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❺ 高中英语听力练习(带原文,翻译)

第一节 (共 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

( )1. Where is Linda now?
A. In the woman’s office B. In the classroom. C. In the library

( )2. What would the man like to do?
A. To visit his parents. B. To drive to the countryside. C. To travel to another country.

( )3. What is the man going to do?
A. Talk to more students. B. Collect more information C. Work on a research paper.

( )4. Where can the man get the tickets?
A. From the club. B. From Susan. C. From Tom.

( )5. What does the woman mean?
A. She is warm enough. B. She has to study in. C. She likes the idea.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅览室读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

( )6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Police officers. B. Manager and clerk. C. Shop assistant and customer.

( )7. What are the speakers going to do?
A. Open a store. B. Make a plan. C. Have a meeting.

( )8. What’s the woman’s problem?
A. She missed the wake up call.
B. Her room service is out of order.
C. She is unable to get her breakfast in time.

( )9. Who is going to deal with the problem?
A. The hotel manager B. A room attendant. C. The woman herself.

( )10. How does the woman feel about the service?
A. sad B. Content C. Disappointed

( )11. Where does the woman work?
A. In a hospital B. In a lab. C. On a farm.

( )12. Which of the following does the woman do as a AHT?
A. Proce medicines B. Bathe animals C. Do experiments

( )13. What does Doctor Blake say about the woman’s work?
A. It’s interesting B. It’s unimportant C. It’s helpful.

( )14. What are the speakers talking about?
A. see adventures B. vacation plans C. Life at the Caribbean

( )15. What has the woman paid close attention to ?
A. Weather reports B. International news C. Storm damage

( )16. What do we learn about the man’s experience?
A. He was caught in a storm.
B. He visited storm- hit- islands.
C. He made a voyage two weeks ago.

( )17. What was the woman’s job ten years ago?
A. A director in a company. B. A college teacher. C. A writer.

( )18. Who is the college girl mentioned in the talk?
A. The speaker herself B. The speakers friend. C. A clerk in the bookstore.

( )19. Why did the woman give up her job?
A. she wanted more free time.
B. It was far from what she wanted.
C. College life was much more interesting.

( )20. How does the woman feel now?
A. Regretful. B. Worried C. Satisfied.

原文1:Woman- Hi, David! Nice to meet you here in the library!
Man- Me too. Do you know where Linda is?
Woman - I’m just going to meet her in my office in half an hour. She’s now having
her class.

原文2:Man -How about driving into the country on Thursday?
Woman -Well, I’ll see if I can get the afternoon off, and I’d like to see my parents first.

原文3:Woman -How was your research going, Jack?
Man -Well, not bad. I talked to some students and got their opinions. And now I’ve got
to write the paper based on the information I’ve collected.

原文4: Woman – Tom said he could get your club some tickets to the game if you’re interested.
Man – If we are interested. Look, Susan. We’ve been trying to get tickets everywhere.

原文5:Man- It’s sunny and warm. Stop studying and come into the garden with me.
Woman – Why not?

原文6:Man – Is everything going well according to the plan.
Woman – Our store will open two weeks before Christmas.
Man – I guess we should announce ourselves soon. Tell people we’re coming. Put up a
big sign.
Woman- Sure. The minute they see the sign, they will be lining up.
Man – To show their anger.
Woman- Yeah. They are lining up not to buy things but to show their anger.Because
some people think train stores all look the same.
Man – They’ll hate us in the beginning. But we’ll get them in the end.

原文7:Woman - Can’t you do something about the service in this hotel, manager?
Man - I’m sorry madam. What’s the problem exactly?
Woman - My breakfast, that’s the problem.
Man - Yes?
Woman – I ordered a breakfast from room service all at least half an hour ago.
Man - Yes?
Woman – I’ve telephoned room service three times, but my breakfast still hasn’t come.
Man – I see.
Woman – I’ve got an important meeting at nine o’clock. And now it seems I’ll have to
go there without breakfast. Really, I don’t think this is good enough.
Man – I’m very sorry about this maddam. You ordered breakfast half an hour ago and
you’ve phoned three times since then.
Woman – That’s right.
Man – I’m really sorry about that. You should have received your breakfast no later
than five or ten minutes after you’d ordered it.
Woman – That’s what I thought.
Man – The problem may be that they are short of people in the kitchens recently. But
I’ll work into this. And I’ll make sure that the breakfast is sent to you
immediately. Full English breakfast, was it?
Woman- Yes. Full English breakfast.
Man – very well madam. I’ll deal with this myself and I’ll have it sent up to your room
right away.

原文8:Man - Morrie, what is an AHT?
Woman - Well, AHT stands for animal health technician. I graated from California’s
first AHT class at Peals College. Some of us may work in the countryside
taking care of cattle horses or sheep. Some may work in research labs. But
most of us work in pet hospitals.
Man - I know that you work in a pet hospital. What do you do there?
Woman - We run blood and other tests, give shots and prepare medicine. We also cut
nails, clean teeth, give bath and clean the cages. We help keep the clinic running smoothly. Making sure there is enough of medicine and equipment.
Man - Indeed, you have so much to do. Doctor Blake told me that he couldn’t have
done so much without you.

原文9:Man- Where are you going on vacation this year?
Woman - Well, we were thinking about going on the voyage to the Caribbean Sea. It’s a
beautiful part of the world.
Man - It certainly is. I went on one last year. But the weather can sometimes be really
Woman - I know. I have been reading weather reports for the Caribbean on the internet.
They seem to have lots of storms.
Man - They certainly do. When we went on a voyage we stopped at Jamaica and the
Kombi Islands. And both had been hit by storms two weeks before. You could
still see a lot of damage.
Woman - Well, if I decide to go. I’ll just have to hope for the best.

原文10: Well I’d love to share with you something about my life. I was a director of labor relations for a big company ten years ago. And I should have been happy. I had everything that I thought I wanted. But going into work everyday took away a bit of myself. Until finally I stopped and said, “Where is that lively college girl who used to read tens of books and do fun things? Where is she?” I knew I have to look for her. Then one day, walking through a children’s bookstore, it hit me. I loved these books, the richness of the pictures, and the power of these words. I gathered an armful of books and said, “This is what I want to do.” And since then, I have treated writing like a full time job. I wrote over twenty stories in the next year. And most of them got sent back with letters saying they were not good enough. But I didn’t give up. I think it’sbecause of that love that I have been able not to just write one book but nine books in the last ten years. When I worked in the company, I worked sixty-hour weeks because I had to. Now I work sixty-hour weeks because I love it. If I hadn't made that choice to take a chance to do something that really spoke to me. I don’t think I could have lived with myself.


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❼ 高中英语听力怎么提升

先说一些学习方法,第二段为考试方面的学习建议:1.收听英语气象报告 2.善用录音带锻炼听说能力 3.听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 4.从电视,电影中学习英语 5.和朋友表演影片情节 6.唱歌学英语 特别注意英文没有的发音 7.背诵名人演说词,找机会复诵出来 8.用英语绕口令克服发音的缺点 9.多记一些幽默笑话,准备随时应用 10.听英语时,口中跟着复诵 11.练习朗读,好处多多 12.练习朗读时要从后面往前推演 13.朗读长句时,可在“词组”之间稍做停顿 14.为了兴趣而阅读 15.精读和泛读并行 16.阅读英文报刊杂志 17.暂时忘掉字典18.查字典之前,要猜猜看 19.查字典不要只看词义 20.多查几本字典,互相印证,互为补充 21.读的出,才能记得牢22.字典查过之后,暂时别合起来 23.要培养英语的语感,请用英英字典 24.利用前缀和后缀扩充词汇 25.留心英文的词汇搭配 26.把被动词汇转变为主动词汇 27.用自由联想法复习学过的单词 28.利用生活中的小插曲或社会上的偶发事件学习英文 29.累积实用的佳句,整理制作成卡片 30.把当天发生的事情,用英语写成日记31.用英文写阅读摘要 32.把生活体验写成英文作文,或做口头发表 33.随时用英文思考,用英文记录 34.不必对自己苛求完美 35.发挥创意,多做尝试考试方面的学习建议:听力: 听力部分是在考试里面最容易拿分数的部分。最开始的时候,我连听voa special english都很困难。我的方法是:一个sp要听4-5次,把里面不懂的英语单词的发音,含义全部搞清楚,然后每天坚持2个小时的听力训练,狂攻sp。如果没事,就拿一个MP3吊耳朵,让自己慢慢习惯英语语境。2个月后,我听了一盘四级英语考试磁带,发现自己原来根本听不明白的东西变的简单了。所以还是绝对值得的。2:单词 这是一个老生常谈的话题,大家知道,单词是英语的础,没有单词,就好象建大厦没有砖头,只能幻想空中楼阁。但是被单词又被大家认为是最难,最枯燥的事情。基础好的朋友可以通过阅读学单词,但是对基础不好的,这点根本行不通。整篇文章都看不太明白,还谈什么学单词呢?既然咱们现在水平不行,就要拿出比别人更的努力。我背单词的草稿纸已经放满了一个大箱子。 大家肯定有这种经验,前不久背了的单词,很快就忘记了,那么该怎么办呢?我当时是每天固定背30-40个左右的单词,第二天复习前一天的单词,然后每个礼拜天,花1小时把一个礼拜的单词复习一下,每一个月又花几个小时把一个月的单词复习一次。不懂的单词全部记下来。3:阅读 阅读在我看来,就是通过增加阅读量,提高阅读速度,掌握一定的阅读技巧。 最开始的时候,因为基础比较差,太难的文章肯定不适合基础差的朋友。先可以看一些"书虫"(高中水平)一类的改编小说,练练感觉。当单词量积累到一定程度以后,就可以正式开始提高阅读水平了。把题里的句子、单词都弄明白,并且对其中的难句做一定的分析,特别是语法结构。这里有一个问题:最开始你做题目的时候准确率会很低,千万别灰心,坚持下去,从每一篇阅读里面吸取精华,很快就会发现:阅读真的没那么可怕。 4:作文 这里我记得一个提高班的英语老师说过的一句话:读书破万卷,下笔如有神。作文一个字:背!如果你背了很多很多范文,作文不会低分的。但是我建议在背的同时,可以用一个小本子,把一些很精彩的句子抄下来,经常看看,并举一反三。同样一个句子,用在不同的地方,会有不同的效果最后:要对自己有信心,相信自己,付诸努力,坚持下来,你一定能行 答案补充 1.外籍教师说:每天听半小时英语,培养语感(注意,是无意识地听),我们小时候也是这样才学会说话的。你可以在休闲中播,但只可以是半小时! 2.抄得多自然熟,知识点抄抄抄。 3.设立错题本(非常有效),把错的答案,为什么错,列出来 4.要对英语充满兴趣,细细体味英语中的词语表达精妙之处。5.我跟你说!你每天要看以两段文字,如果没有时间,那就考试前一个星期每天看两篇!这样可以保持考试的阅读速度! 6.抄的单词本你们要复习啊! 7.找一个外国歌手做你的偶像,把他(她)的歌听完全 .8.多看中英对照文章,这样对你的翻译语感非常有帮助.

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