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發布時間:2021-03-15 17:23:29

1. 大學英語慕課答案在哪兒找給介紹下唄


2. 新起點大學基礎英語教程第一冊9單元寫作的答案

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went tofanjingshan
by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,「Jill, don』t do anything halfway.」 last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happ

3. 中國大學mooc慕課答案在哪兒找


4. 求英語寫作基礎試題答案!

Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.

Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

1. Effect of the country』s growing human population on its wildlife

2. Possible reason for the effect.

3. Your suggestion for wildlife protection

Currently, there is a widespread concern about the previously neglected connection between growing human population and decreasing wild species. As the two graphs obviously portrayed, American population in 1980 was 250 times than that in 1800, a trend accompanied by the extinction of nearly 70 kinds of wildlife in the past 300 years. A clear correlation is suggested that mankind has exerted a tremendously negative influence on natural species.

There are many factors responsible for the aforementioned tendency. First and foremost, to satisfy the space demand for the booming population, the only available solution for Americans is to take occupation of forests and grassland. that used to be habitat of wild animals and plants. Furthermore, the process of instrialization and urbanization has generated severe pollution that essentially destroys environment and ecosystem.

5. 大學英語寫作教程(鄒申)第一冊答案


6. 大學英語慕課答案在哪能找到


7. 大學英語寫作網路課程作業答案

Advantages of online ecation, the following points:
1, the terminal edge, one classroom, one can be a computer, a smart phone, a tablet future may also be a smart TV. Classroom theory works because the employer, the lighting, temperature, air, comfort and so intelligent terminal compared to freewheeling experience for worse. The advances in technology, will inevitably bring changes in society, I believe this will be a multi-terminal teaching entrepreneurs who create it. In a comfortable situation with respect to the use of network classroom to learn, it will form a trend.
2, the contents of the advantages, if you use a popular word, it is the nature of online ecation is having a rich media. Text, music, videos, links can be easily used to make the teaching content. Most Chinese schools still relatively chalk blackboard teaching, a lot of good it fun and image of the city. Of course, I mean a well-made courses.
3, the time advantage, this is obvious, do not worry about missing any one church linked to the network of instructional videos. In fact, this is a disadvantage, as the Friends of Scouting upstairs said, the broad time, apparently for children and adolescents is a test. The role of traditional classroom deadline actually is great, but this is almost rely on the network consciously.
4, selective advantage, the spirit of the Internet is to share and open, accompanied by the Health is good and bad teaching resources. Like Android open, ios closed shoddy application on Android is a problem. The Internet is the place to get rid of authoritarian, you escape off the cost of a country is very high, but you can jump from one page to another page almost not cost. Choose advantage is evident.
5, the network integration advantages as well, such as listening to Yuan Tengfei speak Chinese history, listen to Chen Guo stresses ideological and moral, this is the advantage of the network.
6, a model of online ecation can go and see Netease open class in the very fir



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