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发布时间:2021-03-16 08:57:56

1. 哪里有五年级下册英语听力下载

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2. 五年级下册英语基训听力

ne of the indispensable joys of living. You need a special guidebook to help you cho

3. 五年级下册英语课文录音

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4. pep五年级下册英语听力材料(一)

五年级下册英语听力Unit 1 My day
Part A Let’s try (P4)
Pedro is a new student from Spain.
Zhang Peng: Pedro, this is our new
classroom. Do you like our school?
Pedro: Yes, but I'm tired. In Spain, I
always sleep a little in the afternoon.
Zhang Peng: Really? When do you sleep?
Pedro: At about 2 o'clock.
Zhang Peng: Oh. That's now, but we have
a maths class at 2 o'clock.
Part B Let’s try (P7)
Sarah: Hello, Mrs Green. Good to
see you.
Shopkeeper: Hi, Sarah. Welcome to our
shop again.
Sarah: I want to buy some
Shopkeeper: Here are some fresh carrots.
You don't often shop here on Saturdays.
Sarah: No, not often.
Let’s check (P10)
Amy: Mike, let’s go swimming on the
Mike: I'm sorry. I can’t. Amy: Why not?
Mike: I always clean my room and do my
homework on the weekend. Amy: OK.
Mike: Have fun!

5. pep五年级下册英语听力材料(二)

五年级下册英语听力Unit 2 My favourite season
Part A Let’s try (P14) Mike: It's a windy day. Chen Jie: Yes. It's cold, too.
Mike: What's your favourite season,
Chen Jie?
Chen Jie: Autumn. It is beautiful here In
Beijing. Part B Let’s try (P17)
Zhang Peng: Look at my picture, John.
John: It's pretty. So you like spring
Zhang Peng: Yes. Spring is beautiful.
There are lots of flowers. The trees are green.
Let’s check (P20)
Boy: When is your birthday? Girl: It's in summer.
Boy: Do you like summer? Girl: No, I don't. it's too hot
Boy: Which season do you like best?
Girl: Autumn. The colours are beautiful.
I can pick fresh apples.

6. 《小学英语听读》五年级下册的听力,一定是听力,不要答案,拍照也可以

2. E D G A F C B
3. teacher by car writer singer on foot artist TV reporter
1. ③ ② ④ ⑥ ① ⑤
2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A
1. 1) × 2) × 3) √ 4) √ 5) √
2. salesperson doctor policeman cleaner farmers student
3. C D A B
1. 1) doctor 2) salesperson 3) cleaner 4) artist 5) teacher
2. 1) doctor Where How by car
2) What singer Where does she work How does she go to work by plane
3. 1) E 2) D 3) C 4) A 5)B
2. 1) B 2) B 3) C 4) C 5) C
3. 1) engineer 2) salesperson 3) Where does Mark work 4) He often goes to work on foot

7. pep五年级下册英语听力材料(五)

五年级下册英语听力Unit 5 Whose dog is this?
Part A Let’s try (P48)
Chen Jie: The school art show is great. Mike: Yes. I like this picture. The trees
are beautiful.
Chen Jie: Whose picture is it? Mike: It's John's.
Chen Jie: What about the one over there?
I like the blue colour. Mike: That's mine.
Part B Let’s try (P51)
Sam: Chen Jie, where is Fido? Chen Jie: He's in the living room. Sam: What is he doing? Chen Jie: He's sleeping.
Sam: Again? Oh, I want to play with
Chen Jie: You can play with him later.
Let’s check (P54)
1. Mrs Smith: Hi, Mrs Green! Mrs Green: Hi, Mrs Smith! Mrs Smith: Where is Amy now? Mrs Green: She is shopping for us. Mrs Smith: I see. What a good girl. Mrs Green: Yes, she is. 2. Chen Jie: Look at the cat.
Mike: Oh, yes. Haha! Chen Jie: It's climbing.
3. Boy: Hey, whose bike is that? Girl: It's mine. Do you like it? Boy: Yes. Very much!
4. Robin: Yifan. What are you doing? Wu Yifan: I am eating.
Robin: let's play a game. Wu Yifan: OK, Robin.

8. 五年级下册英语cbb听力录音


9. 五年级人教版英语下册听力材料

尊敬的柳映雪寒:你好! 首先,你不能直接问人要答案,我冒昧的问你一句:“你有没有脑子?”(对不起)一般情况下,要么是你低智商,要么是你没有好好听课,要么是题目太难,要么是老师脑子不好,给你们做这个课外作业。 第二,你只问我要人教版五年级下册的英语课外作业的答案。请问,这本书的名字叫《课外作业》吗? 第三,当你草草地打上“人教版五年级下册英语课外作业答案”这些字的时候,你又没有想过,有多少人会有这个答案?要么老师,要么正好在做这资料的人,要么是一个为了积分的人随便打上几个字(我承认,我自己也在完成人物,为了5个最佳答案。但我是真心劝你。)。 如果是一位老师给你答案,那就说明这不是一个好老师。如果是正在做这资料的人给你答案,那是在蓄意害你(不好意思,语气有点重)。如果是一个为了积分的人给你答案,我会感到羞愧,因为我自己也是。 第四,你可不可以发题目。就算别人真心想帮你,也不知道题目呀。 最后,希望你能自己完成作业,加油吧。你才上五年级哦。实在不会,可以问我(我上初中,五年级的题目应该能解出来,而且是按照五年级的解法。因为我妹妹也上五年级,成绩不错哦。在这儿,我毫不撒谎——都是我帮她辅导滴。) 祝你学业有成。加油!

10. 求一套小学五年级下册英语书整本的听力语音




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