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㈡ 人教版高一英语必修一unit4听力原文

Listening text
Part 1 Hey, y’all, this here is
Buford. I come from a big oil
town in Texas. Now, y’all need
to understand that we ain’t
really a state, but a whole’
nother country.Now let me tell
ya a story about when I was just
a pup. One hot summer’s day I
was swimmin with my cousins
Little Lester and Big Billy Bob.
We was jumpin’in the water
and feelin’ good. Then along
comes this catfish’bout the size
of a house. Well, alright, maybe
a little smaller than that. Little
Lester starts to thinkin’ it’s
goin’ to eat him sure ’nough.
Man, you shoulda seen him! He
got outta the water fast as
lightning and climbed up a tree.
Big Billy Bob and I just laughed
and laughed. To this day, Lester
won’t go near that place. Part 2
Hello, everyone, I am Buford’s
teacher, Jane, from Britain.
Perhaps you didn’t quite
understand everything Buford
said. He said that he lived in
Houston, a city in Texas.
He wants everyone to know
that he doesn’t believe Texas is
a state in USA but a different
country. Buford says that he
would like to tell you a story
about him when he was a small
child. One hot summer’s day he
was swimming with Big Billy
Bob and Lester.
They were jumping into the
water, which felt good. Then he
says that they saw a catfish
almost the size of a house but,
he adds, that the catfish was
really smaller. Buford says that
Lester thought he was going to
be eaten by the catfish.
He says, goodness, you should
have seen Lester! He says that
Lester got out of the water
faster than lightning and
climbed up a tree. Buford and
Big Billy Bob just laughed a lot.
To this day, he says, Lester
won’t visit that place.
• • • •Part 2
Hello, everyone, I am
Buford's teacher ,Jane, from
Britain. Perhaps you didin't
quite understand everything
Buford said.
He said that he lives in
Houston, a city in Texas. He
wants everyone to know that
he doesn't believe Texas is a
state in the USA but a different
country . Buford says that he
would like to tell you a story
about him when he was a small
One hot summer's day he
was swimming with Big Billy
Bob and Lester. They were
jumping into the water, which
felt good. Then he says that
they saw a catfish almost the
size of a house,but he adds that
the catfish was really smaller.
Buford says that Lester
thought he was going to be
eaten by the catfish. He
says ,goodness,you should have
seen Lester ! He says that Lester
got out of the water faster than
lightning and climbed up a tree.
Buford and Big Billy Bob just
laughed a lot. To this day , he
says ,Lester won't visit that

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