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发布时间:2021-03-15 20:10:23

A. 关于高考的看法英语作文


B. 求高考英语作文范文10篇!

Passage 1

C. 以高考为话题的英语作文带翻译

So important is the college entrance exam that we should not ignore it.
Students are suffering from it everyday.They have to accept very heavy burden in order to get good marks.Students should focus to their studies as their most important thing at this time.Also,they need to relax from time to time.
Parents know that they ought not to disturb children.What they need to do is to get the latest info about college entrance exam and to prepare delicious food in order to remove the heavy burden.
Teachers should guide students to study in the correct way. They can also have a talk with students.
Students,parents and teachers should unite to prepare for the college entrance exam.

D. 关于如何看待高考的英文作文

高考英语书面表达"情景作文"部分一档文的评分标准为:"完全完成了试题规定的任务。应用较多的语法、词汇;少许错误因尽可能使用复杂结构或词汇所致;较强的语言能力;有效的语句的连接。" 对于这个评分标准的理解,特别是对于其中的"应用较多的语法、词汇;少许错误因尽可能使用复杂结构或词汇所致;较强的语言能力;有效的语句的连接"这些方面,高考考生还存在很大的误区。 根据调查,高考考生为了获取高分会有意识地在作文中使用一些他们认为的"大词大句"作为亮点,而忽略其恰当性。也有老师把使用"大词""复杂句式"作为可以加分的"技巧"传授给学生。

E. 写一篇关于高考的英语作文带翻译

The college entrance examination is one of the biggest challenges of life, is also a branch road in life, so we should study hard for the college entrance examination time earning a good grades in return for parents and teachers, also in order to later have a good future, so it should be

F. 高考 英语作文说:谈谈你的看法。应从什么方面入手

可以这么说 首先简说别人的看法 一些人持有观点A 一些人持有观点B 然后再谈你回的看法 这种作文有模答板的 Some people hold the view that....On the other hand ,many people in faver of ...As for me ... 等等 多加练习 就没问题的。

G. 高考英语模范作文 (5-10篇)

Currently,there is no denying that television,to a certain extent, has played a significant part in our life. As is shown according to the reserach,a quantity of people regard it as amusement,most of whom are children.Nevertheless,beyond doubt,not only does watching TV have pros but cons as well.
For one thing, a mount of people can learn a lot from television which, to a certain degree,has a significant impact on our life.In addition,not merely can we get some information ,but also we can enrich our spare time.More importantly,we could also
bring us imagination as well as know the social condition by means of watching TV .
For another,It is universally acknowledged that every coin has two sides and watching TV is no exception ,for the reason that certain people ,exspecially children,are fond of watching TV day and night,which is bad for their eyes seriously.Besides,those who watch TV frequently may become near-sighted.Last but not the least,if you watch TV frequently,it will stop us from
building up.
As far as I am concerned,I am exceeding for the opinion that watching TV is a good way to have fun e to the reason that it could brings us some amusement and information.But for it,we couldn't have got such a good many of knowledge as well as have a good time.



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