导航:首页 > 英语四级 > 英语四级长江简单翻译


发布时间:2021-02-28 17:27:21

Ⅰ 长江翻译成英语哪个更标准些1.Changjiang River 2.Yangtze River

the Changjiang River
Yangtse River
River Changkiang
Yangtze River 这个老外用得比较多

Ⅱ 英语4级翻译

2,The nonresident students go to school by bus everyday.
3.Before the room arrangement,the receptionist write down his name and ID number.
4,Take off the aircondition before you leave,
5,If there are other requirements, please contact with the manager of guest rooms.
6,This is the place where the accident happened.
7,His contributions to the country will never be forgotten.
8,I'd like to see the staff who made the suggestion.
9,Can you tell me the reason why you refuse his evitation of his birthday party.
10,I will give you the pen I bought yesterday as a present.
11,I can't tell you the exact time she arrive in guilin.
12,His having sold the house made his wife very unhappy.
13,The ship is loading willset off tomorrow.
14,My salary does not increase, but this is not the reason why I leave.
15,I believe whatever you cook, I like to eat .
16,They luckily get the ticket of the famous scientist's speech.
17,Yesterday I saw his excellent performances.
18,If you know more information about this project, please don't hesitate to contact me.
19,If you are interested in our new proct, please contact with our sales manager.
20,Before you leave, please check the baggage in case something left in the hotel.
21,Upon arrival, you should find a guide to take you to visit.
22,Seeing that big dog, the little girl was crying.
23,We heard the news we win,we were so excited to jump.
24, I apologize for not contacting you in time.

25,Mr. Howard apologize to students, because he often shouts to students without patience.
26,Could you tell me your telephone number and E-mail address?
27,Can we give some advice about our hotel management ?

Ⅲ 英语四级翻译。


Ⅳ 英语四级 翻译

Not to mention the fact that it noisy,because no one observes visiting hours.

Ⅳ 英语四级全文翻译

全文翻译估计没有 其实你只是考试 你没必要全都知道的 。大概知道 可以做出题就可以了 不是么 还有问题么

Ⅵ 长江的英语翻译

Yangtze river

Ⅶ 英语四级翻译


Ⅷ 长江翻译成英语哪个更标准些

The Yangtze river

Ⅸ 很简单的一个英语四级翻译句子:

考虑到这种因素(或既然如此) 难题不是人们用太多的或是没有用更内多的纸.技术预言容的问题是 它们仅仅是以解决方法为导向 技术是唯一的答案 是他们最高的信念 现在又会遇到什么问题 这样的问题很愚蠢 而证明它也很愚蠢



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