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发布时间:2021-02-13 11:54:50

⑴ 历年大学英语四级翻译真题

你好,我是兔兔秃来90,用网络网盘分源享给你,点开就可以保存,链接永久有效^_^链接:https://pan..com/s/10l5r9FXDkpfRCtHdxlAe2Q 提取码:0000

⑵ 2013年12月英语四级的翻译题和作文题是什么

2013年12月英语四级考试:作文题提纲翻译2013年12月22日 来源:新东方网 【新东方网-2013年12月英语四级考试:作文题提纲翻译】:

Ecation Pays, published every three years, presents detailed evidence of the private and public benefits of higher ecation. It also sheds light on the distribution of these benefits by examining both the increases and the persistent disparities in college participation and completion. In the three years between the publication of Ecation Pays 2007 and Ecation Pays 2010, median earnings for four-year college graates increased more rapidly than those of high school graates and the gap between the unemployment rates of the two groups grew. In addition to earnings comparisons, the report documents differences in lifestyles, health, and other outcomes for people with and without college ecation. Differences in enrollment and completion patterns across demographic groups highlight the reality that gaps in ecational attainment are explained by a combination of money and other factors.

⑶ 英语四级翻译真题及范文答案(2017-12)

你好,我是兔兔秃90,用网络网盘分享给你,点开就可以保存,链接内永久有效^_^链接:https://pan..com/s/10l5r9FXDkpfRCtHdxlAe2Q 提取容码:0000

⑷ 2016年6月英语四级翻译真题:功夫

^你好,我是兔兔秃90,用网络网盘分享给你,点开就可以保存,链接永久有效^回_^链接:https://pan..com/s/10l5r9FXDkpfRCtHdxlAe2Q 提取码:答0000



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