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A. 高考英語作文寫一篇範文,會給分嗎

1 英語的基本詞彙量不能少,多背單詞是很有用的。
2 要有一定的想像能力,能夠根據題目的內容加入適當的細節想像,以便湊夠字數。
3 多讀多背範文,掌握語法和一定的語感,這樣就能在句子上不出問題了。
4 想要拔高作文分的話,多用高級的單詞,片語,句子,開頭一定要漂亮,三行的一句長句,用上幾個片語,主動被動倒裝用法,老師的基本印象分就拿到了

B. 每次英語寫作只有1分2分,快高考了怎麼辦怎麼提高


C. 如何讓高考英語寫作達到一類文標准




例如寫這句話:大學生剛剛畢業就想立刻找到高薪的工作是不可能的。看到這樣的漢語句子,一般我們的反應是要用It is impossible for sb. to do sth.. 這樣的句型,然後想著往裡填詞:在sb. 的位置填上剛剛畢業的大學生,在不定式的位置填上找到高薪的工作,如下所示:

It is impossible for剛剛畢業的大學生to找到高薪的工作。

那麼剛剛畢業的大學生怎麼寫?英語裡面好像找不到一個表示剛剛畢業的形容詞放在大學生前面,所以就要用定語從句,寫成college students who have just graated,然後怎麼寫高薪的,英語裡面也沒有這樣一個形容詞放在jobs的前面,所以用定語從句,寫成to find jobs which can give them a lot of money。這樣這個句子將寫成:It is impossible for college students who have just graated to find jobs which can give them a lot of money. 這樣就能將兩個定語從句放在這個句型裡面,然而會很容易容易犯錯。實際上,剛剛畢業的大學生可以寫成:newly-graated students, 而高薪的工作可以寫成well-paying jobs, 將這兩個短語放進去,成為:It is impossible for newly-graated students to find well-paying jobs,與上面的定語從句相比會獲得更高的分數。原因是語言更加凝練,富有感染力。

2 復合句的合理使用--潤色







①Every year, many college students graate。

②They all want to find jobs。

③These jobs can give them a lot of money。

④This is impossible。


下面我們看看能不能潤色一下:第一句話我們將熟悉的many改為heaps and heaps of (一批一批的),這是換詞;然後?:from universities;又想到還有獨立的學院,再加上and institutes。第一句話變成:Every year, heaps and heaps of college students graate from universities and institutes。


第二句和第三句可以用定語從句連接起來,因為第三句的主語是第二句最後jobs的重復,所以②+③成為:They all want to find jobs,which can give them a lot of money. 再潤色,我們發現give可以改為offer,a lot of money可以改為handsome salaries。利用學過的語法知識我們可以讓這個句子更加復雜,給定語從句中加一個插入語:they hope,放在which後面,這樣這句話就成為:They all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries。

第四句話也可以和前兩句連在一起,這次不採用主從復合句,而採用並列句,因為意思發生轉折,故用but連接,而impossible太絕對了,改為hardly possible,於是成為:They all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries,but this is hardly possible。

所以最初的那句話,經過拆解、加工(換詞和連句)形成了下面的一組句子:Every year, heaps and heaps of college students graate from universities and institutes. They all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries,but this is hardly possible。

上文總共32個詞,與我們剛才認為很難達到的那個句子It is impossible for newly-graated students to find well-paying jobs (10個詞)相比,氣勢上毫不遜色,但是哪一種寫法更適合廣大考生的情況呢?當然是從熟悉的東西著手改造更為可取,像newly-graated和 well-paying這樣的天外來客式的片語需要積累,或者自己有意去搜尋。再強調一下:上面這組句子是我們從簡單句變過來的。這說明:簡單句這只丑小鴨也可以變成白天鵝!這是對高考考生寫作應試方面最大的啟示!

D. 請教關於高考英語作文的一二三

第一問,圖表題用一般現在時或將來時比較好,但是在陳述個人觀點的時候最好用一般版時。看圖作權文一般用過去時,講述一個故事。話題作文的話,最好用一般現在時,不容易出錯,而且文中如果需要引用過去發生的事情還可以隨便改時態。第二問,可以試著寫多種句型。比如多用用被動句,用用伴隨狀語,用省略句等等。給你一個例子,原句we should pay more attention to.......可以改成more attention should be paid to......這樣絕對經典,很容易加分。字數過多是因為你沒有掌握答題要領,我前幾年參加高考,我的經驗是,圖表數字比較類的題不要每個數字都說,只說部分趨勢,其餘的用省略句,比如so as the.....省略句你要向你的老師再多請教

E. 高中英語作文1

maybe the time in high school is the best memory for us in the future.look back to the three-year high school life,we experience a lot and we are fully aware of many things besides studying.As for leaving no regrets in the future,i think that we need to do sth after studying.first of all,i must say "thank you"all my teachers,they are the most lovely people in my life.and in my mind,i know that i have to talk with someone with whom we ever had different ideas.in the end,i want to make a contribution to my class.
generally speaking,i learned a lot ring my hish school and it gives me the best memories.

F. 英語作文1,需要一篇範文,一百字左右,高三的

How time flies!This is the last year I have been studying at high school and the entrance examination for college is drawing near.Having seen off the summer vacation,I must face up to the new term for the beginning of the Third Grade,senior.Saying goes that a good beginning is half done,so I should pay close attention to the study program for the first two months,September and October.Firstly I should concentrate my attention upon the major subject.Besides,some of my weak points in certain of the subjects should be paid more respects.The most important is that I cannot ignore taking exercises in the least.The next year will be my life turning point.At the end of the next term,I am to graate from school.I want to further myself on XX specialty,and I'm going to register myself for the examination to XX University.Therefor,I must get ready for the target.



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