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① 2007湖南高考英語作文

第二節 寫作(滿分25)
1. 簡要表述李華在你心目中的印象;
2. 用一到兩個相關的事例進行具體描述;
3. 對他李華表示美好的祝願。
1. 內容積極向上,語意連貫,結構完整。詞數120左右。
2. 不能寫成詩歌形式;不能使用真實姓名和學校名稱。

② 2017年湖南高考英語試卷結構 各題型分值是多少分


③ 2012年高考湖南英語作文

Section C (25 marks)
Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below
in Chinese.
在生活中, 你自已或他人曾有過物品不慎丟失而又找回的經歷, 其間有煩惱、有驚喜、有感慨……請就此寫一篇英語短文.
主要內容包括:1) 丟失的物品;2) 物品失而復得的經過;3) 你的感想。
1. 詞數不少於120個;
2. 不能使用真實姓名和學校名稱。
One possible version:
01 Getting back what you have lost would be an unforgettable experience. Last Monday, I lost my expensive cellphone, on which my name was inscribed. Fortunately, it was returned.
That morning, I rushed out of my house and jumped into a taxi, for I would be late for the final examination. On arriving at school, I headed to my classroom quickly, not noticing that I had left my cellphone on the back seat. When the exam ended, to my great surprise, I found the driver waiting at the school gate. He handed the phone over to me, wearing a smile on his face. So touched was I that tears rolled down my cheeks.
From this story, I am firmly convinced of the significance of honesty, which will contribute to building a warm and harmonious society.

One possible version:
02 One day I received an invitation from another school to give a speech on how to learn English well, I was extremely happy and accepted it. I got ready for the speech , put the notes in my bag and went there by bus. While on the bus I discovered the notes and my ID card were missing. I was very worried, but I knew the bus wouldn』t stop for me to look for the lost things at the moment.
On seeing the documents at the bus station, a cleaner picked them up and found my phone number inside. She thought I must have been worried about it. So she called me, hurried to take a taxi, and sent them to me as soon as possible.
Happy and surprised, I regained the lost items. Thanks to the cleaner』s kindness, my speech was so successful that everyone cheered for me. I was very grateful to the cleaner. From the experience, I have learned that honesty is the best policy. Only in this way will our society be more harmonious and hopeful.

One possible version:
03 Three years ago, just before my departure with my good friend Tommy, he got me a wonderful watch as my birthday gift, which I had ever since been treasuring all the time before unfortunately I got it lost. I used to go everywhere with company of my watch pet but the other day I could go nowhere for its sign. I was so upset and depressed that I lost any desire for doing things and I could not even recall where and how I lost it. What happened next on this morning, however, almost sent my spirits flying higher than sky. Guess what? It found its way back to my dormitory, lying on my bed with a note beside it saying: I』m sure it』s yours, so I brought it back from the library assistant. Jack. Ah, my dormmate Jack found it in the library. Can you imagine how excited I was at that moment? I must offer my thankfulness to Jack for his kindness. And I also need to reflect on my carelessness.

④ 湖南英語高考題型


⑤ 2012湖南省高考英語作文範文 發給我

我自己 寫了一份 ,
Dear Mr.Wang
I am writing to ask you to excuse my employees ,beacuse of my negligence ,he couldn't finished his work . my company has started to survey this events.I has ordered the employees
to apologise for his mistakes 。I feel very sorry for you ,and I want you to forgive me。I hope you can accpet my company's apology .I can guarantee that this events can't happen again .
My company will improve our service , and you will feel Satisfied for us .

In a word , I feel very sorry for this event ,So , I want you to forgive me .

絕對的純手工哦 。 親, 記得採用 哦

⑥ 湖南高考英語是美式還是英式,要求有根據





⑦ 怎樣使高考英語作文得8分《湖南卷》

老師說最好的辦法復就是背作文,制基礎的,簡單的句子哦。雖然我分數也不是很高,,至少不至於那麼差。。。我有問過老師,她說語感很重要,高考改卷很忌諱錯句連篇,寧願簡單的句子不要錯,也別寫很難的錯句。改卷是以字數,語法錯的個數還有卷面決定的,所以字也要練練哦,語法嘛,多背簡單句就有了,老師說的,至於什麼看瘋狂英語,背課文,對你來說太難了,有種星火英語,專門的十句作文模板,很簡單,很清楚,你可以試試,我就是這么練的,已經從17分提到19分了,不容易啊。裡面有經典句子,單詞,和語法糾正。加油 哦!

⑧ 2014湖南高考英語作文範文

My Magic Water Bottle
My magic water bottle will be a replacement of the traditional one which can change the temperature of the inside water automatically according to the changes of the outer environment.
There are certain factors I take into account on my new invention. For one thing, traditional water bottle makes it inconvenient for travelers to have a comfortable drink anytime and anywhere. For another, drinking too cold or too hot water does nothing but harm to our health, so my magic water bottle can serve as an assistant or a doctor.
The new functions will win my magic water bottle enormous love and popularity. On the one hand, the automatic temperature-controlling system mentioned above can adjust the water temperature. On the other hand, we can set a desirable temperature for the inside water, and what surprises us most is that the water can remain at that temperature for about twenty hours.

⑨ 2011年湖南高考英語作文範文

This picture reminds me of the importance of cooperation. In our daily life, many jobs require good teamwork between members of staff. Thus the ability to cooperate has become one of the most highly valued qualities in modem society. Only when all members of a group are aware of their own roles, respect and support each other can the goal be achieved.
Teamwork in turn benefits every member, so let's join hands to achieve success.

⑩ 2018湖南高考英語作文全省平均分是多少不謝謝!

30分聽力(20道題目,每題1.5分) 15分單項選擇(15個空,每題1分)專 30分完型填空(20個空,每題1.5分) 40分閱讀理屬解(20個選擇,每題2分) 10分改錯(10個空,每題1分) 25分作文(150字左右)



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