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发布时间:2021-02-24 01:11:43

『壹』 深圳市小学英语第一课堂六年级第六单元听力材料


『贰』 小学六年级英语下册活页试卷第六单元ab卷答案及听力


『叁』 英语六年级上册第五、六单元测试卷

(茅畲小学 王丽)
Class:________ Name: ________ Mark:______________
Listening (听力部分30%)
Ⅰ. Listen and choose.(听录音,找出你所听到的一组字母,并将序号填入题前括号内 。)(5%)
( )1.A、cde B、bca C、bcd ( )2.A、WFG B、GFW C、CFW
( )3.A、toq B、top C、qot ( )4.A、jgq B、gjp C、jpg ( )5.A、FER B、EFT C、KEF
II.Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。)(8%)
( ) 1. A. sing B. singer C. king D. making
( ) 2. A. show B. now C. snow D. north
( ) 3. A. week B. work C. walk D. weekend
( )4. A. where B. what C. how D. which
( )5. A. clean streets B. sell things C. help sick people
( )6.A.ride a bike B. make kites C. fly kites
( )7.A.play the violin B. play the football C. go hiking
( )8.post card B. comic book C. story book

III.Listen and number. (听录音,按照你所听到的单词顺序在对应的中文意思下标上序号。) (5%)
作家 画家 销售员 清洁工 男演员
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

IV.Listen and number.(听录音,排列句子。)(7%)
( )He is a policeman.
( )Hi! Zhang Peng. What does your father do?
( )How cool! Where does he work?
( )Hello! Mingming!
( )How does he go to work?
( )He works in a police station.
( )He goes to work by car.

V.Listen and answer the question. (听录音,选择正确的答案。)(5%)
( )1. What does Amy’s father teach?
A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese.
( )2. What does Amy’s mother do?
A. Writer. B. Singer. C. Artist.
( )3.How does Amy’s father go to work?
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By car.
( )4.Does Amy’s mother go to work on foot?
A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t.
( )5.Does Amy want to be a TV reporter?
A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t.
Reading and Writing (读写部分70%)
Ⅰ.Letters writing. (按字母顺序,在四线格中填上适当的字母。)(6%)
Aa Dd Ff Gg Ii
Kk Ll Mm Oo Qq
Ss Uu Xx Zz

II. Read and circle. (仔细辨读下列单词,圈出不属于同类的单词。) (4%)
例:hot salty cold
1. strong thin sweet 2. pig tomato eggplant
3. river grass picture 4. desk singer actor
III. Read and write “T” or “F”.(读句子,判断正误。正确的写上“T”,错误的写上“F”。)( 5%)
( ) 1. Doctor cleans streets. ( )2. Teacher sells things.
( ) 3. Artist draws pictures. ( )4. Cleaner helps sick people.
( ) 5. Salesperson teaches lessons.
IV. Read and tick.(读句子,在A和B两选项中勾出正确的一个。) (5%)
1.What are you (A. go to do B. going to do) next Sunday, Lihua?
2.Is it far (A. to B. from) here?
3.I can plant trees (A. in B. on)spring.
4.The National Day is (A. at B. on) Oct.1st.
5.The Olympic Games is held (A. in B. at)Beijing.

V. Read and choose.(阅读下列句子,从题中给出的A、B、C三个答案中选出最佳答案,并
将字母填在括号中。) (20%)
例:( A ) How do you feel?
A. I feel bored. B. I am at home. C. I don’t.
( ) 1. How do you go to school?
A. On foot. B. At 10:00. C. Tomorrow.
( ) 2. Do you play football?
A. I played. B. Yes, I do. C . On the playground.
( ) 3. What does she do?
A. Singer. B. Sing a song. C. Go skiing.
( ) 4. Where is the cinema?
A. Near the hospital. B. Go to plant trees. C. By bus.
( ) 5. Where did you go yesterday?
A. I am happy. B. By plane. C. Kunming.
( ) 6. __does he go to school? --By bike.
A. When. B. How. C. What.
( ) 7. __does she work? --She works in a hospital.
A. When . B. What. C. Where.
( ) 8. What did he do last Monday?
A. He went to the park. B. At home. C. He goes to the park.
( ) 9. What are you going to__this afternoon?
A. do B. be C. /
( ) 10. __does he do? --He’s a TV reporter.
A. What B. When C. How

VI. Read and choose.(阅读下面这篇短文,并从提供的词语中选择最合适的词语完成短文,把标号写在横线上,一个词限用一次。) (10%)
A.artist B. writer C. engineer D. accountant E. friends
I’m Li Ming. I work in a car company and I design cars. I’m an ________. I have three good ________. Xiao Mei works in a bank. She works with number and money. She is an________. Wang Gang likes drawing pictures. Every day he works in an art room. He is an ________. John is a ________.He writes many books for children and he likes reading books in the library.

VII. Read and match. (读下列词句,从左边给出的问句中选择相应的答句,并将序号填入问句前的括号中。) (5%)
例:( C ) 1. What are you going to do in Kunming? A. I feel sick. My nose hurts.
( ) 2. Did you read books? B .I am going to Xinjiang.
( ) 3. Where are you going on holiday? C. I am going to see flowers.
( ) 4 What’s the matter with you? D. Yes, I did.
( ) 5. How are you going to Beijing? E. Next week.
( ) 6. When are you going to Harbin? F. I am going by plane.

VIII. Write the sentences.(在四线格上正确抄写句子。) (15%)
1. What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter.

2.Where does he work? He works in a car company.

3.How does she go to work? By bus.

第一部分 听力(30%)
Ⅰ. 1-5 BACAB (共5小题,每小题1分)
II.1-5 BBCAB 6-8 CAC(共8小题,每小题1分)
III.32514 (共5小题,每小题1分)
IV. 3241657 (共7小题,每小题1分)
V. ABCAA (共5小题,每小题1分)
第二部分 笔试部分 (70%)
Ⅰ.(略) (共11个字母,每个字母1分)
II. 1.sweet 2.tomato 3.picture 4.desk(共4小题,每小题1分)
III.1-5 FFTFF (共5小题,每小题1分)
IV. 1-5 BBABA(共5小题,每小题1分)
V. 1-5 ABAAC 6-10 BCAAA (共10小题,每小题2分)
VI. CEDAB (共5小题,每小题2分)
VII. DBAFE (共5小题,每小题2分)
VIII. 略 (共3小题,每小题5分)

Ⅰ.听录音,找出你所听到的一组字母,并将序号填入题前括号内 。本题念2遍。
1.bca 2.WFG 3.qot 4.Jgq 5.EFT
1.singer 2. now 3. walk 4. where 5. sell things 6. fly kites
7. play the violin 8. story book
1.cleaner 2. artist 3. writer 4. actor 5. salesperson
Hello! Mingming! Hi! Zhang Peng. What does your father do? He is a policeman. How cool! Where does he work? He works in a police station. How does he go to work? He goes to work by car.
Hello! I’m Amy. I’m from the USA. My father teaches English. He is a teacher. Every day he goes to work by car. He likes writing. He is a writer too. My mother likes singing. She is a singer. She goes to work on foot. And I like painting, but I don’t want to be an artist. I’m going to be a TV reporter.

『肆』 求——六年级上册英语(PEP版)第六单元测试卷,要整张!要快。有能力的话,发些听力给我

第二部分 笔 试
一、 词汇
1. 星期四 Thu _ sday 2. 活跃的 act _ve 3. 喜欢 li _e
4. 起居室 livi__groom 5. 在…上方 __ver 6. 茄子 eggpl__nt
7. 桔色的orang__ 8. 河流 r__ver 9. 球 b__ll 10. 酸的 so__r
( )1. -What can you ____? -I can clean the bedroom.
A. does B. do C. did
( )2. We can ____ our planet.
A. help B. helps C. helpful
( )3. Are there ____ green trees in the mountain?
A. much B. some C. any
( )4 .Can you ____ ____ the clothes ?
A. go away B. run away C. put away
( )5.- ____ is the air-conditioner at your home ?
- It’s over the table .
A. Where B. What C. Who
( )6.- ____ fish can you catch in the river? - Only six
A. How much B. How many C. How
( )7. Do you have ____ ?
A. a egg B. an umbrella C. an ball
( )8.- What ___ your English teacher like? - She’s young.
A. is B. are C. am
( )9.- ___ fifty teachers in your school? –Yes, ____.
A. Are there...there are B. Is there…there is C. Are they… they are
( )10.- How old is the little girl ? - ____ only four.
A. He’s B. It’s C. She’s
( )11. What do you have ____ dinner today?
A. to B. for C. on
( )12. I ____ find my violin, Where is it?
A. can’t B. / C. can
( )13. They ____ sweet and yummy!
A. is B. are C. am
( )14. I’d like some ____ for lunch.
A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos
( )15. I like ice-cream. It’s _____.
A. sweet B. sour C. salty
( )1. A. cabbage B. eggplant C. mutton
( )2. A. tofu B. juice C. onion
( )3. A. lunch B. music C. dinner
( )4. A. sweet B. tomato C. green beans
( )5. A. mpling B. zong zi C. onion
( )6. A. this B. that C. thin
( )1. - _____________ ? - She is pretty and smart.
A.What is she like? B. What is he like?
C. What is it like?
( )2.- ______________? - I’d like a cup of coffee.
A.What would you like? B. What do you like best?
C. What do you do?
( )3.- _______________? - Today is Tuesday, my brother.
A. What day was yesterday? B. What day is tomorrow?
C. What day is today?
( )4.- ______________ ?
- The picture of the nature park is on the wall.
A.Where is the wall ? B. Where is the picture?
C. Where is the nature park?
( )5.- ____________ ? -I can cook the meals.
A. What can you see ? B. What can you do?
C. What colour is it?
( )6.- What can you see on the wall? - ________________.
A.I can dance. B. I can see a mirror
C.I can cook the meals
( )7.- Can you do the dishes? - ________________.
A. Sure, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Not, I don’t.
( )8.- Is this your living room? - _______________.
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I have. C. Yes, I can.
( )9.- Are there any trees near the lake? - ______________.
A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are.
( )10.- How many roads are there in your city? - _________.
A. They are ten yuan. B. They are roads.
C. There are so many.
Sarah: I like my village. There are many rivers and bridges in the village.
The water is clean. The air is fresh.
Chen: I like my village, too. There are many mountains near my village .
There are no tall buildings. The sky is blue. The clouds are white.
I can run on the grass.
Sarah: Are there any pandas in the mountains?
Chen: No, there aren’t. Are there any fish in the rivers?
Sarah: Yes, there are. You can see many fish.
Finish the sentences:(每空一词,每词1分,共计7分)
Sarah’s village: There are many _____ and _____.
There are many _____ in the rivers.
Chen’s village: There are many _____ near the village.
There are no _____ _____.
There are no ______ in the mountains.
( 3 )1. What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays?
( )2. Can I interview you for the school newspaper?
( )3. I often read books and watch TV.
( )4. Thank you , Miss Green.
( )5 Yes, certainly.
( )6. What’s your favourite food?
( )7. You’re welcome.
( )8. I like green beans. They’re tasty and healthy.
(每题1 分,共计6分)
A Picture of Our School
Look!This is a picture of our school. There is a tall building in the middle of the picture. There is a big playground in front of the building . There are many trees and flowers near the playground. The trees are green. The flowers are red and yellow. And there are many boys and girls on the playground . they’re playing games.
There is house near the building. It’s our school library(图书馆).And our department(公寓) is next to it.
We all like our school very much.
( ) 1. There is a big playground in the middle of the picture.
( ) 2. This is a picture of their school.
( ) 3. There are many flowers and trees in our school.
( ) 4. Many students are playing games on the playground.
( ) 5.Our school library is near the tall building.
( ) 6. We all don’t like our school.
1. can do what you ____________________________?
2. favourite your what food is __________________________?
3. a bed two chairs and is there __________________________.
4. do have what you lunch for ________________________?
5. is today what day ______________________?
题目;My weekend

『伍』 六年级上册英语补充习题第6单元答案(不包括听力部分)

3:National Day
4:Spring Festival
D1:Spring Festival I did
2;last Halloween No,I didn't.
3:eat moon cakes last Mid-Autumn Festival Yes, I did.
4A;Did you go to watch dyagon boat races last Dragon Boat races? B:No,I didn't.
E[Christmas the twenty-fifth of December Spend the day with their family. have beautiful Chistmas trees in their homes and give presents to each other.]
[Easter in April make the eggs with chocolate.]
[Halloween the thirty-first of October make pumpkin lanterns, go to parites, wear masks, dress up in costumes.]
F1;They were at Jenny's home.
2;They had a birthday party.
3;Yes, she did.
4;It was the toy dragon boat.
5;He lives in China.



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