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发布时间:2021-02-23 22:39:39

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represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.

Dear Tom:
I am glad to hear from you .Spring Festival is coming. This is the most important festival of the year. It is a time when all the family gets together.
When we are preparing for Spring Festival, there are many special traditions. We always clean our houses from top to bottom, paint the window frames of the house with red paint. This is another

Ⅲ 试卷听力英语听力六年级下册

II. 1. enough 2. stbin 3. cause 4. necessary 5. energy
III. 1. is bad for 2. in thedaytime 3. walk on 4. to give up smoking 5.throw about
IV. 1. Wash 2. Don’t stay 3. Does, give 4. Is, good or bad
V. 1. relax 2. coughs 3. smoking 4. cause 5. give

Ⅳ 苏教版六年级下册英语听力MP3


Ⅳ 六年级英语活动手册下册听力下载


Ⅵ 怎么下小学六年级英语下册听力


Ⅶ 六年级下册英语听力(下载)


Ⅷ 英语每课必练六年级下册听力录音

同学 好好复习吧,这个没有人这么做的。137考试网有大量的复习资料,你可以去参考

Ⅸ PEP六年级英语下册作业本听力材料




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