n.扭彎
two num.二,兩個
type n.型,類型 vi.打字
typewriter n.打字機
typhoon n.台風
typical a.典型的,代表性的
typist n.打字員
tyre n.輪胎,車胎
ugly a.醜陋的;可怕的
ultimate a.最後的,最終的
ultimately ad.最終,最後
umbrella n.傘,雨傘
unable a.不能的,不會的
unbearable a.難堪的,忍受不了的
uncertain a.無常的;不確定的
uncle n.伯父,叔父,舅父
uncomfortable a.不舒服的;不自在的
unconscious a.不省人事的
uncover vt.揭開…的蓋子
under prep.在…下面;低於.
undergo vt.經歷,經受,忍受
undergraate n.大學肆業生
underground a.地下的;秘密的
underline vt.劃線於…之下
underneath ad.在下面,在底下
understand vt.懂;獲悉 vi.懂得
understanding n.理解;理解力;協定
undertake vt.從事;承擔;保證
undertaking n.任務,事業;許諾
undo vt.解開,打開;取消
undoubtedly ad.無容置疑,肯定地
uneasy a.心神不安的,憂慮的
unexpected a.想不到的,意外的
unfair a.不公平的,不公正的
unfortunate a.不幸的;可取的
unfortunately ad.不幸地
unhappy a.不幸福的,不快樂的
uniform a.一樣的 n.制服
union n.聯合;團結;協會
unique a.唯一的,獨一無二的
unit n.單位;單元;部件
unite vi.聯合 vt.使聯合
unity n.單一;統一;團結
universal a.宇宙的;普遍的
universe n.宇宙,世界
university n.大學,綜合性大學
unjust a.非正義的;不公平的
unkind a.不仁慈的,不和善的
unknown a.不知道的;未知的
unless conj.除非,如果不
unlike a.不同的 prep.不象…
unlikely a.未必的,未必可能的
unload vt.卸(貨) vi.卸貨
unlucky a.不幸的;不吉的
unnecessary a.不必要的,多餘的
unpleasant a.令人不快的,討厭的
unsatisfactory a.不能令人滿意的
unstable a.不穩固的;不穩定的
unsuitable a.不合適的,不適宜的
until prep&conj.直到…為止
unusual a.不平常的;獨特的
unusually a.不平常地,非常
unwilling a.不願意的
up ad.向上;起床,起來
upon prep.在…上;在…旁
upper a.上面的;地位較高的
upright a.垂直的;正直的
upset vt.弄翻,打翻,傾覆
upside-down a.顛倒的,亂七八糟的
upstairs ad.在樓上 a.樓上的
up-to-date a.直到最近的,現代的
upward a.向上的,上升的
upwards ad.趨向上升;以上
urge vt.推進;催促 n.沖動
urgent a.緊急的;強求的
us pron.(賓格)我們
usage n.使用,對待;慣用法
use vt.用;耗費 n.用
used vi.過去常常
used a.舊的;習慣於…的
useful a.有用的,有益的
useless a.無用的,無價值的
user n.用戶,使用者
usual a.通常的;平常的
usually ad.通常
utility n.效用,有用,實用
utilize vt.利用
utmost a.最遠的 n.極限
utter a.完全的,徹底的
utter vt.發出,說,講
vacant a.空的;未被佔用的
vacation n.假期,休假
vacuum n.真空;真空吸塵器
vague a.模糊的,含糊的
vain a.徒勞的;自負的
valid a.有效的;正當的
valley n.(山)谷,溪谷;流域
valuable a.值錢的;有價值的
value n.價值;價格 vt.評價
van n.大篷車,運貨車
vanish vi.突然不見,消失
vanity n.虛榮心,虛誇
vapour n.汽,蒸氣
variable a.易變的 n.變數
variation n.變化,變動;變異
variety n.多樣化;種類;變種
various a.各種各樣的,不同的
vary vt.改變;使多樣化
vase n.瓶,花瓶
vast a.巨大的;大量的
vegetable n.植物;蔬菜
vehicle n.車輛,機動車
veil n.面紗,面罩;遮蔽物
velocity n.速度,速率
velvet n.絲絨,天鵝絨
venture n.&vi.冒險 vt.敢於
verb n.動詞
verify vt.證實,查證;證明
version n.譯文;說法;改寫本
vertical a.垂直的,豎式的
very ad.很;完全 a.真的
vessel n.容器;船,飛船;管
vest n.汗衫;背心;內衣
veteran n.老兵,老手
vex vt.使煩惱,使惱火
via prep.經過;通過
vibrate vt.使顫動 vi.顫動
vibration n.顫動,振動;擺動
vice n.罪惡;惡習;缺點
vice n.(老)虎鉗
victim n.犧牲者,受害者
victorious a.勝利的,得勝的
victory n.勝利,戰勝
video a.電視的 n.電視
view n.看;視力;風景
viewpoint n.觀點,看法,見解
vigorous a.朝氣蓬勃的
village n.鄉村,村莊
vine n.葡萄樹
vinegar n.醋
violence n.猛烈,激烈;暴力
violent a.猛烈的;狂暴的
violet n.紫羅蘭
violin n.小提琴
virtually ad.實際上,事實上
virtue n.善;美德;優點
visible a.可見的,看得見的
vision n.視;想像力;夢幻
visit vt.&n.訪問,參觀
visitor n.訪問者;遊客
visual a.看的;看得見的
vital a.生命的;有生命力的
vitamin n.維生素,維他命
vivid a.鮮艷的;生動的
vocabulary n.詞彙表;詞彙,語匯
voice n.說話聲;意見;語態
volcano n.火山
volleyball n.排球,排球運動
volt n.伏特,伏
voltage n.電壓
volume n.卷,冊;容積;音量
voluntary a.自願的,志願的
vote n.選舉,投票,表決
voyage n.&vi.航海,航空
wage n.工資,報酬
wage vt.開展(運動)
waggon n.四輪運貨馬車
waist n.腰,腰部
wait vi.等,等候 n.等待
waiter n.侍者,服務員
wake vi.醒,醒來 vt.喚醒
waken vi.醒來 vt.弄醒
walk vi.&n.走,步行
wall n.牆,壁,圍牆,城牆
wallet n.錢包,皮夾子
wander vi.漫遊;迷路;離題
want vt.要 n.需要;缺乏
war n.戰爭;沖突,斗爭
warm a.溫暖的;熱烈的
warmth n.暖和,溫暖;熱烈
warn vt.警告 vi.發生警告
wash vt.洗;沖出 vi.洗滌
waste n.浪費;廢物;垃圾
watch vt.&vi.觀看 n.手錶
water n.水 vt.使濕,灌溉
waterfall n.瀑布
waterproof a.不透水的,防水的
wave n.波;波濤 vi.波動
wavelength n.波長
wax n.蠟,蜂蠟
way n.路;路線;方向
we pron.(主格)我們
weak a.弱的;軟弱的
weaken vt.削弱 vi.變弱
weakness n.虛弱,軟弱;弱點
wealth n.財富,財產;豐富
wealthy a.富的,富裕的
weapon n.武器,兵器
wear vt.穿著,戴;磨損
weary a.疲倦的 vt.使疲乏
weather n.天氣
weave vt.織,編 vi.紡織
wedding n.婚禮
Wednesday n.星期三
weed n.雜草,野草 vi.除草
week n.星期,周
weekday n.周日,工作日
weekend n.周末,周末假期
weekly a.每周的 ad.每周
weep vi.哭泣,流淚
weigh vt.稱…的重量;掂量
weight n.重;砝碼;重擔
welcome int.&n.&vt.歡迎
weld vt.&n.焊接,熔接
welfare n.幸福,福利
well n.井
well ad.好;完全地 int.嘿
well-known a.眾所周知的,出名的
west n.西;西洋 a.西方的
western a.西方的,西部的
westward a.向西的 ad.向西
wet a.濕的;下雨的
what pron.什麼 a.什麼
whatever pron.無論什麼
wheat n.小麥
wheel n.輪,車輪
when ad.什麼時候;當…時
whenever conj.無論何時,每當
where ad.在哪裡 pron.哪裡
wherever ad.究竟在哪裡
whether conj.是否
which pron.哪一個 a.哪一個
whichever a.無論哪個,無論哪些
while conj.當…的時候;而
whilst conj.&n.當…的時候
whip vt.鞭笞;攪打 n.鞭子
whirl vt.使迴旋 vi.&n.迴旋
whisky n.威士忌酒
whisper vt.低聲地講 vi.低語
whistle n.口哨 vi.吹口哨
white a.白的 n.白色
whitewash vt.粉刷,塗白
who pron.誰;…的人
whoever pron.誰;無論誰
whole a.完整的 n.全部
wholly ad.完全地,全部
whom pron.(賓格)誰
whose pron.誰的;哪個人的
why ad.為什麼
wicked a.壞的;令人厭惡的
wide a.寬闊的 ad.全部地
widely ad.廣,廣泛
widen vt.加寬 vi.變寬
widespread a.分布廣的,普遍的
widow n.寡婦
width n.寬闊,廣闊;寬度
wife n.妻子
wild a.野生的;野蠻的
will aux.v.將要,會;願
willing a.願意的,心甘情願的
win vi.獲勝,贏 vt.贏得
wind n.風;氣息,呼吸
wind vt.繞,纏繞 vi.捲曲
window n.窗子,窗戶,窗口
wine n.葡萄酒,果酒
wing n.翼,翅膀,翅
winner n.獲勝者,優勝者
winter n.冬天,冬季
wipe vt.&n.揩,擦
wire n.金屬線;電纜;電信
wireless a.不用電線的,無線的
wisdom n.智慧,才智;名言
wise a.有智慧的,聰明的
wish vt.祝;想要 n.希望
wit n.智力,才智,智能
with prep.和…一起;具有
withdraw vt.收回;撤回vi.撤退
within prep.在…裡面
without prep.無,沒有,不
withstand vt.抵擋,反抗
witness n.證據;證人 vt.目擊
wolf n.狼
woman n.婦女,女人,女性
wonder n.驚異,驚奇;奇跡
wonderful a.驚人的;極好的
wood n.樹林,森林;木頭
wooden a.木製的;呆板的
wool n.羊毛;毛線,絨線
woollen a.羊毛制的,毛線的
word n.詞;話;消息;語言
work n.工作;職業 vi.工作
worker n.工人;工作者,人員
workman n.工人,勞動者,工匠
workshop n.車間,工場;創作室
world n.世界;世人;世間
world-wide a.遍及全球的
worm n.蟲,蠕蟲
worry vt.使煩惱 vi.發愁
worse a.更壞的 ad.更壞
worship n.禮拜;崇拜 vt.崇拜
worst a.最壞的 ad.最壞地
worth a.值…的 n.價值
worthless a.無價值的,無用的
worthwhile a.值得花時間的
worthy a.有價值的;值得的
would aux.v.將;願;總是
wound n.創傷,傷 vt.使受傷
wrap vt.裹,包,捆 n.披肩
wreath n.花環,花圈,花冠
wreck n.失事;殘骸 vt.破壞
wrist n.腕,腕關節
write vt.書寫;寫 vi.寫
writer n.作者,作家,文學家
writing n.書寫,寫;著作
wrong a.錯誤的 ad.錯,不對
X-ray n.X射線,X光
yard n.院子,庭院;場地
yard n.碼
yawn vi.打呵欠 n.呵欠
year n.年;年年
yearly a.每年的 ad.一年一度
yell vi.叫喊
yellow a.黃(色)的 n.黃(色)
yes ad.是,是的
yesterday n.&ad.昨天,昨日
yet ad.還;已經 conj.而
yield vt.&vi.出產 n.產量
you pron.你,你們
young a.年輕的 n.青年們
your pron.你的,你們的
yours pron.你們的(東西)
yourself pron.你自己;你親自
youth n.青春;青年們;青年
youthful a.年輕的,青年的
zeal n.熱心,熱情,熱忱
zealous a.熱心的,熱情的
zebra n.斑馬
zero n.零;零點,零度
zone n.地區,區域,范圍
zoo n.動物園



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