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⑴ 寫一篇關於考研的英語作文啊!!

模板一:圖畫作文來源:考試大 This illustration depicts_________ (圖畫中的人物)Ving, with______________(補充說明). Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life to_____________(進一步闡釋) It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(圖畫主題), which is ______________(進一步的說明). He seems to be saying that_______________(給出細節). In my opinion, ___________(個人闡述). This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群體,如the whole of the human race). Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(問題所在). One the one hand, we must _________________(建議一). It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(進一步說明). On the other hand, ________________(建議二) Only in this way can we___________(展望前景). 模板二:圖表作文來源:考試大 The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(圖表主題). The first thing we notice is that_______________(圖表最大特點). This means that as __________, _________________(進一步說明). We can see from the statistics given that _______________(圖表細節一). After ving_________(細節一中的第一個變化), the _____Ved+幅度+時間(緊跟著的變化). The figures also tells us that_________________________(圖表細節二). (數據位置,如In the second column), we can see that ____________accounts for _______(進一步描述). Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that___________(結論). The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_____________(給出原因). / It is high time that we Ved(發出倡議) 模板三:利弊型作文 Recently the issue of whether or not______(討論話題) has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public. There are two major arguments that can be made for_________. For one thing, __________can bring ____ to_____________(優點一). For another, it is widely hold that people usually ____when ________________________________(優點二). But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks to__________, among which are ____________(列舉缺點). For instance, it can be __________to _____________(舉例說明). In addition, many people find it ________(形容詞)to _______________(第二個缺點) When asked to __________, I tend to ____________. This is because I _______________(原因一). Furthermore, _______________________(原因二). Finally, ______________(原因三). 模板四:展望未來型 With the rapid advances of _____________ in recent years, ___has____________(引出現象). However, _______ has________________, as____________(提出問題). As a result, _____has ____________________(指出影響). The effects ___________ has proced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones. First , __________________(影響一). More importantly, ________________(影響二). Hence, I believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ Nevertheless, I do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望) There are numerous reasons why ____, and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here. The first is that the more(比較級)_____, the more (比較級). In addition, we all agree that________________________(第二個原因)

⑵ 看圖寫英語作文

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·英語六級作文 scxzcs

⑶ 考研英語作文怎麼寫能拿高分

我想說的抄是,如果你要想得高襲分,就不要背模板!考研作文要求有自己的思路,一味地按照模板寫作會讓評卷老師覺得沒有新意,一般會給17分左右。用自己的語言表達,老師會覺得有新意。句子不要太復雜,別把自己繞暈了,簡單句多也沒關系。我07年考的,寫的很簡單,很多都是4級詞彙,但沒有套用模板,得了23分。 一個很關鍵的問題,一定要把題目看清楚,考研作文一般都是看圖,經常有人沒有理解圖片急於寫作,最後跑題。

⑷ 幫忙看看考研的英語作文。

It is shown in the picture that a child is running tothe end. From the picture, we can see that the end is not only finishing point but also another starting point. Therefore we should understand that we still have a long way to go.
There are many reasons for explaining the phenomenon. Take the film Gone with the Wind as a typical example. The first reason is that more and more people lack the spirit of perseverance in modern society, they are eager for triumph in work. The second reason is that some people will be very proud when they get a littletriumph.
What should we learn from the picture? Considering all the reasons, I think that we should take some positive measures. On the one hand, people need to be more aggressive. On the other hand, we ought to be clear that succession study is a quite important thing in our live. Only in this way can we achieve greater success.

⑸ 考研英語作文

來在考研英語中,作文的難度系源數雖然稍高一些,但通過認真的積累和准備,挑戰高分也不是不可能,要想在短時間內能取得在考研英語寫作上的突破,樓主需要掌握考研英語作文的類型分析與模板積累。 考研英語作文分為大作文和小作文,小作文分為書信、摘要、備忘錄、報告、便箋,大作文分為提綱型、圖表型、圖畫型、情景型等。每種類型都可以積累一定的模板,開頭、結尾、分析型話語、總結型話語等等。積累一些有自己特色的模板,把一些亮點句型有意識地安排在這部分,考場上可以信手拈來,不僅節省時間,而且能保證文章的水平和質量,一舉兩得,若是自己積累效率不高,可以看看紅寶書寫作180篇,裡面的寫作模版很全,對於作文的解析也很到位。 希望可以幫到你。

⑹ 考研看圖寫話英文格式

圖表作文的寫作指導中對短文提出了二至三項要求。故這類作文往往可以按照所給專要屬求自然分段。清北啟航作文模板里就提供了這些類似的提綱,給有不同形式的圖表或圖畫,且圖表又多配有數據或說明。這是一種信息的轉換。也就是說,寫此類作文時,首先要以題目中的要求(requirements)為指導,審慎解讀圖表,准確把握圖表傳遞的信息,將其擴展成文。 從命題趨勢上看,圖表和圖畫作文的目的無非是防止押題。命題者設計試題時會考慮作文的內容、文化背景以及考生的語言水平。校園生活、社會熱點、環境保護、科學技術、業餘生活都是常規的出題范圍。



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