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發布時間:2021-03-16 10:34:23

㈠ 人教版八年級上冊英語作文

第一篇: Help my mom with the the housework
Last Sunday ,I helped my mom do the housework . First my mom asked me to take out the trash. At the same time ,my mom cleaned the living room . Then I made my bed .And my mom cleaned the bedroom .Finally ,the room got very tidy and cleam .But we all got very angry ,mom cooked a delicious meal for me ! a fantastic day it was !
My birsthday's plan
Next month. I will be 14 years old. On my birthday, I will stay with my family. We will have a lot of things to do. We are going to watch films, play in a park and have dinner in a restaurant. My parents will buy me a new shirt and I am going to wear it on that day. There will be a new film. My birthday is on Sunday. Many people will go to parks on that day. So, it is going to be fun. But my grandfather will not come, because he will be busy on the day. Anyway, I hope my birthday will come soon. It is going to be a nice day.
My hometown
Welcome to my hometown .There is a lot of beautiful things to see.Such as :many tall trees ,a clear river and so on .But ten years ago ,there were much rubbish in the river .One day ,a foreigner went there and said :'It has much litter .I dislike here.'The people who heard that made up their minds .
They decided to change there .So they went to take out the trash out of the river and planted many trees.So it has a big change .Now it is going beautiful .And the leader of my hometown is planning to build a high buliding .I hope my hometown will be better .And I wil be proud of it forever.

㈡ 英語人教版八年級上冊課本作文

黑板上的記憶 黑板報,說聲愛你不容易。——題記 升旗台前彩旗招展,七一黑板報專競賽進入展示和評比階段屬。從初中一年一班到三年四班的12塊黑板報一字排開,詩文並茂,插圖優美,百花齊放,美 不勝收。 黨支部書記親自宣布評比結果,當他讀完三等獎...

㈢ 八年級上冊英語配套人教版1至3單元作文,是什麼

I love English, because it sounds beautiful. I think the English speakers are very cool. I like listening to the native speakers speak English. And I hope one day I can speak like them. Therefore, the English class is my favorite. In the class, I listen carefully to my teacher, and I often ask and answer questions. I think it』s a good opportunity to practice. After class, I often read the English magazines and watch English TV programs. I hope I can make progress after class. English learning is a long journey, but I make up my mind to word hard.



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