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发布时间:2021-02-27 06:04:59

㈠ 六年级上册的英语单词

west[west] 西 turn[tə:n] (转弯) right (右边) left(左边)

straigh [streit]t(成直线地) then [ðen] (然后)
twelfth [twelfθ] 第二十 party ['pɑ:ti] 聚会;晚会 tell 告诉
start [stɑ:t] 开始 take [teik]乘坐 look for 寻找 Unit 3
next week(下周)
this morning(今天上午)
this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上) tonight [tə'nait]今晚 tomorrow [tə'mɔrəu]明天 take a trip [trip] 去旅行
read a magazine [,mæɡə'zi:n] 阅读杂志
go to the cinema ['sinəmə] 去看电影
theme [θi:m] park [pɑ:k] 主题公园
the Great [ɡreit] Wall [wɔ:l]长城 busy ['bizi] 忙碌的 together [tə'ɡeðə] 一起地
comic ['kɔmik] book(漫画书) post [pəust] card [kɑ:d] (明信片) newspape ['nju:s,peipə, 'nju:z-] r(报纸) magazine [,mæɡə'zi:n] 杂志 dictionary ['dikʃənəri] 词典 ;字典
buy [] (购买)
fruit stand [stænd]水果摊 pet shop 宠物商店 need[ni:d] 需要
plant[plɑ:nt, plænt] 植物 else[els] 其他;另外 shop[ʃɔp] 商店 Unit 4
hobby['hɔbi] (爱好)
ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车)
play the violin— playing the violin[,vaiə'lin] (拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝)
collect[kə'lekt] stamps[stæmp]—collecting stamps(集邮) show[stæmp] 展览 pen pal 笔友
dear[diə] 亲爱的
twin[twin] 双胞胎之一 something ['sʌmθiŋ]某事物 must 一定;肯定 fun 快乐;乐趣 with 同…
TV reporter电视台记者 live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看)
read--reads(读,看) does doesn’t=does not different['difərənt] 不同的 week [wi:k] 星期;周 say [sei] 说 soon [su:n]不久 excited [ik'saitid] 兴奋的;激动的 Unit 5 singer ['siŋə] (歌唱家,歌手) writer ['raitə] (作家) actor ['æktə] (男演员) actress ['æktris] (女演员) artis ['ɑ:tist] t(画家) TV reporter [ri'pɔ:tə] (电视台记者) Hong Kong 香港 engineer [,endʒi'niə] (工程师) accountant [ə'kauntənt] (会计) policeman [pə'li:smən] (男警察) salesperson ['seilz,pə:sən] (销售员) cleaner ['seilz,pə:sən] (清洁工) company ['kɔmpəni] 公司 where [hwεə](在哪里,到哪里) work [wə:k](工作) factory ['fæktəri] 工厂 design [di'zain]设计 tip [tip] 有用的小建议 help [help]帮助 money ['mʌni]钱 well 好;对;满意地 enjoy [in'dʒɔi]从…获得乐趣 touris['tuərist] t 旅行者; way [wei]路;道 motor cycle['saikl] 摩托车 police[pə'li:s] 警方;警察部门 Unit 6 rain[rein] (雨) cloud[klaud] (云) vapour['veipə] 蒸汽;水汽 sun[sʌn] (太阳)

stream[stri:m] (河,溪) come from(来自,从…来) shine [ʃain]照耀 become [bi'kʌm]变成 little ['litl]小的 drop [drɔp]一滴 wake[weik] up 醒来 feel ['fi:l]感觉到
think[θiŋk] 想;思考 meet[mi:t] 遇见 high[hai] 高的 other ['ʌðə]其他的 fall [fɔ:l]落下 down[daun] 向下 into ['intu:]进入 come out 露出 again[ə'ɡen] 又 seed[si:d] (种子) soil[sɔil] (土壤) sprout[spraut] (苗,芽) plant[plɑ:nt, plænt] (植物,种植) should (应该) then(然后) garden ['ɡɑ:dn]花园

㈡ 人教版六年级上册第六模块英语所有单词

rain cloud vapour sun stream come from shine become little drop wake up feel think meet high other fall down into come out again seed soil sprout
should then garden easy put several day see pot lovely make sure get month old still come on hardly

㈢ 用六年级上册的英语课文第6课的单词编一首歌

㈣ 六年级上册所有的英语单词

Unit 1
by foot bike bus train plane ship subway how go to school then fifth traffic traffic light traffic rule stop wait remember get to find difference same every country always mean drive right side England Australia however left if must know
Unit 2
library post office hospital cinema bookstore science museum excuse me where please next to far supermarket bank after school want buy a pair of shoe store get off minute north south east west turn right left straight then twelfth party tell start take look for
Unit 3
next week this morning this afternoon this evening tonight tomorrow take a trip read a magazine go to the cinema theme park the Great Wall busy together comic book post card newspaper magazine dictionary shoe store buy fruit stand pet shop need plant else shop
Unit 4
hobby ride a bike riding a bike dive diving play the violin playing the violin make kites making kites collect stamps collecting stamps show pen pal dear twin look something must fun with TV reporter live lives teach teaches go goes watch watches read reads does doesn't=does not different week say soon excited
Unit 5
singer writer actor actress artist TV reporter show Hong Kong engineer accountant policeman salesperson cleaner company where work factory design tip help money well enjoy tourist way tourist way motor cycle police
Unit 6
rain cloud vapour sun stream come from shine become little drop wake up feel think meet high
other fall down into come out again seed soil sprout plant should then garden easy put several day see pot lovely make sure get month old still come on hardly

㈤ 小学六年级英语下册课本的第六课单词


㈥ 六年级上册英语单词表


㈦ 小学英语6年级上册第6单元全部单词

by (经,乘) foot(脚) bike(自行车) bus(公共汽车) train(火车) how(怎样) go to school(上学) traffic(交通) traffic light(交通灯) traffic rule(交通规则) stop(停,停车站)wait(等待) get to(到达)

Unit 2

library(图书馆) post office(邮局) hospital(医院) cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店) where(在哪里,到哪里) please(请) next to(与…相邻) turn(转弯) right (右边) left(左边) straight(成直线地) then (然后)

Unit 3

next week(下周) this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上) comic book(漫画书) post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸) buy(购买)

Unit 4

hobby(爱好) ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车) dive--diving(跳水) play the violin—playing the violin(拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮) live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看) read--reads(读,看) does doesn’t=does not

Unit 5

singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家) TV reporter(电视台记者) engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售员) cleaner(清洁工) where(在哪里,到哪里) work(工作)

Unit 6

rain(雨) cloud (云) sun(太阳) stream(河,溪) come from(来自,从…来) seed(种子) soil(土壤) sprout (苗,芽) plant(植物,种植) should (应该) then(然后)

㈧ 六年级上册牛津英语第六课B部分单词

new year's day
may day
children's day
national day
mid-autumn festival
dragon boat festival
spring festival



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