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⑴ 八年級下冊新目標英語教案

新目標英語初二(八年級下冊)全套教案,共68頁,這里無法全部復制,你到版我們網站權去下載吧 Unit 1 Will people have robots ? Teaching goals: 1. Words

⑵ 新目標八年級下的英語教案


⑶ 新目標英語八年級下冊教案 最好詳細一點的。。


⑷ 求廣東英語新目標初二教案的寫作樣板.比如第一單元全程

八年級英語Unit 6公開課教案

Section A the first period
Ⅰ. Teaching targets:
1. Talk about personal traits and compare people
1). Target language: Is that Sam? No, that』s Tom.
He has shorter hair than Sam.
He』s calmer than Sam.
2). Key vocabulary:
2. Learn to listen to the key words (學會聽關鍵詞)
3. Learn to make the description. (學會作描述)
4. Lead the students to cultivate the good personal traits and the spirit of loving motherland(引導學生培養良好的性格和愛國情操。)
II. The focus and difficult points :
1. the focus : the target language
Is that Sam? No, that』s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.
He』s calmer than Sam.
主語(sb / sth)+ be +形容詞比較級 + than +…
2. the difficult points: the comparatives with –er/ier and more
III. Teaching methods:
1. Apply different kinds of teaching methods
1.) task-based teaching approach
2.) The cognitive approach
3.) The oral approach
4.) The natural approach
2. Learning method guidance (學法指導)
1.) Autonomous learning and cooperative investigation
2.) Let the students work in pairs to learn the cooperative learning
3.) Students learn to describe each other and respect others
4.) Ask students to learn by doing.
3.The teaching means (教學手段)
Multi-media, computer, projector, courseware , Flash pictures, body language, listening, practice, chart, photos, record,pattern-drills, question-answer drills.
Ⅳ. Teaching steps:
Step 1. Revision
1. Greetings.
2. Review the description words of personalities and appearance.
(cultivate the students』 multiple intelligences培養學生的多元智能。)
Step 2. Presentation:
Say , Today we』re going to learn a new unit . In this unit we will learn to talk about personal traits and compare people. Now I』ll ask two students to come to the front.
1. Ask two students to stand in the front of classroom the other students tell the differences between them.(培養學生的直觀思維。)
2. Using the flash pictures to share the comparatives and help students cultivate the spirit of loving motherland.(情感教學)
3. Show the pictures of 1a ask students to tell what they see.
(Intuitive Teaching --直觀教學)
T: What can you see in the picture?
S: Two boys.
T: That』s right . This is Pedro and this is Paul. They』re brothers.
Who is taller, Pedro or Paul ?
S: Pedro.
T: That』s right. Pedro is taller. (show the sentence and class repeat)
S: Pedro is taller.
T: Pedro is heavier than Paul . Paul is thinner than Pedro.
(show the sentences and class repeat)
S: Pedro is heavier than Paul . Paul is thinner than Pedro.
In the same way , teach the sentences of the other two pictures.
Tina is wilder than Tara.
Tara is calmer than Tina.
Sam is wilder than Tom.
Sam has longer hair than Tom.
Tom is calmer than Sam . Tom has short hair than Sam.
Step3. Practice
1. Ask students to read these sentences again.
Pedro is taller. Pedro is heavier than Paul .
Paul is thinner than Pedro.
Tina is wilder than Tara.
Tara is calmer than Tina.
Sam is wilder than Tom.
Sam has longer hair than Tom.
Tom is calmer than Sam . Tom has short hair than Sam.
2. Ask students to match each word with the opposite in activity 1a.
3.Ask students to describe each picture in activity 1a.
(Appliance Teaching--應用教學)
4. Task 1. What』s change in your life? (use the photos )
1. Ask students to listen to the conversations and number the twins.
2. Play the tape.
3.Check the answers.
Step5. Pair work (cultivate the cooperative learning)
1. Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c.
2. Say the sample conversation again with a student.
3.Ask students to work in pairs like this and make their own conversations about the people in the picture .
4.Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations to the class.
Step6. Listen and write(cultivate the autonomous learning)
1. Point out the two columns and read the headings: -er, -ier and more
2. Tell the students what to do in this activity. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.
3. Ask them to listen carefully and write the –er and –ier words from the box on the left in the first column and the words that use more in the second column.
4. Play the recording the second time .
5. Check the answers.
Step7. Grammar Focus:
1. 形容詞比較級的用法。
2. 形容詞比較級的構成。 (出示幻燈片)
3. 句型:
Step8. Summary and task
Task 2. What are the differences between you and your sister or brother?
Step9. Homework
Write out the comparative degrees of the following words.
short shy serious thin
tall funny outgoing
long moody generous
straight heavy easygoing
smart curly unfriendly/ friendly
quiet interesting

1. wild calm athletic
2. Is that Sam? No, that』s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.
He』s calmer than Sam.

⑸ 求新目標八年級下英語說課課件或全英教案!




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