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發布時間:2021-03-02 15:05:40

Ⅰ 七年級下冊英語作文第八單元的

My Last Weekend
I had a busy but happy weekend .On Saturday morning ,I piayed tennis .It was hard.In the afternoon.I went to the beach,some people were play beach volleyball.In the evening,I went to the library,I read a book about history.On Sunday morning ,I did my homework .It was a
little hard .In the afternoon,I went to the museum,.It was crowded.The last I ate dinner in a restaurant with my parent't.

Ⅱ 根據英語七年級下冊(人教版)八單元內容寫一篇作文,介紹自己家所在位置。

Dear 'Chat back',
Taking the advantages of wearing school uniforms into consideration, I'm all for it that school uniforms should be a necessity for students. Since clothes play an important role in our daily life, many students feel like showing themselves off. In this way, school uniforms help students avoid being compared to others about the clothes.
For example, my friend flora is born in a poor family. Her parents are both laid off now. So she can't afford the fashionable clothes. Smart as she is, she used to feel uncomfortable when staying with the students who are dressed up. Thanks to the school uniforms, she is never looked down upon. Now, she has already cleared up the negative feelings and stood out among her classmates.
In a word, I think highly of school uniforms. It can always do us good.
Never judge a book by its cover

Ⅲ 人民教育出社版初一下冊八單元英語作文加翻譯


Ⅳ 蘇教版英語七年級下冊第八單元作文

我小心翼翼地在座板上坐好了,心中像有很多的水桶打水,七上八下的,不一會便搖晃起來;晃呀,晃呀地摔倒了,我強行站起來,拍拍身上的灰塵,心中埋怨道:「我是學不會的了!」媽媽好像看穿了我的心思,走過來語重心長的對我說:「繼續,再來.做什麼事都沒有那麼簡單的,你要記住:堅持不懈,直到成功!你一定能行的!」媽媽這番話,使我增加了信心.我扶起車子又坐上去,媽 媽在前面幫我撐穩龍頭,我用腳踩著踏板.媽媽邊扶邊給我講騎自行車的三個要點:「第一,不能看車底下,要看前方;第二,不要把龍頭轉來轉去的,這樣容易摔跤,只有在又障礙物的時候才轉一點;第三,腳要不停的踩,不能停下.」我按照媽媽的話去做,過了一會兒,媽媽把手鬆開,我竟然自己騎起來了.而且一直把車騎回了家,我簡直不敢相信,我學會了騎自行車.

Ⅳ 七年級下冊英語第八單元作文

All countries with a vast territory face the problem of uneven development between cities and countries. The economic development of China, (which has a territoryof 9.6 million square km,) is likened to an eagle spreading only one wing for flight. This implies that while the urban area has made great stride ring the 20-odd years of reform and opening, the rural region has lagged behind.

Ⅵ 〔新目標〕七年級下冊英語第8單元作文

It』 five o』clock in the afternoon. There are many students on the playground. Some are playing football, some are playing basketball, and some are running. Five of the girl students are playing games , and two boys are flying kites. Lily and Lucy are reading books. Mike and John are drawing pictures. Bruce is writing something. Rose and Sally are talking. How happy we are!

The after-class activities in my school are colorful. Every day we play basketball, football, do rope skipping and so on. But I like the Month of Science and Technology and the Cultural Festival most. In those days, we have a chance: to show ourselves to all the students. We can invent something with some classmates. And we can act in a play or make a speech or take part in the competition of singing. I enjoy myseff in those activities.

Ⅶ 英語七年級下冊第八單元作文

My Last Weekend
I had a busy but happy weekend .On Saturday morning ,I piayed tennis . It was hard。專In the afternoon。I went to the beach,屬some people were play beach volleyball。In the evening,I went to the library, I read a book about history.On Sunday morning ,I did my homework .It was a
little hard . In the afternoon, I went to the museum,.It was crowded。The last I ate dinner in a restaurant with my parent't.

Ⅷ 七年級下冊第8單元英語作文,人教版,講星行,急


Ⅸ 英語七年級下冊八單元b部分48頁3b作文帶翻譯

I live in a noisy neighborhood.There is a post office near my house.But my favorite place is the library.It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.When I read books,time goes quickly!
You can get to the library easily.Just go down North Road andturn left.It is across from the park.

Ⅹ 七年級英語書八單元3b作文範文




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