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发布时间:2021-01-24 22:36:53

A. 小学四年级下册英语听力训练答案

A1 It's a new cap.2 The cat is white.3 You are right.4 Let's go home.5 Mrs.Blue is my teacher.6 Is he a doctor?

B. 最新小学四年级英语下册听力材料

1、carrots 2.playground 3. a pair of sneakers 4.rainy 5.eleven o'clock

二、听录音,判断图意是否与录音的内容相符,如相符,请写"V ",否则写"X " (每小题只读一次)
1.Time for P.E. Jump and run. 2. It's sunny. Put on your sunglasses.
3.Put away your sweater. 4.It's snowy. Put on your boots.
5. Hold a lamb.
1.This is our new computer room. 2. School is over. Let's play football.
3.The T-shirt is very nice. 4.There are six tomatoes.
5.Zhang Peng can ride a horse.
1.Time for music. Sing and dance.
2.A:Mum, can I wear my new T-shirt today? B:Yes, you can
3.A:Mum, that dress is very pretty. B: Yes, it is.
4.A:How many cows do you have? B: One hundred.
5. Go to the teacher's office. Hand in the homework.
1.Where is your classroom? 2. What time is it?
3.Do you like green? 4. Are they goats?
5.Can I help you?
1.We have a new _music__ room.
2. It's__cold____ today. Put on your coat.
3. This is your father's__jacket___.
4. Are they ____horses_____?
5. There are ___eight___oranges in the box.

C. 小学英语配套练习册四年级下听力


D. 2018年春季小学生学业成绩检测四年级英语下册试题听力

In the spring of 2018, elementary school students' academic performance is tested.

E. 新版小学英语四年级下课堂作业本听力mp4

晕 我有但是不知道怎么上传啊

F. 小学四年级英语下册听力下载

人教社的可上来http://www.pep.com.cn/xe/xszx/tbxxzy/PEPdzkb4x/ 。这是人教社网站小学自四年级英语下册页面。网络音乐等上面也能搜着。一般是分课的。



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