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『贰』 高三英语周报听力~

小夜曲 海琼斯 是不是这个,

『叁』 高三英语周报外研版

Book 3 Moles 5-6参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BCDCB 6-10 DDCAB
11-15 BCDCA 16-20 CBDDB
21-25 ABADC 26-30 BACBD
31-35 BCDCD 36-40 DCCBC
41-45 BBDDC 46-50 DCCDB
51-55 GBEFA
56. Her unborn baby.
57. She began to deliver the baby.
58. In a hospital.
59. He felt very surprised.
60. Because she was to attend her mother’s funeral.
61. ... are considering ... considering → considered
62. ... between students. between → among
63. ... of own a ... own → owning
64. ... which may live ... which → who / that
65. ... thousands of miles. miles后加away
66. ... whenever you go. whenever → wherever
67. Therefore, using ... Therefore → However
68. ... prevent concentrate. concentrate → concentration
69. ... his ecation. his → their
70. ... because of a ... 去掉of
One possible version:
Dear John,
I'm writing to tell you something about Taijiquan. Taijiquan is a traditional Chinese martial art. It was created in the 17th century by Chen Yuting from Henan Province, which is called Chen-style Taijiquan. Now it has several different schools like Yang-style Taijiquan.
The philosophy of Taijiquan is using softness to resist violent force. Practicing Taijiquan can help people keep fit as well as rece stress, for focusing the mind on the movements of the form helps to bring about a state of mental calm.
I hope you will come to China and if you do, I'll teach you how to practice it.
Chen Fang
1. B。由“没有乘客在车站等车”可知,很明显错过了车,故选It’s obvious。
2. C。设空处引导表语从句且在从句中不作成分,故选that。
3. D。由were told和a new coach would come 可知,remove 这个动作发生在过去的过去,且
coach 与remove 之间是被动关系,故选had been removed。
4. C。当名词前有序数词时,常用不定式作后置定语,且President 与resign之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故选to resign。
5. B。定语从句意为“我仍和他们中的一些人保持着联系”,故选of whom。
6. D。由since January this year 可知,generate 是发生于过去且对现在有影响的动作,故选has generated。
7. D。由“每个地方都有好葡萄酒和坏葡萄酒”可知,法国葡萄酒和其他任何国家的葡萄酒一样,故选no better than(实际上和……一样)。
8. C。在会议上应该是提出问题或感兴趣的事,故选bring up。
9. A。banning 在本题中特指对烟草广告的禁止,故第一空用The;contribution在本题中是可数名词且表泛指,故第二空用a。
10. B。题干应是结束语,故只有In conclusion 符合语境。in some ways 在某些方面;in conclusion 总之;in no time 立即;in advance 提前。
11. B。由上文的I adore dancing 可推断,作者总是很“欣赏(admired)”专业舞者的动作。
12. C。13. D。电视机播放“ 跳舞(dancing)”比赛时,作者“不愿离开(glued)”电视机。
14. C。作者的家人不得不“忍受(tolerate)”作者房间里大声播放的音乐和作者跳舞。
15. A。由下文的a local dancing class可推断,这里指的是“专业的(professional)”舞蹈。
16. C。由下文的examine the type of dancing movements I wanted and learn how to move better 可知,作者“参加了(attended)”一个当地的舞蹈班。
17. B。“尽管(Although)”作者后来不得不停止上舞蹈课,但是作者并没有停止跳舞。
18. D。此处表示“必定,当然”,故选certainly。
19. D。如今,作者一有“机会(chance)”就喜欢随着音乐起舞。
20. B。“被朋友包围”与“独自在客厅”形成对比。
21. A。由下文的my friends enjoy the same kind of ... 可知,作者觉得朋友们与自己志趣相投是一件非常“令人愉快的(pleasing)”事。
22. B。由下文的we always bring the beat wherever we go 可知,此处是说作者和朋友们喜欢同一种“音乐(music)”。
23. A。24. D。作者结识的舞者们“不管(regardless of)”年龄或身体状况如何,都和作者一样“喜欢(enjoy)”跳舞。
25. C。你是否曾“注意到(noticed)”舞者比非舞者身体更健康、精力更充沛?
26. B。由上文的healthier 及下文的sustain a better health status 可推测,此处应与健康或者身体状况相关,故选energetic。
27. A。由上文的since dancing is fun可推断,舞者们一辈子“坚持(stick with)”跳舞。
28. C。“事实(truth)”是舞者们的确比非舞者们看起来更年轻。
29. B。上下文是讲跳舞的不同方面的好处,是并列关系,故选Moreover。
30. D。如果上述观点在你看来很陈腐,你最好自己作一些“ 研究(research)”。
本文是记叙文。文章讲述了Holland Finley 自强不息、乐于助人并鼓励他人从事志愿工作的故事。
31. B。细节理解题。由第二段末的 she decided to focus on sports that required more strength than enrance 及第三段开头的 Holland quickly began cheerleading and wakeboarding可知。 32. C。段落大意题。第三段主要讲的是Holland 在带领啦啦队和海上滑板两项运动中所获得的成就。
33. D。推理判断题。由第四段末的 plans monthly community service events for students and staff, and hosts an online platform where groups within Austin who need volunteers can post bulletins 可推断,该组织致力于将人们和志愿工作的机会联系起来。
34. C。推理判断题。由第四段开头的 it is her commitment to service and the community that makes her special 及下文所举事例以及最后一段的she will be able to use her determination and skills to help others 可推断,Holland 是一个仁慈善良的人。
35. D。推理判断题。由第一段末的 the farmers decided to pray to the Virgin Mary to help them 及第二段 末的the beetles became known as the“beetles of Our Lady”, eventually shortened to ladybug 可推断,Our Lady即the Virgin Mary。
36. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的 the farmers imported Australian ladybugs and released them into the orchards可知。
37. C。词义猜测题。由上文瓢虫帮了农民的大忙的例子及下文的 Raising ladybugs became a big business 可推断,瓢虫养殖户出乎意料地出现了。
38. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的 only the ones that don't fly off as soon as you release them will make your garden a home ... accommodate for the runaway ladybugs可知。
本文是议论文。文章讨论了学生 是否应该学习草写字。
39. B。句意理解题。随着信息技术的 发展,图书馆里的卡片目录和传统 的电影放映机都已经被现代化的 技术设备取代;再由下文的put more emphasis on typing skills 及 the cursive alphabet to become a relic 可推断,划线句子意为“草写体可能不久就会过时”。
40. C。推理判断题。由第二段中的 losing cursive would amount to the mbing down of society 及第三段 中Bateman 的话可推断,Bateman 支持草写体手书。
41. B。细节理解题。由第四段末的 Cursive handwriting is not included 可知。
42. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的it's an important way for students to be involved in an aesthetic activity every day. And that would be a way for cursive handwriting to survive 可知。
43. D。细节理解题。由第二步中的 mash the fruit ... Children particularly enjoy this part of the process 可 知。
44. D。细节理解题。由第六步中的 leaving a gap between the top of the jar and the jam可知。
45. C。细节理解题。由第四、五步可知C项正确。
46. D。推理判断题。全文主要讲了如何在家做草莓果酱,因此在介绍美食的网站上有可能出现,答案选D。
47. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的In its inside, they found a microscopic sample of ringwoodite 可知,这块林伍德石的标本存在于 一小块棕色钻石里面。
48. C。细节理解题。由第四段中的 The evidence comes from a water- -loving mineral called ringwoodite that came from the so-called transition zone sandwiched between the upper and lower layers of Earth's mantle 可知,这块稀有矿物 应该是来源于上地幔和下地幔之间的过渡带。
49. D。细节理解题。由第九段中的It would lead to a long-running debate about whether the poorly-understood transition zone is bone-dry or water-rich 可知,这块林伍德石的发现证明了地幔过渡带里面富含水分。
50. B。细节理解题。由倒数第五至倒数第二段可知,科学家们是从几个业余的宝石发掘者手中偶然得到这块稀有矿物的。

『肆』 英语周报高三外研50期

11-15 CBBAB 16-20 CCACB
21-25 DDACB 26-30CCABC
31-35 ADDCB 36-40 GBEFC
41-45 BADDC 46-50ABCCB
51-55 ABCDA 56-60DCBAD
61. a 62.it
63. especially 64. why
65. lost 66.in
67. was going 68. who / that
69. hitting 70. to calm
71. ... that was built ... that → which
72. ... according with a ... with → to
73. It built in ... built前加was
74. ... are well protected ... are → is
75. ... it drew thousands ...
drew → draws
76. ... some foreigner tourists.
foreigner → foreign
77. ... the pictures or ... 去掉the
78. ... be complete destroyed.
complete → completely
79. ... to protect them. them → it
80. ... the governments should ...
governments → government
One possible version:
Dear Jack,
Thanks for your recent letter. As forsport, football is my favorite.
In my opinion, playing football has manyadvantages. Firstly, it keeps you healthy. It is an outdoor activity played inthe fresh air and you can have fun with your friends. What is more, it helps toencourage team spirit. Also it offers pleasure to people when they watch it onTV. And lastly, it is also cheap and you don't need much equipment to play.
I often play football with my friends afterschool. I like this game because it is exciting and challenging, althoughsometimes I can get hurt.
Best wishes,
Li Hua
21. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Whatever our bedtime was as kids, we could stay up an extra halfhour if we were reading可知,读书可以推迟Fillion睡觉的时间。
22. D。写作目的题。根据第三段内容可知,Fillion为所出演喜剧构想的桥段冲突激烈。根据第四段中的Snappy dialogue comes naturally to the actor, whose parents,especially his mom, trained him early to read “cold,”可知,面对冲突激烈的表演,Fillion也可以游刃有余,这得益于他父母从小对他阅读的训练。由此我们可以推断,作者在这里主要是想表明阅读为Fillion带来的好处。
23. A。推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,Fillion的父母,尤其是他妈妈教给他要有感情地大声朗读,所以当他遇到某个人以一成不变的语调朗读时,他会说:“你的母亲没有尽责。”以此表明这个人没有被训练有感情地大声朗读。
24. C。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的comic books in particular helped Fillion keep the lights on as a kid和But more than a few times, I'd havea comic book hidden away可知答案。
25. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的These are the words that we don't pay attention to及第三段中的I don't listen to those littlewords in between可知,我们在听别人说话的时候,往往忽视那些功能词。
26. C。推理判断题。根据第四段中的when two people used the little words in similar ways at similarrates, they were much more likely to get interested in each other ... when weare around people that we have an interest in, our language cleverly changes可知,当两个人以相似的方式和相似的频率使用功能词时,他们更可能对对方产生兴趣,这是因为当我们对对方感兴趣时,我们的语言会自动转变,变得跟对方的说话方式相似。
27. C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的The person with the higher status uses the word “I” less可知答案。
28. A。标题归纳题。文章第一段以今年的大学毕业生选择搬回家和父母同住为引子,讨论了当代年轻人对父母的依赖问题。根据全文内容,尤其是But this is not necessarily a terrible thing, many parents andchildren want this close contact, Maybe we just need to get over thisdiscomfort以及最后一段内容可知,作者认为这种依赖是件好事,因此作者支持年轻人搬回家住。A项以小见大,不仅点明了本文的主题,还表明了作者的态度,最适合作为本文标题。
29. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中对于20世纪末母女之间相处模式的描述,以及this close contact, best friends, intimacy可以看出,当时母女之间的关系既密切又友好。
30. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Technological and economic developments have contributed to thischange. Nationwide cellphone calling plans and e-mail ease communication可知,由于科技的进步,孩子们可以通过手机和电邮更加便捷地与父母联系,这在一定程度上促使他们更加依赖父母。
31. A。篇章结构题。根据最后一段内容可知,作者认为我们应该为当今年轻人与父母之间的密切关系感到高兴,因为四十年前媒体大肆宣扬“代沟”问题,而如今我们终于解决了这个问题。
32. D。细节理解题。根据第一部分中的The 5-by-9-metre restaurant can hold 14 people at a time可知答案。
33. D。细节理解题。根据第二部分中的Unlike other restaurants, the Skyline Queenstown Restaurant hastiered seating to guarantee beautiful lake and mountain views from every table可知,不同于普通餐厅的座椅安排,天空缆车餐厅内的座位高低错落,保证了不管客人坐在任何座位都可以欣赏到美景。
34. C。细节理解题。根据第三部分中的Revolving Restaurant Allalin is the highest revolving restaurant inthe world可知答案。
35. B。推理判断题。根据第一部分中的has a transparent roof offering a 270° panoramic underwater view,第二部分中的while the panoramic view from the windows will attract you day ornight, never ending scenery to admire, beautiful lake and mountain views以及第三部分中的while some mountain topsslowly pass by可以看出,这三个餐厅都是景观餐厅,人们可以边享受美食,边欣赏美景。
36. G。下文是对三个常见梦的介绍和解读,故选G项,在此起引出下文的作用。
37. B。根据上文中的we forgot to put on clothes可知,这里是解读梦到当众裸露。B项中的we'reexposed表示的就是“裸露”。
38. E。根据本空前的chase dream可知,这里是解读梦到被追逐。E项中的runningaway与“追逐”意思相符,且下一句中的that problem指代的就是E项中的your problem。
39. F。根据下一句中的You suddenly realize you are supposed to be taking an exam可推测,你先前忘了考试,突然想起来要参加考试。F项中的forgetting that you have one符合此处语境。
40. C。根据本段中的taking an exam以及上一句“找教室”的描述可知,这里是解读梦到考试。C项中的pen,finish, answers等都符合考试的场景。
41. B。作者正在吃早饭的时候,有人拍了拍他的肩膀,这让作者感到很“突然(Suddenly)”。
42. A。根据本空后的as I had never seen the woman before可知,作者并不认识这位女士,所以作者很“困惑(confused)”,不知道她怎么知道作者的名字。
43. D。下文中的sitting alone at the table, walked back to her table提示了本题答案。
44. D。45. C。根据下文中的I don'tthink I know you guys可知,作者不“认识(recognize)”这对夫妻,所以感到很“抱歉(sorry)”。
46. A。根据上文中的touched me on the shoulder及下文中多次出现的I turned around可知,这位女士的座位在作者的身后,所以她需要“转身(turned)”才能回到自己的座位上。
47. B。根据上段中的bully和本空后的laughedat可推测,Tony以前经常“取笑(made fun of)”作者的大耳朵。
48. C。作者没有父母是Tony取笑作者的原因,故选because。
49. C。根据本空后的waved at me可知,Tony向作者挥手,所以他需要“抬起(raised)”手。
50. B。根据本空前的returned可知,作者也“挥手(wave)”回应Tony。
51. A。本段末的the broken dishes提示了本题答案。
52. B。根据本空后的as he was trying to get into his wheelchair可推测,Tony是在往轮椅里坐的时候“不小心(accidentally)”打翻了盘子。
53. C。根据文末的I had forgiven him可推测,作者走过来“帮忙(helped)”收拾破碎的盘子。
54. D。根据上段中的he nodded his head forward和本段中的I nodded my head可知,作者是在点头“回应(in return)”Tony。
55. A。上段中的You remember提示了本题答案。
56. D。57. C。根据最后一段内容可知,作者原谅了Tony,由此可推测,他“从来没有(never)”觉得Tony活该,并且说这番话的时候脸上的表情应该很“真诚(sincere)”。
58. B。根据上文内容可知,作者一开始都没有认出Tony,这说明他们已经失去联系很久了,所以作者“给了(gave)”Tony一张写有他电话的卡片。
59. A。根据上段中的phone number可知,作者让Tony改天给他“打电话(call)”。
60. D。根据本空后的he knew I had forgiven him可推测,作者与Tony俩人一笑泯恩仇,故选laughed。
61. a。考查冠词。time意为“(以某种方式经历的)时间,时刻”时是可数名词,且表泛指,故其前用a。
62. it。考查代词。设空处指天气,故填it。
63. especially。考查副词。设空处修饰driving,故填especially。
64. why。考查连接词。设空处引导表语从句,且从句中缺少原因状语,故填why。
65. lost。考查形容词。设空处意为“迷路的”,故填lost。
66. in。考查介词。go round in circles意为“在原地绕圈子”。
67. was going。考查时态。由上文可知卡伦迷路了,她当时不知道自己正驶向哪里,故用过去进行时。
68. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句修饰先行词guy,且在从句中作主语,故填who / that。
69. hitting。考查非谓语动词。avoid后跟动词-ing形式作宾语,故填hitting。
70. to calm。考查非谓语动词。设空处作目的状语,故填to calm。


1-5 DBCBC 6-10 CBBDC
1. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的38-year-old Karnicar became the first person to ski non-stop downMount Qomolangma可知答案。
2. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的The Darwin Awards website, which documents and applauds foolishlybrave deaths, called the skiing ‘madness’可知,这个网站本身就是记录人们愚蠢的冒险行为,而且称Karnicar滑雪而下的行为很“疯狂”。
3. C。词义猜测题。根据上文中出现的dangerous可知,从珠峰滑雪而下的行为很危险,所以见到一具爬山人的尸体应该是提醒Karnicar他从事的运动很“危险”。
4. B。细节理解题。根据第五段中的Thanks to strategically placed cameras on the mountain and oneattached to his safety helmet, hundreds of thousands of people in more than 70countries witnessed his success on the Internet可知,通过这些摄像头,世界各地的人们见证了Karnicar的壮举。
5. C。细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的In fact the conditions were so severe that he abandoned plans to ...可知答案。
6. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的So the calendars that were developed at lower latitudes wereinfluenced more by the lunar cycle than by the solar year. In more northernareas ... the solar year became more vital可知,太阳的周期对高纬度地区(即更靠北的地区)的历法影响更大。
7. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的the Egyptians ... divided the day into twelve temporal, or seasonalhours可知答案。
8. B。推理判断题。根据第二段中的A temporal hour was one twelfth of the time from sunrise to sunset.Similarly, they divided the night into twelve hours from sunset to sunrise可知,白天和晚上各有12日光时,所以一天有24日光时。
9. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的they could not always be depended on in the cloudy and oftenfreezing weather of northern Europe及常识可知,日晷在阴天不能正常工作,水时钟在冬天结冰时不能正常工作。
10. C。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文分别介绍了古巴比伦、古罗马、古埃及以及古希腊计时的方法,所以本文是一篇关于人类早期计时历史的文章。

『伍』 英语周报高三外研第52期

1-5 ACABC 6-10 CBACA
11-15 BCACB 16-20 BCBCA
21-25 DBDAC 26-30 ACCAC
31-35 BABCC 36-40 GACDE
41-45 BDBCA 46-50 BBDCB
51-55 CCADC 56-60 BBADD
61. more comfortable
62. protection 63. it
64. a 65. for
66. what / whatever 67. where / in which
68. used 69. is powered
70. applying
71. ... about people go ...
72. ... to the surveys ...
surveys→ survey
73. ... living a better ...
living→ live
74. Some wants to ... wants → want
75. ... our self-development.
our→ their
76. Natural, different ...
Natural → Naturally
77. ... I agreed with ...
agreed→ agree
78. ... in the order ... 去掉the
79. ... like students, we ...
like→ as
80. ... country or society. or→ and
One possible version:
Dear Miss Miller,
I am sorry to tell you that I cannotperform in the short play next week because I seriously injured my ankle ringthe PE lesson yesterday. The doctor said that I'd better not move and have agood rest.
You might be disappointed at this. ActuallyI am feeling upset too because I was looking forward to the performance we havebeen preparing ring the last few weeks. I hope you can find someone else totake my place. But please don't worry about me. I can take good care of myselfand I will recover soon.
I wish the school play a great success.
21. D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的As an African-American in a field in which minorities were rare, hewas often looked down upon, he says. “For most of my career as an engineer, I was put in environmentswhere I was the only person of color in the room.”可知,由于Johnson是非裔美国人,所以他经常被看不起,而且他所处的行业也很少雇用有色人种,这些都表明Johnson遭遇了种族歧视。
22. B。词义猜测题。根据第二段中的It's like the entertainment instry. You can't predict whether asong is going to be a hit and how everyone will react to it可知,玩具业跟娱乐业类似,你无法预测哪首歌会火,也无法预测人们对它的反应,这说明这两个行业都充满变数。
23. D。推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Wow,” Song said insurprise和倒数第二段中的 “At that point, I knew I had caughttheir imagination,” Johnson says不难推测,Song对Johnson的发明很感兴趣。
24. A。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的He hopes that his technology will ... make green energy moreaffordable可知答案。
25. C。细节理解题。根据Katrin S. Kohl所说的But there were lots of awkward introctions because nobody knewwhat to do with their hands in Liberia可知答案。
26. A。推理判断题。根据Katrin S. Kohl所说的内容可知,西非人原来在会议等社交场合要握手致意,现在他们保持距离,不接触对方,这说明埃博拉病毒改变了人们的社会行为方式。
27. C。细节理解题。根据Jennifer Brooks所说的after several international medical staff members were infected. Itchanged from being the government's problem to being everyone's problem可知答案。
28. C。细节理解题。根据Emily Jennets所说的Some people thought the white people were trying to steal organs可知答案。
29. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的a bald eagle, the national bird of the US, holding 13 arrows in itsleft talon and in its right, an olive branch with 13 leaves, both representingthe original 13 states that formed the United States of America可知答案。
30. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Both little Jonathan and his little dark-blue book seem over taskedas a messenger of a country's history and its basic values可知答案。
31. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的I guess at such moments, “Hi, I am an American, and my government shall never die” is not the best mannerism eventhough it is backed up by the strongest armed forces in the world可推测,作者认为含有众多“爱国主义”内容的护照就像是在向其他国家炫耀美国的强大,有着挑衅的意味。
32. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的When the orders continued after the holiday season for baby gifts,birthday gifts and more, it occurred to them that maybe this job could beturned into a business and they did it可知答案。
33. B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的the unique gift baskets my mom was making及第二段中的she had a creative idea可推测,作者的母亲想象力丰富,心灵手巧,能做出独一无二的礼品盒。
34. C。推理判断题。根据第四段中的She swore she would run a business again and do it differently thenext time可推测,作者的母亲反思了自己这次生意失败的原因,所以发誓下次要用不同的方法做生意。
35. C。写作目的题。根据第三段中的make sure you ask yourself what you want out of your business. If youdon't set goals, how will you know what direction to go in ... You can't keepscores if you don't know what game you are playing及最后一段中的Set them so that you can makeprogress and achieve success可以看出,作者写这篇文章的主要目的是强调设定目标的重要性。
36. G。根据上文可知,Gregory十一二岁的时候跟朋友一起坐公交车去市中心,但是她如今不让自己的孩子这么做,这是因为她“担心可能存在的危险”。G项中的possibledangers对应下句中的crimesagainst children。
37. A。根据下句内容可知,Alaba的女儿从来都没想过步行上下学,由此可以推断当她“开始上高中时,她仍然期盼每天有人接送她”。
38. C。根据上文内容可知,Alaba承认自己的孩子缺乏独立性,但仍然开车接送她们,这是因为她认为“知道她们安全就值得了”。
39. D。D项中的fear提示了本题答案。D项“担心陌生人给儿童保护中心打电话”指的就是上句中“对公众看法的担心”。
40. E。根据上段内容可知,人们现在很容易获取信息,所以能得知“发生的每一件事”。
41. B。根据文章中对买东西的描述及文章末的doing my own grocery shopping和supermarket可知,每周日,作者一家都一起去“超市(supermarket)”。
42. D。43. B。根据下一句可知,大姐一边读大学,一边做兼职,所以她有充分的“借口(excuse)”“停止(stop)”跟我们一起去超市。
44. C。根据本空后的had no good reason ... 可知,二姐也不想跟家人一起去超市了,但她却没有什么合理的理由。on the other hand用于引出相互矛盾的观点,符合此处语境。
45. A。根据本空后的lame, stupid可推测,二姐认为没有什么比让同学看到自己或瘸或傻的家人更“尴尬(embarrassment)”的了。
46. B。根据文章开头的my father, mother and two older sisters可知作者的家庭成员状况。再根据本空后的brother可知,这里是指除了不愿去超市的两个姐姐和作者这个弟弟外的“父母(parents)”。
47. B。两个姐姐都不再陪家人一起去超市了,所以就只剩下父母和作者“三个(three)”人了。
48. D。根据本空前的Left to deal with my parents by myself和下句中的just made no improvement可推测,留下作者一个人应对毫无进步的父母使得他很快失去“耐心(patience)”。
49. C。根据下句中的bad English可知,这里指父母的“英语(English)”没有进步。
50. B。根据本空前的delighted可知,刚开始作者和父母的英语都不好,“乐于(happy)”根据颜色和气味挑选窗户清洁剂。
51. C。根据本空后的telling them to ... 可知,现在作者“成了(become)”父母的活字典,指点父母购物。
52. C。根据本空前的put down that red can of baking powder可知,作者让父母放下红罐的发酵粉是因为父母“想要(wanted)”的是黄盒的小苏打。
53. A。根据本空后的too可知,作者也想像姐姐们一样“抛弃(abandon)”父母,不再跟他们一起去超市。
54. D。55. C。I never gotwhat I wanted就是作者不跟父母一起去超市的“后果(consequences)”:作者再也得不到自己想要的东西。即使作者给父母写清楚自己要什么,父母也会买回“错的(wrong)”东西。
56. B。根据本空前的on purpose可知,作者有时认为父母为了让自己“陪(accompanied)”他们去超市而故意买错东西。
57. B。下句中的think about them提示了本题答案。
58. A。超市不仅仅是买东西的地方,也是维系家人情感的地方,这是作者逐渐“感悟到(understand)”的道理。
59. D。根据本空后的go to the supermarket with them可知,大学毕业后,作者定期“拜访(visit)”父母,并和他们一起去超市。
60. D。作者能跟父母一起共度美好的时光是作者期待跟父母一起去超市的原因,故选because。
61. more comfortable。考查比较等级。设空处作宾语补足语,且前面有a little修饰,故用形容词,结合than可知填more comfortable。
62. protection。考查名词。设空处作offer的宾语,故用名词。
63. it。考查代词。设空处指代Each little house,故填it。
64. a。考查冠词。effect在此意为“影响”,为可数名词,且表泛指,故其前用a。
65. for。考查介词。search sth. for sth. 意为“细查某处以搜寻某物”。
66. what / whatever。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句且在从句中作find的宾语,故填what / whatever。
67. where / in which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词studio,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where / in which。
68. used。考查非谓语动词。use与woodenstructures之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且use所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,故填used。
69. is powered。考查时态和语态。由上下文可知,此处用一般现在时,且device与power(给……提供动力)之间是被动关系,故填is powered。
70. applying。考查非谓语动词。someone与apply之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且apply所表示的动作正在进行,故填applying。


1-5 BACAA 6-10 BACDB
1. B。细节理解题。根据文中的Seconds later, when I can finally look around again, we're near theclouds及When theHornet flies at nearly the speed of sound等细节可以看出,Hornet的飞行速度很快。
2. A。推理判断题。根据文中的The Hornet's quick movements create extra g's. All that gravity hasthe interesting effect of pushing things down. That includes the blood in yourbody that you rely on for minor things like seeing and remaining conscious可知,当人们感受的重力突然成倍增加时,人们的血液就会往下流,从而导致人们看不清楚或者失去意识。
3. C。推理判断题。根据文中的... physically fight to keep that blood where it belongs — in your brain及Riders with the Blue Angels aretaught to ... prevent the blood from rushing away from their upper body. Theidea is to yell “hick!” rather loudly可知,喊“hick”的目的就是阻止血液从上半身流走,让大脑中有足够的血液。由此可以推测,当人们开始感觉大脑供血不足时,就要开始喊“hick”。
4. A。推理判断题。根据划线部分前的None of this applies to Mark Tedrow及下段中的... all the twisting and turning has little effect on him可知,Tedrow不受重力增加的影响,飞机在空中的各种运动也对他没有影响。
5. A。标题归纳题。作者介绍了自己乘坐美国海军“蓝天使”飞行表演队飞机的经历。A项中的the blue指的就是天空,形象生动地表达了作者乘坐飞机在空中的经历。
6. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的What had changed, in fact, was the demand for Cisco's proct可知,用户需求减少导致思科公司的效益下滑。
7. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的We assume that because people are good at doing A, they will be goodat doing B, C and D ... Dozens of studies have shown that we automaticallyregard good-looking people as more pleasant, honest and intelligent可知,依据桑代克的理论,如果某人长得漂亮的话,人们就可能倾向于认为那个人也很善良。
8. C。推理判断题。根据第四段中的What makes a professional tennis player like Roger Federer a coffeemachine expert is still open for debate, but this hasn't got in the way of thesuccess of the campaign. All we remember is the attractive face, dreamlifestyle and that proct可知,网球明星可以成功推销咖啡机,这是因为明星的良好形象可以使人们记住他们代言的产品。
9. D。词义猜测题。根据第三段内容我们不难看出,光环效应“阻碍了”人们对事物真实性质的判断。
10. B。写作目的题。本文从一个著名公司的案例谈起,说明了一个心理学上的概念——光环效应,最后简短地提供了应对光环效应的办法。故本文的写作目的是说明一个心理学上的概念。

『陆』 求英语周报高三第15期2016-2017外研版在线等,急急急!

Book 5 Moles 5-6
11-15 ACABB 16-20BCBBA
21-25 CCACC 26-30DCCAD
31-35 DCDAB 36-40EAGCD
41-45 BDCCA 46-50DCBBD
51-55 DCAAB 56-60BDACC
61. waking 62.endless
63. a 64.to use
65. usually 66.On
67. jumps 68.explanation
69. associated 70. that / which
71. ... birds singing occasional ...
occasional → occasionally
72. ... but feeling extremely ... but → and
73. Before I arrived ... Before → After
74. ... students are practicing ...
are → were
75. ... in corner of ... in后加a
76. ... spoke to him ... him → them
77. ... soon became friend.
friend → friends
78. ... find other opportunity ...
other → another / an
79. ... my way to home ...
80. ... that take early ... take → taking
One possible version:
Failure comes to us all at sometime oranother. Last term, I met a painful failure, which helped me find a new self.Before the final exam, I had promised my parents that I would get the bestmarks in all my subjects. However, I did not listen to my teachers carefully inclass and paid little attention to my homework. Therefore, I failed two of myfavourite subjects, math and physics, which surprised everyone. Looking back, Irealized that it was my overconfidence that led to my failure. Only if we aremodest and work hard will we have the chance to achieve our goals.
21. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的her mother said that they might not be able to afford books. Mariahad never thought of this可知,Maria在八岁之前从未想过有的孩子会没钱买书。
22. C。细节理解题。由第三段中的aiming to collect and distribute books to children in need可知,Read Indeed为贫穷的孩子们募捐并赠送书。
23. A。推理判断题。由第三段末的Maria set the goal to collect and distribute 1 million books by thetime she is 18. It didn't take that long for her to reach that goal及第四段开头的Today, at age 14, she has collected over 1.8 million books可知,Maria最初的梦想已经提前实现了。
24. C。推理判断题。由文章可知,Maria确定目标后就立即行动并提前实现最初设定的目标,之后又树立了更远大的目标,可见她坚定地为自己的使命努力。故C项正确。
25. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的Most of them will seldom ever read another non-fiction book ...their career goals可知,作者认为很多人毕业后很少阅读非小说类书籍。
26. D。段落大意题。由第二段中的reading books about a specific subject that is of interest to youregarding your career及Another tip isto try to read material written by someone with hands-on experience in thefield可知,本段主要讲人们应该读什么样的作品以推进自己的事业目标。
27. C。写作手法题。由第三段末的you could get up a half hour earlier each day to read undisturbedand, as Brian Tracy says, “milk the goldenhour”可知,作者引用Brian Tracy的话是为了表明如何找时间阅读。
28. C。细节理解题。由第四段开头的But by far the most powerful way of finding the time to learn ismaking your car your “college onwheels”可知,作者认为最好的读书时间是在车上的时间。
29. A。细节理解题。由第一段末的follow hiking trails without a pilot's assistance. This could allowrescuers to search more efficiently可知,科学家研制这款无人机是为了使其帮助救援人员找到迷路的旅行者。
30. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的The computer did a slightly better job than the people had可知,在实验室测试时,电脑比人在照片分类方面做得稍好一些。
31. D。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的That's because the drone's camera took lower-quality images than thecameras that had been used to train it可知,无人机之所以在森林中表现不好是因为其在森林中拍的照片质量差,不容易识别。
32. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的It's an exciting use for neural networks及However, the problems faced in the experiments show that there arestill some important issues to be worked out可推断,Christopher Rasmussen对该研究成果持客观态度。
33. D。细节理解题。由第一段The DuSable Museum of African American History ... documenting thehistory and culture of African Americans in the United States可知,该博物馆的展品主要是关于非裔美国人。
34. A。细节理解题。由文章中的Hours: Tuesday through Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday: Noon to5 p.m.可知,该博物馆在周日开放五个小时。
35. B。细节理解题。由文章末的Admission: Alts: $10; seniors and children: $7; children under 6:free可知,五岁的孩子可以免费参观该博物馆,故只需支付一位成人的费用,即10美元。
36. E。E项中的them指代上文的the people who walk confidently into an algebra test without ...their brains。
37. A。A项与下文的Right after youwalk the dog, call your grandma, go for a run, eat an apple, brush your teeth... 相呼应。
38. G。G项中的being proctive与上文的Right after you walk the dog, call your grandma, go for a run, eatan apple, brush your teeth ... 及下文的You'resimply postponing that one big, terrifying task相呼应,说明此种拖延症患者貌似多产,实际上是在推迟那些艰巨的任务。
39. C。C项与上文的these thingsneedn't mean losing sight of your goal及下文的For example, do work for 20 minutes, then watch a video相呼应。
40. D。D项中的you don't even start与上文的The avoider及you're hit byan anxiety blackout相呼应。
41. B。由上文的the hunter and the hunted及下文的hiding or escaping from ... 可推断,大多数动物想要“活着(alive)”。
42. D。由上文的have developed ways of adapting可推断,动物们用各种方法适应“恶劣的(severe)”自然环境。
43. C。动物们总是逃避想要“杀死(kill)”它们的天敌。
44. C。由下文的that was using camouflage in the past. It looked so similar to itssurroundings可推断,或许有一只伪装在与其看起来很像的环境中的动物曾“使你感到惊讶(surprised)”。
45. A。由上文的It looked so similar to its surroundings可知,伪装的动物与其所处的环境很相似,以至于你差点“没有(missed)”看到它。
46. D。47. C。伪装的动物的外表和其所处的“栖息地(habitat)”如此相似以至于你可能盯着它(所处的位置)却没能一开始就“看到(seeing)”它。
48. B。伪装可以欺骗正在寻找“食物(food)”的捕食者。
49. B。伪装可以帮助猎物“躲避(hide)”它的捕食者。
50. D。由上文的it often works the other way around可知,不光猎物会通过伪装躲避捕食者,捕食者也会通过伪装给猎物“设陷阱(trap)”。
51. D。动物无法发现正在伪装、“埋伏着等待(lie in wait)”的捕食者。
52. C。正在伪装的捕食者因为不易被发现,所以可以“出乎意料地(unexpectedly)”抓住它的猎物。
53. A。由下文的allow it to look like some other kind of animal or plant可知,拟态是指一些动物的“身体(physical)”特征使其看起来像其它的动物或植物。
54. A。由下文的its predator will often go off可推断,拟态的动物会尽力使它的捕食者“认为(believe)”它是有危险性的。
55. B。由上文的preys on them, or would at least be difficult可知,拟态的动物会使其捕食者认为抓它至少是“棘手的(painful)”事情。
56. B。捕食者常常避开拟态的动物,去寻找“较容易的(easier)”目标。
57. D。由下文的they adapt to the new conditions可推断,有时动物能通过适应新的环境,在变化中的栖息地中“幸存下来(survive)”。
58. A。由下文的have survived instrialization of their habitat可推断,鸟类过去习惯于在高大的“树木(trees)”上筑巢。
59. C。浣熊很容易地适应了“占据了(taken up)”它们家园的居民区。
60. C。浣熊会吃它们能得到的任何食物,比如垃圾桶里的,或者“甚至(even)”是人们家里的。
61. waking。考查动词-ing形式作定语的用法。此处意为“醒着的”,故填waking。
62. endless。考查形容词作表语的用法。由破折号后的内容可知交谈的可能性看似是“无穷的”,故填endless。
63. a。考查不定冠词。play a role in意为“在……方面起作用”。
64. to use。考查不定式作宾语的用法。choose to do sth.意为“决定去做某事”。
65. usually。考查副词。设空处修饰整个句子,意为“通常”,故填usually。
66. On。考查固定搭配。on average意为“平均”。
67. jumps。考查一般现在时。由On average及spend可知,此处表示客观情况,故用一般现在时。
68. explanation。考查名词。由a simple可知,此处应填名词的单数形式,故填explanation。
69. associated。考查省略。be associated with意为“与……有联系”,此处省略了which/ that are。
70. that / which。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰reward,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。

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『拾』 英语周报高三外研2016-2017第6期

Book 2 Moles 5-6
11-15 BAABC 16-20ACBAC
21-25 CDCAC 26-30CDBBA
31-35 CCBAD 36-40FGAEC
41-45 BADDC 46-50ABCCB
51-55 ABCDA 56-60DCBAD
61. organized 62. the
63. using 64.in
65. had 66.Luckily
67. it 68.awareness
69. to keep 70. that
71. ... ready to having ... having → have
72. ... and leaves school. leaves → left
73. ... my grandparent did ...
grandparent → grandparents
74. In the fact ... 去掉the
75. “We're worried your ...
76. ... prove them wrongly ...
wrongly → wrong
77. ... he was offering ...
offering → offered
78. ... he was difficult ... he → it
79. Thankful, a few years ...
Thankful → Thankfully
80. ... or became a partner ... or → and
One possible version:
Dear Charlie,
How are you? I'm writing to ask you forsome favours.
I've been dreaming of visiting beautifulNew Zealand since I was a child. I'm so excited that my dream will come true. Iwill have a one-week trip to New Zealand from October 1st to October 7th. Sinceyou are familiar with New Zealand, I hope you can recommend some touristattractions that are well worth seeing. As this is the first time I havetraveled abroad, could you possibly pick me up at the airport? I would begrateful if you could help me book a hotel room in advance. I'm sure my tripwould be an unforgettable experience with your kind help.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
21. C。细节理解题。根据文中的This ID allows you to follow your specific book及文末的When another reader finds your book, they can enter the BCID onBookCrossing.com and report that it's been caught可知,这个标签能让书的主人知道他的书去了哪里。
22. D。细节理解题。根据文中的You can find someone in the BookCrossing community who's looking foryour book and make their day by sending it to them可知,书的主人可以通过定向分享把书分享给指定的人。
23. C。细节理解题。根据文中的There are currently 1,583,246 BookCrossers and 11,350,976 bookstravelling throughout 132 countries可知,BookCrossing的用户遍布全球。
24. A。推理判断题。根据第一段中的It's the hottest day of the year, so spending today ... is ratherthrilling. That's why I find myself, snowboarding inside Xscape's Sno Zone inBraehead可知,因为太热了,所以作者去Sno Zone避暑。
25. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的championship skier and snowboarder及第三段中的has a room full of awards可知,Nicole是滑雪行家。
26. C。段落大意题。根据第三段末的Sno Zone is better than the mountains及本段中的you can still keep going和you can't keep going的对比可知,本段主要讲了与在山里滑雪相比,在Sno Zone滑雪的优势。
27. D。细节理解题。根据第五段中的It snows every night at Braehead. A total of sixteen snow guns firecooled water into air making 1,700 tonnes of real snow可知,Braehead每晚都会人工降雪。
28. B。写作手法题。根据第一段内容可知,作者以威利的两幅画为例说明威利结合新旧风格为名人画像。
29. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的the artisan assistants in his workshop aid in the completion of thepaintings. This cooperative process allows for Wiley's vast proction可知,威利创作高产是因为他与他的助手合作。
30. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的He shows that even those to whom history pays no attention can havetheir own great dignity可知,威利认为普通人应该得到尊重。
31. C。细节理解题。根据文中的draws from a nineteenth-century painting, draws on the influence ofPeter Paul Rubens, Inspired by the Dutch masters及draw on the work of many earlier artists可知,威利深受前辈艺术家的影响。
32. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的More important than the money was finding a job that he could enjoy可知,虽然当记者不如父亲挣得多,但是出于对这份职业的喜爱,Ian还是选择了当记者。
33. B。词义猜测题。根据第一段中的It's unfair ... 可知,作者认为大家对年轻人“懒”的评价是不公平的,再根据本段开头的Another widespread ... 可知,这里是对年轻人另外一个“不公平的批评”,即:认为他们自私。
34. A。写作目的题。通读全文可知,作者认为当今社会对年轻人的评价不公平,在本段作者用事实说话,说明当今年轻人的表现很好,支持自己的观点。
35. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的one key reason is that many of their elders still use old yardsticksto measure their progress及what is ‘normal’ among young people haschanged so fast that the rest of society has not yet caught up可知,年纪大的人跟不上年轻人的变化,因此他们应该停止用老眼光看问题,对年轻人作出公平的评价。
36. F。根据本空上一句内容可推测,既然天体可以帮助人们计时,那么“古代历法”也应该跟“这些天体”有关。F项中的these bodies指代的就是本空上一句中的Heavenly bodies。
37. G。本空前说我们对史前人们如何计时的细节知之甚少,本空后却介绍了古代人采用的不同历法,因此本空应该是对上文的转折(However),并与下文衔接,说明“各个文化中都有人对计时感兴趣”。
38. A。A项中的periods, divided与本空上一句内容呼应,是对上一句的补充。
39. E。根据本空上一句中的every 365 days可推测,古埃及人创造了一年“365天的历法”。
40. C。根据本空上一句内容可知,玛雅人比巴比伦人有更多的参照物,也就是说“他们不仅依靠太阳和月亮,还依靠金星”计时。
41. B。根据第二段中的I was heading into one car space, the park in front可知,市场有很多停车位,作者“选择了(chose)”其中一个停车。
42. A。43. D。根据下句中的The girl wasactually a teenager可知,一位行人因为作者差点撞到了自己的“女儿(daughter)”而“指责(abused)”作者。
44. D。根据本空前的a teenager及下句内容可知,与小孩子相比,青少年已经足够“大(old)”了,她应该有看到车子躲避的常识。
45. C。根据上文中的a parking space and reversed in可知,这里指作者“停好车(parked)”后。
46. A。根据本句内容可知,“当(When)”那位女士指出作者的错误时,作者为自己辩护。
47. B。根据but的转折语气及作者为自己的辩护I hadnever ... the park in front可知,那位女士认为作者本来是向一个停车位开去,但是又改变了“主意(mind)”,向另一个停车位开去。
48. C。根据第一段内容可知,作者一开始就选好了停车位,所以从来没有“打算(intended for)”停在前面的一个停车位上。
49. C。50. B。既然双方已经解释清楚了,所以作者“建议(suggested)”就把这件事当成一个误会,而不是因为对方生气,自己就“不客气(unkindness)”或者更生气。
51. A。根据本句中的the angry woman was in the wrong可知,一对老夫妇目睹了事件的全过程,他们认为是那位女士的错,由此可推测,他们认为作者把这件事情处理得“很好(well)”。
52. B。得到了别人的支持,作者应该感到“安慰(comfort)”。
53. C。根据本空后两句内容可知,作者在市场里想起了这件“事(incident)”。
54. D。根据第二段内容不难看出,作者并未与那位女士争吵,全程都很“冷静(calm)”。
55. A。56. D。57. C。根据本段开头的Car parks in summer及常识可知,夏天的停车场又“热(heat)”又忙碌,绝不是什么“让人快乐的(joyous)”的场所,人们很容易失去“耐心(patience)”。
58. B。本空前的consider other people和本空后的onlythinking of ourselves是非此即彼的关系,故insteadof(而不是)符合此处语境。
59. A。根据本空后的self-love可知,这次停车的经历让作者得到了“平静(peace)”和自爱。
60. D。通读全文不难看出,在平静自爱与怒气之间,作者“更喜欢(prefer)”前者。
61. organized。考查过去分词作定语的用法。organize与Earth Hour之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填organized。
62. the。考查定冠词。in the dark意为“在黑暗中”。
63. using。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词without的宾语,故填using。
64. in。考查介词。take part in意为“参加”。
65. had。考查一般过去时。由Last year可知在此用一般过去时,故填had。
66. Luckily。考查副词。设空处修饰整个句子,且意为“幸运的是”,故填Luckily。
67. it。考查代词。设空处指天气,故填it。
68. awareness。考查名词。设空处作raise的宾语,意为“认识,意识”,故填awareness。
69. to keep。考查不定式作主语的用法。句中it作形式主语,故用不定式作真实主语。it isimportant to do sth.意为“做某事是重要的”。
70. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且从句的意义和成分均完整,故填that。


I. 1-5 CBADC
II. 1-5 CBABC 6-10 ADCBD
11-15 DBDCD 16-20BBBDD
I. 阅读理解
1. C。推理判断题。根据第一段中的it is extremely useful和最后一段中的TheMoringa tree is probably the most useful tree in the world可知,辣木树非常有用。
2. B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的The roots work in exactly the same way as the seeds可知,辣木树的种子和树根有相似的功效。
3. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的The plant contains high levels of fibre and protein, so it isplanted chiefly to be consumed by farm animals and human beings可知,人们种植辣木树主要是把它用作食物。
4. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的They are used to make tea to treat the common cold可知,辣木树的花可以用来治疗感冒。
5. C。写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文向我们简要介绍了一种具有多种用途的植物——辣木树,分别介绍了这种植物的生长习性以及多种用途(医疗和食用)。
II. 完形填空
1. C。2. B。根据第一句内容可知,儿童的语言发展和思维发展同步,“因此(Therefore)”,在语言发展上有困难的孩子在其他的学科上也会有“困难(difficulty)”。
3. A。根据常识可知,语言习得“遵循(follows)”一些普遍模式。
4. B。5. C。根据常识可知,如果“没有(without)”语言环境,孩子不会发展“语言(language)”能力。
6. A。根据本空后内容可知,语言的发展在婴儿早期就“开始(begins)”了。
7. D。根据本空后的several thousand words可知,这里指当一个孩子五岁的时候,他的“词汇量(vocabulary)”就有几千词。
8. C。根据本段末的a child doesn't develop the skills separately可知,语言和读写能力是“一起(together)”发展的。
9. B。本空后的内容是专家们曾经的想法,故believe(相信)符合此处语境。
10. D。根据本句中的children developed language skills first, and then ... 可推测,专家们曾经认为孩子首先发展语言能力,然后才能“获得(acquiring)”读写能力。
11. D。根据本句和上句中多处出现的skills可知,这里指语言和读写“能力(skills)”相互关联,不是分开发展的。
12. B。根据下句内容可知,语言发展能预测孩子学业上的成就,由此可推测,语言发展直接“影响(influences)”孩子在校期间的成功。
13. D。14. C。根据常识可知,阅读“从本质上说(essentially)”就是从印刷物中获取意义,孩子的早期语言发展使得他们“能(able)”把书写的符号和意义联系起来。
15. D。语言发展除了影响学业成就外,对孩子其他方面的能力“也(also)”很重要。
16. B。本段中的convey emotion提示了本题答案。
17. B。根据本句中的an infant's及his or hercaregivers可知,这里指婴儿通过含糊不清的话表达需求,在此过程中,“婴儿(baby)”和照顾他/她的人之间建立起了情感联系。
18. B。根据本段中的babble, verbalize, verbalization可知,孩子从一开始咿咿呀呀到后来会用“话语(words)”表达情感。
19. D。20. D。根据常识可知,如果一个孩子能用语言表达自己的情感和需求,那么他就能很好地跟人沟通,因此可以更加“有效地(effectively)”应付学校生活,并在“社交方面(socially)”更加成功。



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