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发布时间:2021-03-15 23:22:04

㈠ 英语四级求解。买过星火整套的进


2、别买那么多辅导书,关键是要吃透,所以我只建议你买单词书和四级真题试卷, 多了不仅你自己消化起来累,而且以你的底子也不可能在短时间内完全吃透;

3、无论如何也要把零差距和相对差距部分的单词背完,绝对差距看你自己的毅力了,不背的话也不会影响你过四级,相信我。 另外,在你背完字典后,每套真题上出现的你不熟悉的单词(除了快速阅读部分),你全部要记下来然后背掉,考前把星火真题里的高频词汇背掉,你的单词就不会有问题了;



㈡ 英语达人请进,星火英语四级考试模拟试卷(10套模拟+3套真题+25篇预测作文+2000高频词)

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㈢ 星火英语四级第三套答案写作是自信,求答案


㈣ 星火英语的四级预测作文准吗急!!!

能背下来是更好的~不过可以背一些开头句 结尾句 以及万能句更好哦 祝四级通过哦

㈤ 星火英语英语专业四级预测作文20篇 翻译

The Chinese government recently plans to change the one-child policy into two-child policy, meaning that every family in China is allowed to have two children. Now my parents have made a decision to give birth to a second child, which worries me a great deal. Tough it is good to have a brother or sister to grow up with, I have to share everything with him or her. Most importantly, what if the love from my parents is totally switched to the new child? As you have a younger sister, did you have similar problems? What’ your opinion about this?

㈥ 求09年6月星火英语 四级作文预测及范文

关于 博物馆 免费的问题!!

㈦ 请问大学英语四级 星火预测卷和真题难度比起来,哪个难呢


㈧ 星火英语4级70字作文

Unit 1 In Another Worm 另一个世界
Unit 2 Let's Dress Up-It's Halloween 万圣节——让我们盛装打扮起来
Unit 3 Gardening 园艺
Unit 4 A Canadian Family Story 一个加拿大家庭的故事
Unit 5 The Fraud 这个骗子
Unit 6 The Pasture 牧场
Unit 7 The Decision 决定
Unit 8 Chinese-American Relations:A History(Ⅰ) 中美关系史(一)
Unit 9 Chinese-American Relations:A History(Ⅱ) 中美关系史(二)
Unit 10 A Solitary Quest 独自寻访
Unit 11 Acting Today for Tomorrow 为了明天,今天就行动吧
Unit 12 The American Dream 美国梦
Unit 13 Sex Role Stereotypes 性别成规
Unit 14 Dr.Sun Yat-sen:Father of the Chinese Revolution 中国革命之父孙中山先生 Unit l5 The World Trade Organization(WTO) and China WTO与中国
Appendix 附录
Index 索引
In Another World
Here I am, in China, half way around the world from home. As I look at my clock and calculate(计算) the time back home I realize that half a world away, people are busy getting ready for a wedding. The bride is my niece(侄女), a person I first met when she was three days old.
I think back to the first time I had the opportunity to become acquainted with(开始了解;知道 熟悉) my niece. As my sister cradled(n 摇篮 vt 抚育) her in her arms, the infant(adj婴儿的 幼稚的 未成年的 初期的n.婴儿) girl clasped(紧抱) her mother's outstretched(伸开的) finger. My intuition(直觉) told me that her temperament(气质 性格 急躁) would be a sunny disposition(n.处置 性情 部署 倾向), a joy to people around her.
As she grew, the cute little girl had an infectious(adj.传染的) laugh that started as a small grin(n. adj.露齿笑), then became a giggle(n. v.咯咯笑) and grew louder and louder until it triggered(触发 引起) a response from all the people around her and they joined in.
As an adolescent (未成年 青春期), she studied hard and enjoyed well deserved success in secondary (中等的 第二的 次要的)school as she interacted(互相影响 互相作用) with(与….相互作用)her peer(贵族,同等的人) group(同辈群体). After receiving her high school diploma(高中文凭), she chose nursing as her career.
From the beginning of the young couple?s romance it was evident(明显的 明白的) that they were compatible(兼容的 能共处的) and were completely intrigued with(对….感兴趣) each other. The couple had an engagement party when I was at home in Canada a few months ago. The party was in the form of a picnic in a beautiful rose garden. To celebrate and to toast their future, we drank champagne. As they posed(摆姿势) under an arch(拱门)covered with climbing roses, we snapped(啪啪作响 (相簿).

㈨ 为什么星火英语四级题第一套和别的书不一样,但是作文




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