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发布时间:2021-02-25 11:28:10

A. 近十年大学英语四级作文真题(2010-2019)

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B. 大学英语四级作文,看图说话,120字


C. 看图写大学英语四级作文

Why alts decide to study?

The summary of a survey on alt ecation is presented in the 2 charts. The bar chart summarizes the factors that caused alts to continue their ecation, while the pie chart shows the public opinion regarding the funding of alt ecation.

to the bar chart, 40% of the respondents mentioned “interest in the subject” as the reason they decided to go back to school. This factor was followed closely by the aim to gain qualification at 38%. On the other hand, only 9% of the survey participants said that they went to school in order to meet more people. This is the least popular reason among the 7 given.

Among all the people surveyed regarding the funding, 40% of them felt that this alt ecation should be the responsibility of the indivial. Although 35% of them thought that the employers should lend the helping hand, only 25% agreed that the taxpayers should share the burden.

In summary, the survey showed a mixed opinion regarding the reasons and the funding for alts ecation.

D. 大学英语四级作文


Practice MakesPerfect
“Practice makes perfect”means that if you do an activity regularly, you will become good at it.Anyone who has had sufficient practice in doing a particular job may perform better and more quickly than those with little practic.
Take English learning for example. When we learn English, we have to learn grammar, words and phrases.It is not so difficult for us to understand and remember the rules, But when we speak or write with the words and rules in mind, we find it difficult to express it in English smoothly or corredtly.On the contrary, those who keep on practising listening,speaking,reading and writing English can communicate in English at ease and fluently.For anther exemple, a skilled driver may talk with others while driving.Both learning and driving require plenty of practice for the mastery of skills.
Evidently, practice is important.If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that: Well begun is half done;actions speak louder than words; strike while the iron is hot; practice with zeal and interast,practice with persistence and patience, practice with positive attitude and self-confidence.
Last but not least , practice makes perfect.and miracls!
What Is Happiness?
What is happiness? Perhaps different people have different views on happiness.
Some people think that material satisfaction would bring happiness.But in fact they overlooked the fact that true happiness comes from the realization of your career/cause you persue which contributes the success of others as well as your own. Some peopole try every means to make money at the expense of others’ interest . These people harm others to benefit themselves,They think the greater sum of money they make, the happier they will be. On the contrary, some people think that spiritual satisfaction is the greatest happiness.They do everything for the people. They live, work, and sacrifice their lives for the people.
In my opinion, I believe, one’s value lies in the value of serving the people, the country and the whole societyI am sure those who make contributions, big or small, to our country will be regarded as the happiest people,They should be recognized and respected. The point is what you can do,but not how people look on you.It is how much you contribute ,not how much you gain,I think this is the true meaing of life that everyone of us should have.

E. 201912月英语四级啥时候考呀想知道具体的日期,没怎么复习好紧张……


F. 大学英语四级的作文

大学英语四级的作文 具体哪方面的作文你没说清楚,你可以到上学吧网站上找找,里面的大学英语四级的作文资料很丰富



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