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act the leading role翻译

发布时间:2024-04-23 13:04:19

① 成龙 英语作文 英语翻译一下

Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first. Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first. Cheng Long is an actor, the procer, the direction. in April, 1954 was born in Hong Kong, 7 years old started study to practice martial art. In school period, he trains assiously. Afterward he started to be the substitute person, was very dangerous. He acts the leading role "Chinese boxing featuring unpredictability" popular. "Red Area", "Spike Time" also causes him to become famous in Hollywood. Now he long makes the public utility. Cheng Long is still the action star who the world is listed first.


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