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❶ 求七年级下册人教版英语期中试卷(要没有听力的,有答案的!)好的加悬赏!急急急!!!!!!!!

英语Go for it七年级(下)期中测试卷
(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)
Ⅰ 单项选择 (每空1分,共20分)
( )1 Kate and I doing homework now.
A、am, their B、are, their C、is, our D、are, our
( )2 My father a new car. He it very much.
A、have, like B、has, likes
C、has, like D、have, likes
( )3 It is day. The children are playing in the garden.
A、fine B、the fine C、a fine D、an fine
( )4 — Mimi cute?— Yes, I think so.
A. Doesn’t B. Don’t C. Aren’t D. Isn’t
( )5 -Are you English or American? - .
A、Yes, I am B、I’m American
C、No, I’m not D、Yes, you are
( )6. Please call me 536--6988.
A. of B. in C. at D. the
( )7 Are you good at ? Yes, we are.
A、swim B、swimming C、a swim D、play football
( )8. What ____ he _____? He is a reporter.
A. do, do B. is, does C. is, doing D. does do
( )9 . He likes _________ and _________
A. sing, dance B. to singing, dancing
C. singing, dancing D. to sing, dance
( )10 .-Can you speak English? -Yes, but only______.
A. a few B. a little C. a lot D. many
( )11. He helps his friends _______ their English.
A. in B. at C. to D. with
( )12. Where _______ Michael _______ from?
A. does, comes B. does, come C. do, come D. do, comes
( )13. His uncle ______ in that bank _______ a clerk.
A. work, as B. works, for C. work, for D. works, as
( )14. Is Green Street a good place _______?
A. have fun B. have funny
C. to have fun D. to have funny
( ) 15. –Do you like giraffes? --Yes, I do. I think they’re _________.
A. ugly B. smart C. terrible D. scary
( ) 16. Listen! They ________ about the movie. Let’s join them.
A. are talking B. talk C. talking D. are talk
( ) 17. We have a ________ boy in our class.
A. English B. American C. Australian D. Japanese
( ) 18. I sit ________ Tom and Jackin the classroom.
A. between B. in C. among D. after
( ) 19. Go straight this street and ________ , you can see the post office.
A. turn the left B. turn to right C. turn left D. turn the right
( )20 At the ______ of this term, Tom works very hard.
A. begin B. begining C. begins D. beginning
Ⅱ 完型填空 (每空1分,共10分)
John is a young worker. He works in a pencil factory. He isn't tall. He's clever. He works _1_ .He does everything __2__.John's father works on a farm. He's very __3____ all day. John's mother helps __4___ John loves his parents. John __5____ a brother and a sister. His brother works on the farm. He drives the truck. He 6 the milk to the shop every day. He likes farm work. He doesn't like 7 in the factory. His sister is a teacher. She can 8 English and Chinese. She loves her pupils and the pupils love her, 9. They work hard 10 the people.
( ) 1. A. hardly B. hard C. difficult D. difficulty
( ) 2. A. good B. bad C. well D. nice
( ) 3. A. free B. busy C. buy D. work
( ) 4. A. her B. him C. his D. he
( ) 5. A. has B. have C. is D. are
( ) 6. A. brings B. takes C. gives D. lets
( ) 7. A. to work B. to working C. work D. works
( ) 8. A. study B. say C. teach D. think
( ) 9. A. as well as B. too C. also D. two
( ) 10. A. to B. for C. with D. of
Ⅲ 补全对话: 从方框中的7个句子选取5个适当的句子填入空白处。(每空2分,共10分)
A. What are they doing? B. What about Jack?
C. Let's go and find them. D. They are over there.
E. How are David and Jack? F. What are they wearing?
G. I can't find David and Jack.
A: Excuse me, Tom. 1
B: Oh, we must find them. 2
A: Well, David is wearing black pants and a white shirt.
B: 3 Is he wearing the same clothes?
A: No. He is wearing blue pants and a brown shirt.
B: Right! 4
A: Oh, look! There are some boys on the playground.
B: 5
A: I think they are playing football.
B: Yes, you are right. David and Jack must be over there.
Look at the nice picture. Do you know the girl in a hat with flowers on it? Her name is Mary. Mary is a nice French girl, my new pen pal. She lives in Paris. I like Mary. I don't know French, and Mary doesn't know Chinese. But we know some English. So we write to each other in English. We are the same age, 13 years old. My favorite subject is math. But her favorite subject is history. We both like basketball very much. She lives with her parents. She is their only child. She likes going to movies on weekends. She likes cartoons best.
She hopes to come to China this summer. And I hope to see her soon.
( ) 1. Mary is a (n) ____________ girl.
A. English B. Chinese C. French D. Japanese
( ) 2. Where does Mary live?
A. She lives in London. B. She lives in Pairs.
C. She lives in China. D. She lives in New York.
( ) 3. How old is Mary?
A. She is 14. B. She is 12. C. She is 11. D. She is 13.
( ) 4. What's Mary's favorite subject?
A. Her favorite subject is math. B. Her favorite subject is history.
C. Her favorite subject is English. D. Her favorite subject is French.
( ) 5. Which is RIGHT about Mary?
A. She has two brothers in her family.
B. She goes to the movies on weekends.
C. She dislikes cartoons.
D. She likes football very much.
It's Tuesday afternoon. All the boys and girls are doing all kinds of things.
Kate is cleaning the classroom with her classmates. Some are sweeping the floor. Others are cleaning the windows and the doors.
Some boys are playing on the playground. Li Ming and David are playing football, Some are playing basketball. Some are throwing a yo-yo. Others are flying a kite. Tom, Li Lei, Jack and some girls are planting trees near the lake.
Tom and Jack are digging(挖). Some are planting. Some are watering the trees. Li Lei is strong, so he is carrying water.
How hard all these students are working! They are helping to make our school beautiful.
( ) 6. Where are the students and the teachers?
A. They are at home. B. They are at work.
C. They are at school. D. They are outside (外面) the school.
( ) 7. What's Kate doing?
A. She is playing football. B. She is playing basketball.
C. She is throwing a yo-yo. D. She is cleaning the classroom.
( ) 8. Who are playing football?
A. Li Ming and David. D. Li Lei and Jack.
C. Li Lei and Tom. D. Tom and Jack.
( )9 Where is Tom working?
A. He is on the playground, B. He is near the lake.
C. He is in the classroom. D. He is at home.
( )10. What does the underlined word "strong" mean?
A.高的 B. 矮的 C. 强壮的 D.好的
Many children like watching TV'. It's very interesting and they can see a lot and know many things about other people. They can also learn from the radio. But they can learn easily with TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can't watch anything from the radio. TV helps to open children's mind ( 思想 ).They can find better ways to do things.
Many children watch TV only on Saturday and Sunday mornings. They are very busy. But some children watch TV every night. They go to bed late. It's not good for their eyes and health.
( ) 11. Children like watching TV, because it's ¬¬¬ .
A. boring B. interesting
C. dangerous D. good
( ) 12. When we learn from the radio, we can ________.
A. hear and watch at the same time B. only watch
C. only hear D. can only see
( ) 13.TV helps to open children's ___________.
A. mind B. hands C. feet D. eyes
( ) 14.Some children don't often watch TV, because they are _________.
A. free B. not interested C. busy D. tired
( ) 15. It's very_______ for us to watch TV too much.
A. good B. nice C. bad D. not bad
Ⅴ 词汇填空 (每空1分,共10分)
1 —What’re you doing? —I (写) stories.
2. The old man has lots of (钱)
3 Koala bears like sleeping and eating _________(树叶).
4 It's _________ (下雨).We can't go out.
5 In _______________(第二张) photo, I’m with Tom.
6 Lucy looks very _________(轻松).
7. My brother wants to be a ____________(警察).
8 Tigers and pandas are my favorite ___________(动物).
9 How’s the ___________(天气) in Beijing ?
10 In our class __________(每个人) has a dictionary.
Ⅵ 连词成句(每题2分,共10分)
1 there , people , here , are , many, vacation, on
2 I ,a , China, want, pen pal, in
3 it’s , left, street, on ,the, center, down
4 there, pay, a , is, phone
5 he, is , where , basketball, playing

参 考 答 案
Ⅰ 单项选择 (每空1分,共20分)

11-15 DBDCB 16-20 ADACD

Ⅱ 完型填空 (每空1分,共10分)


Ⅲ 补全对话: 从方框中的7个句子选取5个适当的句子填入空白处。 (每空2分,共10分)


Ⅳ 阅读理解(每空2分,共30分)

6-10 CDABC
11-15 BCACC

Ⅴ 词汇填空 (每空1分,共10分)
1 is writing 2 money 3 leaves 4 raining 5 the second
6 relaxed 7 policeman 8 animals 9 weather 10 everyone
Ⅵ 连词成句(每题2分,共10分)
1 There are many people here on vacation.
2 I want a pen pal in China.
3 It’s down Center Street on the left.
4 Is there a pay phone?
5 Where is he playing basketball?
Ⅶ 书面表达(10分)

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美国英语的音标,也称K.K.音标,是国际音标的一种,作者为John S. Kenyon & Thomas A. Knott 。他们根据IPA所编的描述美国英语的发音辞典(A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English 1944, 1953)里所用的发音符号,就是一般通称的KK音标。
KK音标所使用的符号均从前面提到的国际音标符号(IPA)而来,Kenyon与Knott二位仅将其中适用于美式英语的符号截取出来,再加上美音特有的儿音, 变成了美式英语的K.K.音标。这是一套最常用的也是最权威的注音法,从此人们把美语标准发音惯称为K.K.音标。日常生活中就把KK音标当作美式音标的代表。
元音部分共有21个,其中单元音12个,双元音9个。 辅音部分共29个。在阿凡提英语里,是把这50个音标,和维吾尔语32个字母的发音进行比较参照,帮助维吾尔人学习美国英语。
/i/ 舌尖抵住下齿背,舌面前部隆起,舌面两侧边缘与两侧硬腭接触,口张开,是所有元音中口腔通道最窄的一个元音。嘴唇扁平,声带振动,发长元音,和维吾尔语字母ئى的发音近似。
/ɪ/ 读音和/i/(ئى)近似,但嘴角两边肌肉较松,发短元音。
/ɛ/ 发音时,口略开,牙床介于半合半开之间。舌尖可抵下齿背,嘴唇展开,保持不变。舌面前部隆起,声带振动,发短元音。和维吾尔语字母ئې的发音近似。
/æ/ 发音时,口腔半开,舌位低,舌尖抵住下齿背,嘴唇展开,保持不变。软腭和小舌上升,关闭鼻腔通路,气流从口腔缓缓流出。声带振动。和维吾尔语字母ئە的发音近似。
/ɔ/ 发音时,口腔半开,舌位半高,舌头后缩,舌面后部向软腭隆起,开口度中等,双唇拢圆。发音时,软腭和小舌上升,声带振动,发长元音,和维吾尔语字母ئو的发音近似。
/ʊ/ 读音和维吾尔语字母ئۇ近似,但双唇肌肉较松,发短元音。
/u/ 舌头后缩,舌面后部向软腭隆起,舌位高,牙床合,双唇拢圆向前伸。发音时,软腭和小舌上升,声带振动。和维吾尔语字母ئۇ的发音近似。
/ʌ/ 读音和维吾尔语字母ئا近似,发音时舌头平放于口腔中间部分,发短元音。
/ɝ/ 舌端离开下齿,并尽量向上齿龈后部卷起,舌位接近半高,双唇略扁平,向左右两边拉开些,呈微笑状,发长元音。
/ə/ 舌端离开下齿,舌头平放,牙床半开,双唇略扁平而放松。这个音只出现在多音节单字的非重读音节中。
/ɚ/ 舌端离开下齿,舌尖轻轻向上齿龈后部卷一下,舌位半低,双唇略扁平而放松。这个音只出现在多音节单字的非重读音节中。
/eɪ/ 元音字母a的长元音即为/eɪ/。
/oʊ/ 由圆唇后元音/o/向/ʊ/滑动,念维吾尔语字母ئو和ئۇ的组合音。
/аɪ/ 由前元音/a/向/ɪ/滑动,念维吾尔语字母ئا和ئى的组合音。
/аʊ/ 这个音称为牙痛音。念维吾尔语字母ئا和ئۇ的组合音。
/ɔɪ/ 念维吾尔语字母ئو和ئى的组合音。
/ɪr/ 先念维吾尔语字母ئى,然后卷舌。
/ɛr/ 先念维吾尔语字母ئې,然后卷舌。
/ʊr/ 先念维吾尔语字母ئۇ,然后卷舌。
/or/ 先念维吾尔语字母ئو,然后卷舌。
/p/ 发音时,双唇紧闭,软腭和小舌上升,气流到达双唇后,从突然松开的双唇爆破而出形成此音。声带不振动,和维吾尔语字母پ的发音近似。
/b/ 发音时,双唇紧闭,软腭和小舌上升,气流到达双唇后,从突然松开的双唇爆破而出形成此音,声带稍振动,和维吾尔语字母ب的发音近似。
/t/ 发音时,软腭和小舌上升,舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后突然放开,使气流爆发而出产生此音。声带不振动,从肺部呼出的气流较强,是送气音,和维吾尔语字母ت的发音近似。
/d/ 发音时,软腭和小舌上升,舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后突然放开,使气流爆发而出产生此音。声带振动。和维吾尔语字母د的发音近似。
/k/ 舌面后部抬起抵住软腭,然后突然放开,气流爆发而出形成此音。声带不振动,送气,和维吾尔语字母ك的发音近似。
/g/ 它的发音部位和发音方法和/k/相同,区别是:这个音发音时声带振动,不送气,和维吾尔语字母گ的发音近似。
/f/ 下齿向上门齿靠拢形成缝隙,软腭和小舌上升,气流从唇齿形成的缝隙中摩擦而出产生此音。声带不振动,和维吾尔语字母ف的发音近似。
/v/ 下齿向上门齿靠拢形成缝隙,软腭和小舌上升,气流从唇齿形成的缝隙中摩擦而出产生此音。声带振动,和维吾尔语字母ۋ的发音近似。
/s/ 舌尖接近上齿龈,形成小缝隙,舌面两侧接触两侧上齿龈,气流从舌尖与上齿龈所留的缝隙中摩擦而出,声带不振动,和维吾尔语字母س的发音近似。
/z/ 舌尖前伸,靠近上齿龈,开成小缝隙,气流通过缝隙摩擦发音,声带颤动,和维吾尔语字母ز的发音近似。
/θ/ 发音近似/s/(س),但牙齿要轻轻咬住舌尖,声带不振动。
/ð/ 发音近似/z/(ز),但牙齿要轻轻咬住舌尖,声带振动。
/ʃ/ 发音时,双唇前伸,舌前部向上抬起,靠近上齿龈后部,构成小缝隙,气流
/ʒ/ 发音时,舌面向硬腭抬起,舌面前部靠近上齿龈和前硬腭形成缝隙,气流从这个缝隙中摩擦而出,形成此音,声带振动,和维吾尔语字母ژ的发音近似。
/r/ 发音时,舌端抬高,靠近上齿龈后背部,舌身向后缩,气流经过舌端和上齿龈后背部之间形成摩擦,由口腔而出,双唇收圆,略微突出,声带振动。注意不要和维吾尔语颤音ر的发音混淆。
/h/ 口稍开,舌后部平放在口腔中,气流从声门摩擦而出,形成此音。声带不振动。和维吾尔语字母ھ的发音近似。
/ʤ/ 发音时,舌面向硬腭抬起,舌面前部抵住上齿龈和前硬腭形成阻碍,气流冲破阻碍后摩擦而出,形成此音。声带振动。和维吾尔语字母ج的发音近似。
/ts/ 发音时,舌端先贴住齿龈,阻碍气流,然后略微下降,气流随之泻出口腔,声带不震动。
/dz/ 发音时,舌端先贴住齿龈,阻碍气流,然后略微下降,气流随之泻出口腔,声带震动。
/tr/ 发音时,舌身采取发/r/的姿势,但舌尖要贴在上齿龈后部,气流冲破阻塞,发出短促的/t/后立即发/r/,声带不震动。
/dr/ 舌身采取发/r/的姿势,但舌尖要贴在上齿龈后部,气流冲破阻塞,发出短促的/d/后立即发/r/,声带震动。
/m/ 双唇紧闭,软腭和小舌下垂,打开鼻腔通路,气流在口腔受阻,从鼻腔通过。声带振动。和维吾尔语字母م的发音近似。
/n/ 发音时,舌尖和舌前部边缘紧抵上齿背与齿龈交接处,堵塞口腔通道,软腭和小舌下垂,打开鼻腔通路,气流从鼻腔通过。声带振动。和维吾尔语字母ھ的发音近似。
/l/ 发音时,软腭和小舌上升,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从舌的两边流出。声带振动,和维吾尔语字母ل的发音近似。
/w/ 舌头后缩,舌面后部向软腭隆起,舌位高,牙床合,双唇拢圆向前伸。发音时,软腭和小舌上升,声带振动。和维吾尔语字母ئۇ的发音近似。
/hw/ 舌头后缩,舌面后部向软腭隆起,舌位高,牙床合,双唇拢圆向前伸。发音时,软腭和小舌上升,声带不振动。
/j/ 口微张,双唇向两边舒展,舌尖抵住下齿背,舌面前部抬向上腭形成缝隙,气流从缝隙中轻微摩擦而出产生此音。声带振动,和维吾尔语字母ي的发音近似。

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