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⑴ 制定班規。文中必須要用can和have to,60字 英語作文

class rule
1.you can't talk loudly at class.you can talk with others when class is over.
2.you can't drop litter.everywhere ,you have to drop the litter into the stbin.
3.you can't fight with others .we must get on well with each other
4.you have to complete your homework in time.
5.you have to get to the school on time.

⑵ 用英語寫10條班規,六年級,急

1、Don't eat in classroom 不要在教室里吃東西。

2、Don't fight with chassmate 不要和同學打架。

3、Don『t eat in the classroom 不要在課堂上吃內東西。

4、Don』t run in the corridor 不要在走廊上跑容。

5、Don『t speak in class 不要在課堂上講話。

6、Must be put on school uniforms 必須穿好校服。

7、Finish your homework on time 准時完成作業。

8、Don』t be late for class 不要上課遲到。

9、Do notes 認真做筆記。

10、Listen the teacher carefully 認真聽老師的。

⑶ 用英語寫一篇班規作文及翻譯80詞初一

Today, I am going to talk about my schele yesterday.

In the morning, I got up at 8, brushed my teeth, had a quick bath and a tasty breakfast including a large bowl of porridge, some fried egg and freshly made apple juice.

Then, I sat on the sofa and read a interesting scientific fiction. I had beef noodles and broccoli for lunch.

I had a snap for 30 minutes and went out to play with friends at about 1 o'clock. It was a sunny afternoon, we had a good time and I went back home at 6pm. I had a big dinner with my parents, worked on my book report for an hour, played computer games for half and hour and went to bed at 9.

It's really an awesome day.





⑷ 初三班規英語作文

Students should get to school for a half-hour reading before 7:30. Everyone should be in class on time. Every class we should listen to the teachers carefully and quickly get to work on the activity. And we should do our homework carefully. Our teachers are able to know from our work how we are going on with our lessons. So, it is a must to hand in our class work and homework on time. The fourth rule is that everyone must do their own work. Cheating will not be allowed. The last rule is important, too. We should keep our classroom as clean as possible. We should remember to throw waste things into the waste basket, not on the floor. Do not write on the desks, tables, or chairs. In this way, we will have a good environment for learning.

⑸ 班規英語作文(50詞~60詞)

1.We shouldn't be late. 2.We should bring your books to class.3.We should listen in class. 4.We should work hard. 5.We should be kind.5.We should be helpful.

⑹ 英語作文寫班規的,80子左右


⑺ 英語作文 我的班規 帶翻譯

(1) after the bell rang, I'll enter the classroom quietly, quickly, ready for the learning content and learning activities, review the last lesson, clear oneself this section to complete thelearning task, remind yourself immediately. All those who enter the classroom, rant, noise, are regarded as the major mistakes. (2) learning is a top priority for students, can seize theclassroom 45 minutes out of efficiency, related to the academic can progress. As a studentmust study hard, listen attentively in class, ask questions, to actively raise their hands to speak, to actively create a harmonious classroom atmosphere. Tired to sleep, please stand up. All the sleeping, talking, reading books, listen to music, by the teacher criticism areviolations. (3) but does not allow the slapstick laughter, shouting loudly in the classroom,advocate to outdoor activities; import shall not kick the door against the door, not the pasting picture posted with independent learning. Recess activities don't do dangerous game, does not interfere with the normal activities of others. (4) should be self recuperation, makeeffective preparation for the next class, do a minute before class for the teacher in the class.

(1)上課鈴響之後,要馬上進入教室,迅速安靜,准備好本節學習內容和用品,復習一下上節內容,明確自己本節完成的學習任務,提醒自己注意,立即投入.凡進入教室大聲吵嚷者,發出噪音者,均視為重大失誤. (2)學習是學生的頭等大事,能否抓住課堂45分鍾出效率,關繫到學業是否能長足進步。作為學生必須勤奮學習,上課專心聽講,勇於提出問題,積極舉手發言,積極營造和諧課堂氣氛。疲倦想睡覺時,請站起來上課。凡睡覺、說話、看課外書、聽音樂、受老師批評等均為違紀行為。(3) 課間不允許在教室內嬉笑打鬧、大聲喧嘩,提倡去室外活動;進出不得踢門撞門,不得張貼與學習無關的粘貼畫。課間活動不做危險游戲,不妨礙他人的正常活動。 (4)應自我休養,為下堂課作有效的准備,做到課前一分鍾靜候老師上課。

⑻ 為班級制定一個班規(英語作文)

1.早操遲到(以進行曲停為准),做操不認真,排隊列不整齊的同學罰跑足球場兩圈. (此項由體育委員負責執行).

2. .課間操遲到(以進行曲停為准),做操不認真,排隊列不整齊的同學罰跑足球場兩圈.(此項由體育委員負責執行).

3.早鍛煉跑步時要保持隊伍整齊,跑步不認真,排隊列不整齊的同學再罰跑兩圈,中途偷懶少跑的同學罰跑3圈. (此項由體育委員負責執行).

4.兩操時有病有事必須向班主任或班長請假,沒有請假做曠操處理,罰跑足球場5圈,並寫500字犯錯誤認識書.( 此項由班長負責執行)

5.無故不出操者,罰跑足球場5圈,並寫500字犯錯誤認識書. (此項由體育委員負責執行).

6.集會,升旗等活動的隊列由班長負責整理,不按要求排隊,遲到,中途早退,嘈話等違紀行為罰跑足球場兩圈. ( 此項由班長負責執行).

7.體育課必須穿著運動鞋,不按要求穿著的罰跑足球場5圈,並寫300字認識書. (此項由體育委員負責執行).

1. Late morning exercise (to stop a march later), for exercise seriously and queuing out irregularly students run off pitches twice. (This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).

2.. school's facilities late ( Marche to stop whichever is the greater), for exercise seriously and queuing out irregularly students run off pitches twice. (This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).

3. Morning Exercises when running to maintain orderly, running seriously and queuing out irregularly students then run off twice, less halfway around the lazy students to run off three circles. (This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).

4. 2 parade sick to emergency class teacher or the squad leave, do not leave Kuang parade, run off five pitches circle write 500 words and understanding on mistakes. (from this squad is responsible for the implementation of)

5. no une parade, run off five pitches circle write 500 words and understanding on mistakes. (This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).

6. assembly, flag raising and other activities by the queue squad responsible for the collation and the request queue up late and leave early halfway. Quarrels then such discipline to run off pitches twice. (from the squad for this implementation).

7. PE must wear sports shoes, not wearing the required run off five pitches circle, and write 300 words on awareness. (This from Sports members will be responsible for implementation).

⑼ 用英語怎麼寫班規小作文8詞

Our class rule
There are some rules in our class. Teacher sets the rules so that we can behave well in the class. First, we must not talking when teacher is teaching. Second, we must hand in our homework in time. Then, we also need to keep our classroom clean at all the time. Besides, we must respect our teachers and love our school.

⑽ 英語作文關於我們班的班規

Class Rules
Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules. We can』t have breakfast in the classroom. Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom. Then it becomes the class rules in my class. If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the classroom.



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