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發布時間:2021-03-16 10:40:39

『壹』 我的夢想醫生英語作文


『貳』 《我的理想-醫生》英語作文50詞左右的!

我的夢想 我是一個平凡的人,我有一個平凡的夢想:做一名醫生。 因為醫回生可以讓那些身受病答痛折磨的人擺脫痛苦。可以讓人變得健康。 同時,我認為,幫助了別人,自己也將會得到快樂。所以,我希望未來我可以做一個醫生。 My dream I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor. Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.

『叄』 我想當一名醫生的英文作文怎麼寫,要不少於150字。

When I first read an article written by Chairman Mao, I knew a great doctor named Bethune. I』ve made up my mind to be a doctor ever since I realized how important a doctor』s job is.

In the dictionary, doctor means a person who has been trained in medical science and who treats people that are ill. But I don』t think that is quite correct. In my opinion, a doctor is an angel who brings patients from illness to happiness and gives the hope to the patients to live on. Doctor himself is the most effective medicine to a patient.

I used to get sick in my childhood, so I had to go to see the doctor frequently. Every time I saw a smile on the doctors face, I felt safe and warm. It seemed that the doctor was the only person that the pain should be afraid of. And at very beginning, I thought I should do something in return for the doctor』s unselfish help. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor.

To be a doctor, I know, is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a difficult process of learning. But I have the faith to realize my dream and overcome all the difficulties I have to face. For me, I』ll treat every barrier on my way as a step of a ladder through which I can achieve success.

At last, there is one thing for sure that it』s my honor to join in the glorious team of doctors and devote my whole life to helping others.





『肆』 醫生的英語作文

Dear doctors and nurses,
In this spring, the best season, we can see beautiful flowers everywhere, but nobody knows a diabolic claw is stretching to the pleasant people. SARS broke out in Beijing. Everybody is too frightened to go out of his house. But there is a group of brave people going to the front to fight against SARS. It is just you. We know you leaveyour children at home by themselves. You can't take care of your sick parents. Some of you delay your weddings.Like soldiers, you go to the front without thinking about your own safety and health.
I don't know how to show my love to you. I will do my best to study hard. Let's fight against SARS together. We'll be the winners.
Take care of yourselves.
Love from,
Li Tao

『伍』 我想當一名醫生的英文作文怎麼寫,要不少

Yesterday, we had a discussion. The topic is. What is my dream?
Every one has his dream. Some want to be teachers,others want to be
scientists. My dream is to become a doctor.
My friends asked me
why. I told them my story. When I was a small boy I was very weak. Once
I was terribly iii. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the
hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. Then my parents heard
there was a very good doctor in another town. They took me there. I was
A good doctor can save people' s lives. From then on I
decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I
am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will come true.

『陸』 關於英語介紹醫生的作文有哪些

我的夢想是當一名醫生(my dream is doctor)
I am an ordinary person,I have an ordinary dream:Is a doctor.
Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain.
May let the human change the health.At the same time,I believed that,will help others,own also to be able to obtain joyfully.Therefore,I hoped future I might be a doctor.
I want to be a doctor I want to be a doctor in the future because doctors can help sick people and make them happy.They can make me happy,too.However,many people think the hospital is always dirty and it's easy for doctors to be ill.But if I am a doctor,I don't care it .I love this job very much and I believe my dream can come true one day.To be a doctor is good for me and I'll try my best to help sick people.

『柒』 我的夢想是當一名醫生 英語作文

I hope I can become a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's family.My parents are both doctors.They are always busy working for patients' health and have no time to look after me.They saved many people's lives ring their work.The doctor is called "Angles in White".Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my parents.I hoped future I might be a doctor.


『捌』 我想當一名醫生的英語作文

When I first read an article written by Chairman Mao, I knew a great doctor named Bethune. I』 made up my mind to be a doctor ever since I realized how important a doctor』s job is.

In the dictionary, doctor means a person who has been trained in medical science and who treats people that are ill. But I don』t think that is quite correct. In my opinion, a doctor is an angel who brings patients from illness to happiness and gives the hope to the patients to live on. Doctor himself is the most effective medicine to a patient.

I used to get sick in my childhood, so I had to go to see the doctor frequently. Every time I saw a smile on the doctors face, I felt safe and warm. It seemed that the doctor was the only person that the pain should be afraid of. And at very beginning, I thought I should do something in return for the doctor』s unselfish help. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor.

To be a doctor, I know, is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a difficult process of learning. But I have the faith to realize my dream and overcome all the difficulties I have to face. For me, I』ll treat every barrier on my way as a step of a ladder through which I can achieve success.

At last, there is one thing for sure that it』s my honor to join in the glorious team of doctors and devote my whole life to helping others.

『玖』 關於我將來想成為一名醫生的英語作文

I want to be a doctor I want to be a doctor in the future because doctors can help sick people and make them happy. They can make me happy,too.However,many people think the hospital is always dirty and it's easy for doctors to be ill. But if I am a doctor, I don't care it .I love this job very much and I believe my dream can come true one day.To be a doctor is good for me and I'll try my best to help sick people.




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