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发布时间:2021-02-23 20:05:03

⑴ 英语外研版必修一听力原文和mp3

⑵ 外研版小学英语一年级的MP3哪有下载啊


⑶ 外语教学与研究出版社一年级英语教材同步的MP3格式的听力

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请到这里:下载【2012外研初中英语7年级上册(单词+课文)MP3.rar】 密码:q9o2

⑷ 外研社一年级英语听力练习题有带录音的吗

back and out of the well.

⑸ 外研版高中英语必修1和2的听力原文

去听力教室: http://www.tingroom.com/ 这个网站看看吧,这是个非常好的英语听力网站,里版面小学、初中、高中、大权学、4、6级、考研、疯狂英语、商务英语、VOA、BBC、英文歌曲、带字幕的原声电影……听力材料,视频都有。很多资料都可以免费下载。去找找吧,肯定能找到你想要的。

⑹ 普通高中外研版同步练习册英语听力原文


⑺ 初二上年级英语听力原文(外研版)初二上年级英语听力原文(外研版) Mole 2 Experiences -----Unit3的第六

Newscaster: Today we're talking to Winnie, Diana and Bob about their travel experiences. Winnie, you've travelled a lot ...
Winnie: Yes, I have. I've been all over China. I've also been to the United States. In fact, I've flown to the United States three times!
Newscaster: That's great! What an experience. Where are you hoping to go to next?
Winnie: Well, I've never been to South America, so my dream holiday would be a trip to Brazil, or Argentina, or—both!
Newscaster: So, Diana, how about you? Have you been to the States, or to China?
Diana: No, I've never been to the States but I want to go there one day. I've been to China, though. I've travelled all over South China by train. It was fantastic! I'd like to go there again, and explore the rest of the country.
Newscaster: And you, Bob? Where have you been?
Bob: Well, I live in Germany, and I've been all over Europe, but I've never been further than that. The furthest I've ever been is to Britain, but that's still Europe ...
感觉你要的是这个 对的话和我联系

⑻ 外研社英语听力材料 (单词及课文)必修一到选修的 急求 !!!




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