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發布時間:2020-12-25 17:46:53

Ⅰ 英語基礎寫作

(1)The 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London, which is one of the most significant competition in 21th centry. (2)Every country including China is preparing for the Olympic Games which will be effective on promoting the relationship between China and other coutries all over the world. (3)Chinese people are pround of the Chinese athlete's great performance in each Olympic events.
(4)Have you got some ideas of doing something aroued by the Olympic Games?

Ⅱ 我是廣東文科生,離高考還有43天,英語基礎寫作總是9分和讀寫任務18左右,套句也背了,可是成績不見長 急!


Ⅲ 英語基礎寫作


Ⅳ 英語基礎寫作

Ladies and gentlemen,Nowdays,star-worshiping is popular among teeagers,espscially many middle school student.obviously,more and more students has become star-worshiping pursurer,they even imitate their clothes hair-style hobbies and manner.but the result is misreiable ,they are not themselves at all and ruin thier studying career.in my opion, i think we should not sink into star- worshiping,on the contrast,wo should pay more attention to our study,to be a useful talent ,and make great contribution to our contury! you !

Ⅳ 求英語寫作基礎試題答案!

Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.

Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

1. Effect of the country』s growing human population on its wildlife

2. Possible reason for the effect.

3. Your suggestion for wildlife protection

Currently, there is a widespread concern about the previously neglected connection between growing human population and decreasing wild species. As the two graphs obviously portrayed, American population in 1980 was 250 times than that in 1800, a trend accompanied by the extinction of nearly 70 kinds of wildlife in the past 300 years. A clear correlation is suggested that mankind has exerted a tremendously negative influence on natural species.

There are many factors responsible for the aforementioned tendency. First and foremost, to satisfy the space demand for the booming population, the only available solution for Americans is to take occupation of forests and grassland. that used to be habitat of wild animals and plants. Furthermore, the process of instrialization and urbanization has generated severe pollution that essentially destroys environment and ecosystem.

Ⅵ 英語基礎寫作,五句表達全部,用地道的英語

With the reputation of "flower city"and history of over 2200 years ,called the origin of 「maritime silk road」 of ancient China,Guang zhou has the population of 13 millions . It covers an area of 7,434.4 square kilometers and lies in the south of China. It『s southeast borders on hong kong and south borders on Macao. In Guangzhou,there are the richest tourism resources such as 「eight sights of Yangcheng 」.The beauty of Guangzhou attracts the tourists at home and abroad.
剛好五句 望採納,如想要四句,三句,兩句,一句,都可以幫你解決。

Ⅶ 英語基礎寫作

1. Everytime our teacher in charge mentions LiHua, she always praises him that his one in a million.
2.LiHua is good in English, as well as in math. His English is good in particular.
3.Although he is new to our school, he has no difficulty adapting to the new school life.
4.He won the first price in 100-meter running contest. We all congralated him.
5. All in all, he is a student developed in all round

Ⅷ 廣東高考考生,英語基礎寫作才9分,怎麼提高分數。語文作文42分左右,想上50分,怎麼上

開頭要有吸引復力,可以引用古制詩名句、富有哲理的句子,也可以用題記的形式。過程中需注意3點 1.不要記流水賬,要選擇能表達文章中心的事情。 2.層次分明,用「過度、起承轉合」等手法是文章銜接有序 3.時刻注意主題,用詞、點句都要小心,寫真實為主。如果你夠牛,編也能寫出情感,也可胡編結尾是最重要的!一定要將主題升華到一個高度,由小見大。寫情感類文章,要在結尾進行總結性的情感涌動,打動讀者 在寫作時,可以用各種修辭、寫作手法,反正文章華麗也是一件好事

Ⅸ 英語基礎寫作,五句表達全部,地道的英語

Known as the origin of the ancient Maritime Silk Road in China, the city of flowers has a history of over 2,200 years. It has a population of more than 13,000,000 and covers 7434.4 square kilometers. Locating in the south of China, its southeast borders on HongKong and south borders on Macao. It is rich in tourism resources, such as the Guangzhou Eight. Many foreign and domestic tourists are attracted by its beautiful scenery.



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