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发布时间:2021-03-02 12:18:02

㈠ 中考英语模拟听力下载 题目,答案要有


㈡ 想要武汉市中考英语听力的录音


㈢ 求武汉中考英语听力前奏

忧伤还是快乐 你听听看是不是这个。 或者试试

㈣ 中考英语听力全真模拟试卷(天天练系列)听力


㈤ 武汉中考英语听力多长时间


㈥ 求2012武汉市中考英语听力稿 或者MP3


1. Who is that boy by the window?
2. How do you go to the museum?
3. What’ in the yellow box?
4. Which is Tom’s jacket?
5. When are you having breakfast?
6. A: Hello! This is Mike speaking.
B: Hi! This is Jennifer.
7. A: What’s wrong with you?
B:I have a headache, doctor and I don’t feel like eating.
8. A: It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?
B: Yes. It’s nice and warm, but the fog this morning was very thick.
9. A: Good afternoon, sir. Are you ready to borrow these books?
B: Yes. And how long can I keep them?
10. A: Oh! Mom. Let’s go out for a walk. I feel tired.
B: Ok. That’s a good idea.
11. A: I enjoy watching movies ring my free time. It makes me relaxed.
B: Oh! I prefer reading novels.
12. A: I think I have lost photos that Helen sent me last week.
B: Oh! Don’t worry. Why don’t you call her and ask her to send them again?

A: Hey! Henry. What’s the rush?
B: Oh! This is really my day, today. I got the first prize in the teenager’s talent contest and I won 500 dollars. I am fetching the money now.
A: Oh my god! Congratulations.
B: I am so excited to see my name on the winning list
A: Yeah. That’s amazing.
B: Exactly. I am really a luck dog. I can’t wait to tell anyone about the good news.
A: By the way, what are you going to do with the money?
B: I will give the money to charity.

A: What time did you come home last night, Alice?
B: I don’t know that. Maybe half past twelve, I think.
A: Half past twelve? But I didn’t hear you. I was so worried last night.
B: I am sorry, Dad. I came in quietly. I didn’t want to wake you up.
A: Did you go to that wild party?
B: Wild party? Oh, no. Dad, you know I hate those parties. I went to a concert with Maggie and Christina. It was fantastic.
A: But why did you come back so late? The concert didn’t end until midnight, did it?
B: No. It ended at ten thirty, but we went to Christina’s place and had some drink. Mmm, Then we talked about pop music.
A: Well. I see.

A: Good evening, Sir. Welcome to Sunday Restaurant. A table for one?
B: No. Thank you. I am a tourist passing by, but I have a small problem. Can you help me?
A: Of course.
B: I am looking for a hotel. Are there any hotels near here?
A: Yes. There are some hotels in the street. The nearest one is next to the bank. It’s quite modern.
B: Modern hotels must be expensive.
A: Yeah. I think so.
B: Do you think there are any cheaper ones nearby? I am leaving for New York tomorrow morning.
A: Mmm. There is one. It’s a traditional family style hotel, very comfortable and the price is reasonable.
B: Oh!Sounds perfect. Can you tell me how to get there?
A: Ok. Drive west for about five minutes and you will find a great building on the right side. It’s in Queen Street.
B: Great. Thank you very much.
A: That’s all right. Have a good time.
B: It’s really kind of you.

Text 16
A: Hello, everyone. First, let me introce myself. My name is White and I work at Grace Hospital. As you know, I am here today to talk about blood donation. The idea of a blood donation is very simple. If a person is in an accident or has an operation, he will lose a lot of blood and this are the times when a blood donation is needed.
The simple idea means taking blood from another person and putting it into the body of patient, so you might be thinking what dose this have to do with me. Well, it has something to do with all of us. Hospitals need to keep banks of blood ready for saving lives. The only way they can get that blood is from common people like you and this is completely safe. In fact, your body will make enough blood to replace it after only one day. Doctors have been carrying out blood donations for hundreds of years. Giving blood only takes several minutes and it doesn’t hurt. It costs you nothing and it could save a life, so please! Give blood!


㈦ 针对武汉中考英语听力训练买哪种书比较好

建议多听语音比较好 找那种文本和语音同步的 边看边听 中考这个阶段听力不会是很难版
只要是多熟悉权些日常用语 好多考生都是在日常用语上失误的 结果废了好多的时间去想 结果耽误了考试时间 多花些时间在日常用语方面 祝你考个好成绩!

㈧ 哪有模拟中考英语听力的软件下

可以打分的? 你是听别人说的有这个软件? 还是你想找这么个软件?



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