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发布时间:2021-03-02 10:05:22

Ⅰ 新目标八年级英语(上)期末考试卷的听力材料原文有人知道吗

Turn down 把……调低;关小
Yard n.院子
Right away 立刻;马上
Task n.任务;工作;作业
Poster n.海报
Waitress n.女服务生
Brought v.bring的过去式
solution n.解答
Line n.排;队;列
Wait in line 排队等候
Annoy v.使恼怒,使生气
Annoyed adj.恼怒的,生气的
Polite adj.有礼貌的;客气的
Perhaps adv.或许;大概
Door n.门
Cut in line 插队
voice n.声音
At first 首先
Term n.术语
Etiquette n.礼节
Normal adj.正常的;正规的
Behabior n.行为;举止;表现
Asian adj.亚洲的;亚洲人的
Keep down 控制;抑制
Uncomfortable adj.不舒服的
Impolite adj.无理的;粗鲁的
Allow v.允许;承认
Public n.公众
Take care 当心;小心
cough v.咳嗽
Break the rule 违反规则
break v.打破,违背
Politely adv.客气地;斯文地
Smoke v.抽烟;吸烟
Put out 熄灭
Cigarette n.香烟
Criticize v.批判
Careful adj.当心;小心
Drop v.落下;掉下
Litter n.垃圾
behave v.举止;表现
Pick v.采;摘;挑选
Pick up 捡起
Comment n.评论;意见
album n.集子;唱片集;相片簿
Personal adj.私人的;个人的
Special adj.特别的;专门的
receive v.收到;接受
Gave v.give的过去式
Guy n.家伙;人
spider n.蜘蛛
Mouse n.(pl.mice)老鼠
Hamster n.仓鼠
snake n.蛇
turtle n.海龟
Child n.孩子;儿女
Pot-bellied adj.;大肚子的
Pig n.猪
Advantage n.有利条件;优点
Disadvantage n.不利条件;缺点
Perfect adj.完美的,理想的
Rabbit n.兔;野兔
Company n.伙伴
cost v.价值(若干);花(多少钱)
Asleep adj.睡着的
Fall asleep 入睡
Choose v.选择
Present n.礼物
Open v.打开
Later adv.稍后;随后
Gave v.give的过去式
Give away 赠送;分发
Bench n.长凳;长椅
Rather than 而不是
Sweden 瑞典
Instead adv.代替;而不是
The Olympics 奥林匹克运动会
Enter v.参加;进入
Nearly adv.几乎
Sang v.sing的过去式
Clearly adv.清楚地;明显地
Stage n.舞台
Native adj.本地的;本国的
Native speaker说本族语的人
winner n.胜利者
Modest adj.谦虚的,谦让的
Interested adj.感兴趣的
Encourage v.鼓励
Spokesperson n.发言人;代言人
Progress n.进步;前进
The Olympic Committee 奥林匹克委员会
Suggest v.建议;提议
Take an interested in 对……感兴趣
Hear of 听说
Make progress 取得进步;取得进展
Besides prep.而且;除……之外
Make friends with 与……交友
Statement n.声明;陈述
Mention v.提及;说起
Drive v.开车;驾驶
Amusement n.娱乐;消遣
neither pron.(二者)都不
Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园
Mickey Mouse 米老鼠
Donald Duck 唐老鸭
Character n.人物;角色
Seen v.see的过去分词
Theme n.主题
attraction n.有吸引力的事物(人)
Roller coaster 过山车
Cruise n.巡游;巡航
board n.甲板

On board 在船上
Route n.路线
End up 结束
Island n.岛;岛屿
Especially adv.特别;尤其
Exchange student n.交换生
attendant n.服务员
Flight attendant空中服务员
discover v.发现
Requirement n.要求,必要条件
guide n.导游
Tour guide 导游
Three quarters n.四分之三
Film n.电影
southeast n.东南 adj.东南的
Wonderful adj.极好的
Holiday n.假日;假期节日
Quarter n.四分之一;一刻钟
Population n.人口
Fear v.害怕;担心
Brave adj.勇敢的;无畏的
Excellent adj.卓越的;极好的
Indian adj.印度的;印度人的
Night Safari 夜间野生动物园
Dark n.黄昏;黑暗
Fox n.狐狸
Wake v.醒来;唤醒
Wake up 睡醒;醒来
daytime n.白天;日间
Natural adj.自然的;自然界的
Environment n.环境
Temperature n.温度
All year round 一年到头,终年
Equator n.赤道
Whenever conj.无论如何
spring n.春天
Autumn n.秋天
Season n.季节
Type n.类型
Awake adj.醒着的
Franklin 富兰克林湖
Noon n.中午
Sandy adj.含沙的
Goodbye int.再见
Loom through 浏览
Bookstore n.书店
Cross v.穿过;横过;越过
Elevator n.电梯
Low adj.低的
Slow adj.慢的;缓慢的
Fan n.迷;狂热迷
Note n.短信;笔记
Come along 出现;发生
Get along 相处
Baby n.婴儿;小孩
At least 至少
Treffic n.交通
Least adj.little的最高级
Review 6-10
Review n.复习;回顾
Erhu 二胡(乐器名)
Subtitle n.(电影或电视上的)字幕
Web page 网页

Ⅱ 寻找八年级英语听力mp3


Ⅲ 初中英语八年级听力Mp3


Ⅳ 英语八年级上册听力mp3

暂时只找到unit1的单词和课文录音,发给你解个急。等以后收集全了,再发给你。 密码:rsp6

Ⅳ 八年级下册英语听力题附听力录音及答案

实话实说 -老师有

Ⅵ 急寻8年级上册英语期末听力测试题

1.How to keep healthy?
To keep healthy we should have healthy diet. So we'd better have three healthy meals every day. Drink milk and eat enough fruit and vegetables. Secondly, we should do exercise every day because doing sports is good for our health. Thirdly, we should have enough sleep. So we'd better go to bed early and get up early. Finally, we should have good habits. Such as, washing hands in time, brushing our teeth at least twice a day, taking a bath and so on.

2.School uniforms
Nowadays students have to wear school uniforms. Some people think students should wear their own clothes so that they have their own characters. Others think it is necessary for the students to wear school uniforms.In my opinion, it is good for the students to wear school uniforms. Firstly, most school uniforms are like sports clothes and it is confortable for the student to do exercise. Secondly, students wear the same clothes so they don't need to compare to others. And it can save money,too. Because students don't need to buy lots of clothes.

3. My Summer Holiday
I had a fantastic summer vacation. I did my homework every morning so that I could finish doing my homework on time. I did exercise every afternoon because doing sports is good for my health. I often went swimming and played table tennis with my friends. I helped my parents do some housework . Such as washing clothes, cleaning the room, going shopping and so on. I also went to innermongolia to see the beautiful grassland and rode horses there. I took a tennis course to learn how to play tennis and now I can play it very well. So I had a wonderful summer vacation.

4. A plan for traveling to Hainan

I want to visit Hainan Island ring summer vacation. I am going to leave for Hainan on July 31. I am going there by plane with my parents. Hainan has the best beaches in China so I am going to walk on the beach, go swimming and fishing. Of course I am going to do some shopping and buy some local food. I am going sightseeing in the mountains and forests so that it can help me know more about Hainan and it can also make me relax. I won't forget to take a map with me so that with the help of the map, I will never lose my way. I am sure I will have an unforgetble and wonderful trip in Hainan with my parents.

5. A wonderfu trip
I went to the park(名字自己定)with my friends last Sunday. We started at 7:00 in the morning and it took us about an hour to get there by bus. It was hot and sunny that day. There were thousands of people in the park. We went boating and climbed the mountain. Then at noon we were all hungry so we had a pinic on the top of the mountain. After that we walked around the park for about two hours. We bought some toys and books on the history of the park. Then we went home. We really enjoyed ourselves.

6. My friend's birthday party

Last Saturday my friend Lucy had a birthday party. In order to give her a surprise, I rode my bike to the People Store and bought a beautiful notebook and a movie CD. I spent 30 yuan on them. Although they were not too expensive, they were both Lucy's favorite. Then I went to her home and it took me about half an hour to get there by bicycle. We danced, sang, chatted and ate birthday cake. We really had a good time.
都是自己的习作, 仅供参考

Ⅶ 八年级英语听力MP3




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