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發布時間:2021-03-01 02:59:48

㈠ 英語作文 看圖寫作


On Bridge Street there is a hospital. There is a xxx(看不清版,權自己寫)between the xxx (看不清,自己寫)and the hospital. There are some trees on Center Street. There is a bank on the right of Long Street. And there is a hotel across from the bank.


㈡ 英語作文看圖寫話

A:Excuse me,sir? Do you know where is the Jinling Gardon?
B:Go down this street till you see the right turning,you can see the gardon on the left.
A:thank you,sir.
B:you are welcome.


㈢ 看圖英語作文

In the picture above, there are four pencils but only one is adversed(該詞表示「不友好的,不利的,相反的」,用於此處不恰當) which is different from the others. Noticeably, there is a sentence:"don't be afraid to be different." in the middle (改為bottom,由圖可知,那句話在圖片底部而不是中間)of the photo. It is no doubt that the photographer wants us to respect indiviality. Steven Jobs, the representive(拼寫錯誤,改為representative) of indivility(拼寫錯誤,改為indiviality), creates the brand Apple(改為Apple brand) and then prodominantes(拼寫錯誤且詞性使用錯誤,改為dominant) intellectual mobile phone market by its procts. What makes his succeed(改為success,詞性使用錯誤) is that he put the conception of indiviality into his proct--iphone, which contains so many appealing Apps and each one(建議改為it) is different from the ordinary (加ones,表示普通的手機). Therefore, he estabilished(拼寫錯誤,改為establish) an empire of Apple and become famous for everyone around the world. Hence don't be afraid to be different because the indiviality is valuabe(拼寫錯誤,改為valuable), which is the source of creativity. More importantly, it conributes(拼寫錯誤,改為contributes) to the development of diversified world and the prosperity of culture and economy.

㈣ 一篇看圖作文,英語的,圖一 (倆個孩子在放學回家的路上看見了一輛小轎車撞上了一個女的)

Jen and Kate are good friends in the same class. They also live close to each other. So they walk home together everyday after school. Yesterday, they witnessed a car accident on their way home. A lady was hit by a car and fell down on the ground. Jen and Kate went over immediately and they were trying to help her get up. A young guy walked to them and said, "easy kids. She's fine." Jen and Kate was confused and asked, "Are you sure? How do you know?" He turned around and pointed at the camera, "we are casting!" They all bursted into laughters.

㈤ 求一篇關於《二胎政策》的英語作文

China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our government decides to implemented one-child policy. When it is carried out for some time, many people not only see its advantages but also disadvantages. Thus, people argue that two-child policy should be put into effect. In my opinion, two-child policy should be carried out.

First of all, two-child policy is the gift for some only child. For some families, maybe the parents are only child and they also can have only child. Put aside the loneliness of their child, when their child grows up and they grow older, their child marry with an only child girl accidentally, the burden on their child and his wife is unimaginable heavy. Their child and his wife have to take care of two old couples. Usually, a young couple looking after an old couple is a little difficult; if the pressure increasing twice, how can they stand it. But if their parents have two children, they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much better.

Secondly, two-child policy can guarantee the number of Chinese population. As the widely spread of one-child policy, some people have changed their conception about giving birth. If they firmly believe one-child policy, there will be more and more the dink. After several decades, our country will famous for lack of population.

In conclusion, one-child policy has out of date. And tow-child policy is needed and necessary. It can solve the problem of nowadays and the future.

㈥ 英語範文看圖寫作3篇

with the improvement of people's living standards,more and more city refuse has been proced which has caused a lot of problems to the environment and also to people's life.
firstly,city refuse pollutes the environment.for example,everyday we consume countless plastic procts,like plastic bags,plastic papers,plastic cups and so on,and we throw it everywhere.plastic procts cannot be digested by the environment,which has caused "white pollution" problem.

㈦ 英語作文看圖寫作,求圖的大概意思

Success belongs to the person who persists!Nothing great can be done without efforts.However,most of failures never have a taste of success not becasue they are lazy or stupid but for they dpn't hold on enough long to see the true result.Thouh we all know that good beginning is half done,what we should keep in mind is that those who laugh last laugh best.Therefore,once you make up your mind to do sth,no matter how hard or long it takes you,just stick to it.You may fail or feel desperate at times

㈧ 看圖寫話(英語)

Today is Tuesday ,
our English teacher teached our a new lesson and all of us listened so carefully and we learned a lot .l feel so happy.

㈨ 看圖寫英語作文

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