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發布時間:2021-03-15 15:27:39

⑴ 大學英語專業基礎寫作,不確定是不是全名,似乎是藍色封面,請告訴我它的作者,出版社,不勝感激~~~


出 版 社:外語教學與研究出版社


邏輯學基礎教程(修訂版)作者:彭漪漣主編出 版 社:華東師范大學出版社

⑵ 大學英語基礎寫作都考啥

分析教材中的文章結構,西方人很講邏輯性,給出一個結論,緊跟著一定是原因。當版然你首先要能寫出沒有語法錯權誤的句子。平時多看英美人寫的短篇文章,Think In English ! 考試的話很簡單,1.語法沒錯 2.結構清晰 3. 字數夠

⑶ 英語寫作基礎教程

寫作是個慢功夫 最後是找個培訓學校 哈爾濱濱才英語學院就很好 寫作老師用的的詞彙讓人有種茅塞頓開的感覺

⑷ 大學英語寫作自主訓練91頁範文翻譯

To achieve success,we should,first of all,have a clear long-term goal in our life.Besides,we should have short term goals in different periods of life.As we know,it is these short term goals that make our long-term goal possible.Second,we should be both perseverant and hardworking.Whatever we do,there are always two possibilities:success and failure.We should never lose heart when we come across difficulties or when we are confronted with failure

⑸ 大學英語寫作教程2 鄒申 unit10 mass media

It cannot deny the crucial influence which bring by the mass media. It covers the every aspects of our daily life. Can you imagine the life without the TV, newspaper and internet? Thousands of years, people, whenever from east and west, are all in the pursuit the correction and speed of the information processing. With the development of the technology, data exchange is increasingly fast and more correct in different ways. It sounds like the air which is everywhere. Every coin has two sides. The mass media bring benefits to humankind without doubt. Nowadays, we enter into an age of information. It is the key, mastering more information, to success.

⑹ 大學英語寫作網路課程(知到)

2012.12英語6級成績為413分,聽力152 閱讀158綜合33寫作70 需要繼續復習.關鍵還在於計劃—內—執行——復習,有計劃、有目標才容能成功。 一、基礎階段:(2012年12月23日-2013年3月初

⑺ 新編大學基礎英語綜合教程1-4冊的聽力MP3/MP4格式誰有哇,跪求!

1. http://audio.sflep.com/User/Listen/BookList.aspx?cateid=1647,點擊後,進入下面的頁面



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