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① 大學生活中現存的問題(英語作文)

Establish scientific goal

In secondary school, all the students almost have a common goal, and that is that pass the college entrance examination, again so tight, intolerable they can persist. But after entering university, many students entered target blind area, there is a sense of loss and laxness again, and difficult to maintain a high school learning enthusiasm. How to spend blind area as soon as possible, re-establish new learning objectives, directly related to the success through college life, successfully completed the study task.

Some freshmen ambitious, locate for oneself is tall and far, lots of ideas, such as one's deceased father grind, take double degree, English after six, an DengJiZheng, an accountant card computer etc. All you want. But the human energy is limited after all, goal too much, pedal several boats, easy to make oneself attend. Each student will realize clearly, ensure the professional learning tasks can be successfully completed all the fundamental goal is with the prerequisite. Some classmates learn this professional course, would be hard, but also to quote a lot of qualification examination result falls "JiFeiDanDa" ending. Therefore, new students after school, should according to their own goals and circumstances, reasonable positioning, defining long-dated goal and recent goals, main targets and side goal, can chew. Also some students feel "on university has achieved ultimate goals", doing nothing all day long and idle away our time, actually university only a learning stage begins, if do not cherish this valuable learning opportunities, it will empty hands.

From professional find interest

Some students complain of their professional and interest not one-for-one and use it as an excuse in university indignities. A person without a will, beliefs and spirit, even if there is interest, causes also difficult to achieve. For their future the survival and development of college freshmen to remember: when you cannot from interest in search for professional, it is to learn from professional in search of interest. University freshman learning underpowered are the deep reasons for lack of ideals, no set up the correct outlook on life.

Graates example proves: college major learning can not be used as the sole weapon, since BaoDaTianXia various practical skills and comprehensive quality was their life-long benefit and precious treasure. In fact, the modern university ecation especially pay attention to students' practical skills and comprehensive qualities, which is not a professional exclusively, besides, many ability and quality of the training from a professional are not.

Adapt to college study atmosphere

After entering university, middle school that with the teacher as the supervisor of the teaching mode to students self-study became independent mode. University teachers mainly impart learning methods, guide the student to carry on the analysis and inction and dection, knowledge acquisition more must depend on oneself to do. Learn to develop their ability to gain knowledge and information, the so-called "learning to learn". In the college, the concept of learning not only refers to class content, also include other aspects. Such as libraries, doing the experiment and participate in extra-curricular activities and all kinds of competitions, and participate in various activities and listen to the collective and community of lectures, to make social investigation, etc, can more and students, teachers, extensive exchange, mutual discussion.

Fully develop themselves

In the college, test scores are no longer measures student's absolute factors, people more importantly is comprehensive ability cultivation and comprehensive quality enhancement. Here the competition is potential, all-round. College students in addition to learn professional courses outside, still should focus on their own comprehensive ability and consciousness training. These capabilities including: communication ability, social activity ability, expressing ability, interpersonal skills and legitimate access monetary compensation of consciousness. As college students, the vision to open, knowledge will try to expand some, attention should be paid to all-round development. Liberal arts to understand more scientific and technical knowledge, learning science also want to understand a little arts knowledge, no matter what major to learn all want to have some art tastes and accomplishment.










② 英語寫作中要注意哪些細節問題

這個問題好大,下面給你介紹一些,希望有幫到你! 英語寫作注意事項一.如何使句子意義明確怎樣寫、寫什麼樣的文章才能得高分呢?這是大家共同關心的問題。下面請大家注意以下幾個句子:
(1)I get up early,study hard and go to bed late.我早起晚睡,努力學習。
(2)Everything was over.I put my heart into my stomach.一切都結束了。我放心了。
(3)You must make a choice,because you can't eat fish and bear's paw at the same time.你必須做出選擇,因為魚與熊掌不可兼得。
這幾個句子都是同學們平時寫作練習中出現過的,信手拈來與大家共同探討。雖然句子結構本身沒有毛病,但是屬於壞句子。為什麼呢?先說句(1),它給人造成的印象很模糊,泛泛而談,空洞無物。How early? How late?How hard?沒有交代清楚。這就涉及到寫單句(非簡單句)的一條原則:具體的原則。能給人留下深刻印象的東西往往是具體的事物,比如說某人想家時會想念家鄉的「一草一木」。這「一草一木」就是家鄉的「一切的一切」的具體化。同樣,要形象地說明自己起早貪黑,刻苦學習的情形,就不能僅僅用兩個無法限定準確時間的副詞 early和late及無法限定準確程度的副詞hard來表示。經提示後,該學生將句(1)改成了:I get up early in the morning,study 8 hours and go to bed late at night。還是不太理想。他想了想再改成:I get up at 5:50 in the morning,study earnestly 8 hours all day and go to bed at 11:00。這樣就好多了。
句(2)和句(3)的問題是非英語(Non-English),也就是說這種說法在英語中不存在。由於許多同學寫作時往往是用漢語打腹稿,然後逐句譯成英語,所以這種「漢化英語」為數不少。解決的辦法就是加強詞彙積累,同時注意培養英語思維習慣。日積月累,能夠改觀。二.句型的靈活運用句子提倡簡煉,但不是說都用簡單句。簡單句的堆徹實際上是語言技巧不成熟、不老練,甚至語言水平低下的表現。在某種意義上來說,在詞數相同的作文中,語言水平越高,語言技巧越熟練,句子的數目也就越少。這就意味著句子長了,句子結構復雜了。 反對過多地使用簡單句並不是鼓勵刻意追求長句、復雜句。我們追求的是句子結構的多變。一篇文章能根據表達的內容使用不同的句子結構,會產生較好的藝術效果。 三.大學英語作文中的問題作文不理想的原因很多,總的看來主要有以下幾個方面的問題: 第一、英語底子太薄。底子太薄主要表現為對語法知識掌握不牢及對基本詞彙記憶不清。它包括定冠詞和不定冠詞的濫用,主謂不一致,單復數搞不清楚(例如:a people等),時態和語態混亂及詞語的各種形式掌握不牢。有的學生文章寫得很長,字跡也很工整,但是讀完之後只覺得思路紊亂,支離破碎,沒有一個完整的句子,所以也就只能得兩三分以慰勞苦。 第二、詞彙量太小,且對已學詞彙記憶不清。除了底子太薄這個歷史原因之外,學生詞彙量太小也是一個不容忽視的原因。有的學生漢語功底很好,用漢語作文,他們就會思如泉湧,下筆千言,但是一到用英語作文就好像被縛住了手腳,不知如何下手。比如99年1月的作文,題目是"Don't Hesitate to Say No", 大部分學生能夠領會題意並能按給出的漢語提綱作文,但有的學生連Hesitate是什麼意思都不知道,更不用說在此基礎上再作發揮了。另外有的學生雖然對題目及要求非常清楚,但是因為自己所掌握的詞彙所限,無法用一些合適的詞來表達自己的思想,於是只有繞著題目翻來覆去亂說一氣,再加上這次出的作文提綱就象一道繞口令: 1、 別人請求幫助時,在什麼情況下我們會說「不」;
2、 為什麼有些人在該說「不」的時候不說「不」;
3、 該說「不」時不說「不」的壞處。 所以在說過一個又一個的"No"再加幾個"Yes"之後,閱卷老師也給搞得雲里霧里,頭腦發脹,最後也只得酌情給個兩三分罷了。還有的一寫到紙上就是錯字別字滿篇,有些詞彙的用法也走了樣。其中最典型的就是for example寫成example for , for instance寫成for a instance, illegal 寫成unlegle, 而such as, in spite of 等許多短語則是亂用一氣。詞彙的有限導致

③ 求英語作文 大學裡面存在的問題

There』s an old Chinese saying: "The teacher is not qualified, if he is not strict with his students." So we can see that in former times the relations between students and teachers were serious and formal. But nowadays, maybe because of the western influence, this kind of re lations becomes less formal and more friendly, especially at colleges and universities.

College students don』t have to stand up when the teacher comes into the classroom. Students are generally encouraged to ask questions ring class, to go to the professor』s office for help or to have a discussion with the tutor after class, and to phone if they need help in their lessons.

However, students are still expected to be polite to their teachers. When students want to ask questions, they usually raise their hands first and wait until they』re allowed to speak. But if a professor is giving a formal lecture, it is the wrong time to ask a question. If you de so, you are rude enough to offend the lecturer and the other classmates.

A:Teachers looking for students to talk; teachers thought, remembers that at that time the process of happening. If the student has made a mistake, looking for students to talk and tell him where the patient is wrong, do not know if he can not blame him, can be used to guide him some examples. If a teacher has made a mistake, as a good teacher must be sincere apology to the students.


A:Manage a school has a lot of work to be done, but I think the main thing should be to do a good job 5. First, the principals to focus on improving the quality of their own; Second, we must build a good team of teachers; the third, starting from the details, to enable students to develop good habits of civilization; Fourth, we must continuously improve the quality of ecation and teaching; Fifth, we should vigorously improve the effectiveness of school management.

First: principals to focus on improving the quality of their own

Second: To build an excellent team of teachers

Third: from the details of measures: to enable students to develop good habits of civilization

Fourth: To continuously improve the quality of ecation and teaching

Fifth: we should vigorously improve the effectiveness of school management

School management is a science, school management also like reading, reading a "more time thicker" and "The thinner the more time" process, as the president of both actively involved in school practice, but also from " red tape "to get out of the" school management this book "" The more time the more thin "- follow the rules of ecation and teaching in order to improve management performance, and achieved the best efficiency of school. Or the phrase, according to the rules of Office, according to the law to do, it will definitely meet our objective.

④ 大學英語寫作中詞彙錯誤歸因及其應對策略。急求學生如何採取應對策略,感激不盡。


1. Thesaurus.com
Thesaurus還有很多更好的功能比如詞彙的think map,可以慢慢去探索。

2. Academic Word List (AWL Information)
在很久很久以前,一個叫做Averil Coxhead的紐西蘭同學在做自己的碩士論文時發現,即使是專業如學術論文,在行文時也並不會漫天撒網掉書袋地使用各種各樣千奇百怪包羅萬象的詞彙,而是只用數量有限的幾百個核心詞來闡釋自己的論述。於是,聰明的她把這些詞彙總結成Academic Word List,從此造福了廣大非英語母語的論文寫作者……
更何況,即使在這500多個單詞中,也有很大一部分是你知道見過甚至熟練掌握的。以sublist 1為例,你會不知道analyse?不知道economy?不知道environment不知道major?嗯?

3. Academic Phrasebank
很多同學不知道怎麼用邏輯構築自己的論述,用來用去都是and but however therefore……
拜託,這種低端詞彙怎麼入的了academic journal做peer review人的法眼?要不試試下面這些?
Nevertheless, the strategy has not escaped criticism from governments, agencies and academics.
However, approaches of this kind carry with them various well known limitations.
Although extensive research has been carried out on X, no single study exists which adequately covers ...
而且Academic Phrasebank的好處在於,它按照文章通常結構幫你分類了你可能會用到的短語和句式,例如怎麼寫緒論,怎麼做文獻回顧,怎麼批判地評價他人的觀點,怎麼介紹方法論,怎麼報告研究結果,怎麼做總結,等等等等……如果急用可以像翻字典一樣直接按需查找,如果是平時積累把整個部分通讀一次也能大有進益。

英語寫作能力尤其是學術文章的寫作能力和通常意義上的英語水平本來就不是同一個東西,而是需要單獨訓練的技巧。如果沒有受過訓練,哪怕是native speaker也會寫出很爛的學術文章。

⑤ 大學英語作文中常見的錯誤句型


⑥ 英語寫作要注意什麼















⑦ 英語寫作要注意的幾種情況:常見的10個句子錯誤

Incomplete Sentence - Sentence Fragment
One common mistake many students make is the use of incomplete sentences. Each sentence in English must contain at least a subject and a verb, and should be an independent clause. Examples of incomplete sentences without a subject or a verb might include an instruction or a prepositional phrase.
For example:
Through the door.
In the other room.
Over there.
These are phrases we may use in spoken English, but that should not be used in written English as they are incomplete.
Sentence fragments caused by dependent clauses used without an independent clause are more common. Remember that subordinating conjunctions introce dependent clauses. In other words, if you use a subordinating clause beginning with a word such as 'because, though, if, etc.' there must be an independent clause to complete the thought. This mistake is often made on tests asking a question with 'Why'.
For example, the sentences:
Because Tom is the boss.
Since he left work early without permission.
We might answer the question: "Why did he lose his job?" However, these are sentence fragments. The correct answer would be:
He lost his job because Tom is the boss.
He lost his job since he left work early without permission.
Other examples of incomplete sentences introced by subordinating clauses include:
Even though he needs help.
If they study enough.
As they had invested in the company.
Run-on Sentences
Run-on sentences are sentences that:
1) are not connected by appropriate linking language such as conjunctions
2) use too many clauses rather than using periods and linking language such as conjunctive adverbs
The first type leaves out a word - usually a conjunction - that is required to connect a dependent and independent clause. For example:
The students did well on the test they didn't study very much.
Anna needs a new car she spent the weekend visiting car dealerships.
The first sentence should use either a conjunction 'but', or 'yet' or a subordinating conjunction 'although, even though, or though' to connect the sentence. In the second sentence, the conjunction 'so' or the subordinating conjunction 'since, as, or because' would connect the two clauses.
第一句話要麼應該加上一個連詞but,要麼加上yet,或者一個從屬連詞although, even though或though來連接前後兩句。
The students did well, yet they didn't study very much.
Anna spent the weekend visiting car dealerships since she needs a new car.
Another common run on sentence occurs when using too many clauses. This often occurs using the word 'and'.
We went to the store and bought some fruit, and we went to the mall to get some clothes, and we had lunch at McDonald's, and we visited some friends.
The continuous chain of clauses using 'and' should be avoided. In general, do not write sentences that contain more than three clauses to ensure that your sentences do not become run-on sentences.
Duplicate Subjects
Sometimes students use a pronoun as a plicate subject.
Remember that each clause takes only one sentence. If you have mentioned the subject of a sentence by name, there is no need to repeat with a pronoun.
Example 1:
Tom lives in Los Angeles.
Tom, he lives in Lost Angeles.
Example 2:
The students come from Vietnam.
The students they come from Vietnam.
Incorrect Tense
Tense usage is a common mistake in student writing. Make sure that the tense used corresponds to the situation. In other words, if you are speaking about something that happened in the past do not use include a tense that refers to the present. For example:
They fly to visit their parents in Toronto last week.
Alex bought a new car and drives it to her home in Los Angeles.
Incorrect Verb Form
Another common mistake is the use of an incorrect verb form when combining with another verb. Certain verbs in English take the infinitive and others take the gerund (ing form).
It's important to learn these verb combinations. Also, when using the verb as a noun, use the gerund form of the verb.
He hopes finding a new job. / Correct -> He hopes to find a new job.
Peter avoided to invest in the project. / Correct -> Peter avoided investing in the project.
Parallel Verb Form
A related issue is the use of parallel verb forms when using a list of verbs. If you are writing in the present continuous tense, use the 'ing' form in your list. If you are using the present perfect, use the past participle, etc.
She enjoys watching TV, play tennis, and cook. / Correct -> She enjoys watching TV, playing tennis, and cooking.
I've lived in Italy, working in Germany and study in New York. / Correct -> I've lived in Italy, worked in Germany, and studied in New York.
Use of Time Clauses
Time clauses are introced by the time words 'when', 'before', 'after' and so on. When speaking about the present or future use the present simple tense in time clauses. If using a past tense, we usually use the past simple in a time clause.
We'll visit you when we will come next week. / Correct -> We'll visit you when we come next week.
She cooked dinner after he was arriving. / Correct -> She cooked dinner after he arrived.
Subject - Verb Agreement
Another common mistake is to use incorrect subject - verb agreement. The most common of these mistakes is the missing 's' in the present simple tense. However, there are other types of mistakes. Always look for these mistakes in the helping verb.
Tom play guitar in a band. / Correct -> Tom plays guitar in a band.
They was sleeping when she telephoned. / Correct -> They were sleeping when she telephoned.
Pronoun Agreement
Pronoun agreement mistakes take place when using a pronoun to replace a proper noun. Often this mistake is a mistake of use of a singular form rather than a plural or vice versa. However, pronoun agreement mistakes can occur in object or possessive pronouns, as well as in subject pronouns.
Tom works at a company in Hamburg. He loves his job. / Correct -> Tom works at a company in Hamburg. He loves his job.
Andrea and Peter studied Russian at school. He thought they were very difficult.Correct -> Andrea and Peter studied Russian at school. They thought it was very difficult.
Missing Commas After Linking Language
When using an introctory phrase as linking language such as a conjunctive adverb or sequencing word, use a comma after the phrase to continue the sentence.

⑧ 英語學術論文寫作中有哪些常見問題







還記得去年3月份查爾斯沃思發表的文章《OA期刊 贊上帝 ,英語水平是硬傷》,就是因為一篇在PLOS ONE上有中國作者發表的文章,由於用詞不當,中國作者將造物主理解為大自然也許沒錯,不過,在英文用詞上就不能直譯成 God,鬧了把大笑話。

用詞不當包括專業術語、語法、搭配等方面的使用不當,有些作者甚至會杜撰,如藍藻(cyanophytes)又叫藍綠藻(blue-green algae),而有的作者會將其翻譯成「blue algae」,完全是中國式英語。

另一個存在的問題是縮略詞的使用,縮略詞是為了方便信息的交流,但不能過度使用,有些縮略詞由於存在一詞多義的現象,如果使用這類縮略詞往往會引起歧義,如AIS 既可表示自動識別系統也可表示會計信息系統和人工免疫系統,因此,在遇到這類縮略詞時要用全稱。



⑨ 關於大學英語作文的問題

一、注重閱讀寫作是一種語言輸出形式,只有語言輸入大於語言輸出,語言輸出才有可能:只有積累了一定的思想感受和大量的語言素材,才有可能寫好。因此,閱讀能夠促進寫作,它是寫作的基礎。閱讀不僅能幫助學生積累思想,也能幫助他們積累語言素材。要想寫出好文章,就必須大量讀書。對學生而言,他們對生活的體驗、對人生的認識大多是從書本上獲得、從大量的閱讀中獲取的。讀和寫的關系非常密切,唐代大詩人杜甫說過"讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神",美國作家舒伯特又指出:"Reading is writing"。很多作家也是在大量閱讀他人好作品的基礎上開始練習寫作的。我們在閱讀過程中應細心分析和揣摩原文的語言特點、遣詞造句、習慣用法和固定搭配等。不但要細讀、精讀,而且還要摘錄其中的常用片語,言簡意賅的句子和富有哲理、優美、精彩的段落,並有意識地背誦、模仿。長期堅持這種練習,頭腦中自然會存儲大量優美、地道的表達法,口頭交流或寫文章時自然會得心應手,筆下生花。二、仿寫作文任何語言學習都需要模仿,因為語言是"約定俗成"的,要使用某種語言就得"入鄉隨俗",服從這種語言習慣。英語寫作也需要模仿,即使有了詞彙、語法等基本語言材料,也還要模仿英語的語言習慣,模仿用英語寫作的方法和技巧。模仿範文能直接提高學生謀篇布局和銜接上下文的能力。因此,仿寫在英語寫作教學中,是一種最基本而且十分有效的寫作訓練形式。模仿寫作最主要的就是模仿思路。英語寫作和中文寫作一樣,記敘文要有貫穿全篇的線索,以使事件或故事發生、發展的脈絡清楚;描寫文要有合理的邏輯順序,其展開的順序要符合認識規律,反映由具體到抽象、由淺到深的思維過程;說明文要選擇合適的角度,按照一定的時間或空間順序來說明事物。對於各類範文的特點要認真分析。仿寫時,為了便於學生更好地發揮,可要求學生只模仿體裁,而對內容不作具體限定。如學了"How to plant vegetables"後,可要求學生寫"How to plant flowers"來進行練習;學了Madame Curie一課,可讓學生寫自己熟悉的一位科學家。常言道"熟能生巧",只要學生多模仿寫作,模仿到嫻熟的地步,寫作能力自然會提高。三、課外練筆寫作實踐是寫作理論轉化為寫作能力的"中介"。寫作要突出實踐,正如學習游泳一樣,寫作的能力是練出來的。課外練筆是課堂寫作訓練最有益的補充,因為課堂時間有限,僅靠課堂寫作訓練培養學生的寫作能力是不夠的。作文不是"學"出來的,而是"寫"出來的。學生必須進行大量的寫作練習才能掌握並且靈活運用各種寫作技能,而且寫作技能只有在不斷寫作的過程中才能逐步得到提高和完善。此外,學生的英語語言意識和英語思維能力的培養也需要大量的練習。可見,課外練筆非常必要,應該給予重視。課外練筆的形式多種多樣,可採用讓學生寫英語日記、寫英語周記、寫英語隨筆、用英語寫信等等,教師也可有意識地給學生提供一些盡量貼近生活的時尚話題,如奧運會、環境保護等,讓學生在課外習作。由於英語寫作中一個很突出的問題就是文章內容的貧乏,教師在布置寫作任務之後,可先讓學生開展討論。要求學生記下當時浮現於腦海中的所有內容,從描寫、分析、聯想等多個方面挖掘題材,並在討論中相互切磋,彼此爭論,開拓思路,教師可進行必要的引導和歸納總結。總之,要擴大學生的生活面和知識面,開展多種形式的寫作訓練,學生的寫作能力就一定會得到很大提高,並達到事半功倍的效果。四、注重批改學生在完成寫作任務之後,教師應注重作文的評改工作。有調查顯示,學生一般不喜歡教師抽樣改作文,而且希望教師肯定其作文優點的願望十分強烈。因此,教師應盡量認真批閱每一位學生的習作,並且應採用比較科學直觀的評分標准。要指出習作中的主要優缺點及改進方向,但注意不可把學生的習作評得一無是處,即便在指出習作缺點,提出改進意見時也應做到語氣委婉,親切熱情,在課堂上可針對集體評閱的優秀作文作一些錯誤分析,或將學生習作中普遍性的錯誤記下來,在課堂上稍做講解糾正。重心應放在肯定學生作文的優點上,使用簡單的評語如Excellent, Good, Unique, Interesting, Vivid, Entertaining等。這樣能夠維護學生的信心,激發他們的進取精神和學習動力。在課堂上講評優秀作文時,教師與學生一道發表自己的見解,從構思、謀篇布局到語言運用等方面充分肯定作文的優點,特別是對語言的連貫銜接及思路的擴展挖掘給予較詳細的講評,使學生通過這樣的講評,從中吸取經驗,更好地完成今後的寫作任務。另外,教師還可要求學生背誦一些佳句及範文,為寫作準備必要的語言素材,這樣也有利於學生寫作水平的提高。參考資料 http://e.sina.com.cn/en/2005-01-28/30155.html



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