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發布時間:2021-02-27 14:04:59

❶ 你喜歡中國的一個人物 英語作文

My favourite singer
My favourite singer is Zhou Jielun.His English name is Jay Chow.He was born on January 18th,1979.His height is 173cm,and his weight is 60kg.His favourite sport is basketball, and I think he plays it very well.His favourite singers are Usher,Babyface and so on.His favourite color is blue. And he likes chicken very much.His favourite NBA player is Michael Jordan.His hobbies are songwriting,monies,and playing computer games.


❷ 關於一個中國的動漫人物的英語作文

【Abstract】 Animation is called comics and animation, both of which were different and closed, and behind the modern animation content is even more extensive, including not only animation and comics, but also video game network, relevant entertainmentand the arts, as well as various derivatives. Japan is the "Kingdom of animation" in the animation world. Japanese animation has a long development as the direct result of Japanese culture, the Japanese animation almost in every corner of Japanese life in Japan, and the animation culture has become a national culture. With the advance of globalization, Japanese animation as a popular culture is spreading and expanding to the whole world.Japanese culture is a kind of cultural diversity, while Japanese animation culture also appears to be a multi-cultural characteristic, and it is this characteristic of the Japanese animation in the world to be popular. Japanese animation culture mainly in the following characteristics: First, open feature. This Japanese animation feature in the performance of their works in the cultural accumulation in the search for a theme at the same time, can take the initiative in the history and culture of other nations extracted material, the vision to further expand from its Asian neighbors and even Europe, from the exotic historical, cultural treasures in the excavations, the animation is not only greatly expand the scope based, but also to the original themes to new ideas; secondly, ecational features. Japanese animation works contain a wide range of ecational and informative, all kinds of cultural elements are often non-straightforward, non-conceptualized, non-preaching approach embodied in the works, the audience quietly in entertaining in the nurture of ecation, animation workscontain a deeper level, given more ecational; Thirdly is a universal feature. Japanese animation in its themes and the theme of Mining, attaches great importance to the integration of universal values, in the performance of the depth and breadthof content, and comprehensive, taking into account different age audience acceptance of a master of animation works often is an unusual cultural background, animation works with thepower of not unusual. Of course, we must also be aware of Japanese culture and Japanese animation there is a negative sense - violence and expansion of consciousness. The abstract, humanity would have to be such a sense, but in the realization of specific process, and this awareness is often a national position and the country's political combine, which has the characteristics of the times and historical. The awareness will become very evil if this nation and the country's political position in a state oftyranny and aggression. And vigorous development of animation compared to Japan, the development of Chinese animation relatively stagnant, the reason is as follows: First, because the local animation cultural development deficiencies, lack of imagination, the theme also tends to conceptualize, it isdifficult to attract audiences, while imports animation works with its high-quality and diversification in the form of rapidly occupy the domestic market, attracting a large number of Chinese young people, resulting in a crisis of China on the verge of animation; for the second, Chinese animation works blindly imitate abroadin the form of creation, coupled with the packaging and positioning errors, not only to Chinese animation lost localcharacteristics, and led to the commercialization of dislocation; thirdly, it is e to neglect of various means of the integrated use of the arts, leading animation proction means lagging behind in the bbing, music, screen handling, and other aspects needed improving; in the end, the absence of deep mining in the traditional culture of China and the spirit of exploration refined material, and in the use of these materials whenthe lack of flexibility and awareness ofinnovation, resulting in content and lack of animation works.Chinese animation to get the cause of development, and actively learn from foreign advanced concepts and advanced technology is essential, and the Japanese animation works with the many cultural characteristics of the development of Chinese animation bring a lot of inspiration: first, animation and its works of aesthetic taste the integration of universal values. China should learn from Japanese animation works using animation superb works of art visual effects into the universal values theme, the profound truth and the reality of society with creative ways toraise the level of work; second is the concept of animation proction in the audience with a combination of a sense of the market; finally, we need to update the audience on the traditional concept of re-establishing the audience's market position, and avoid excessive child to "convert" role,and create all ages that makes it interesting, entertaining works; For the third, animation creation of local characteristics and the combination of advanced technology. From the traditional Chinese culture from the source material, in the creative means to constantly learn from the advanced technology, both organically integrate this rich Chinese characteristics is the development of animation works only way.To go to the world, Chinese animation must based on their own cultural traditions on the basis of updated inherent concepts, adapt to the demands of the times, and further the world to absorb other nations intothe cultural elements and advanced technology to promote Chinese animation.

❸ 介紹中國名人的英語作文

英文原文:Dr.sunyatsen was a famous historical person. He was born in Guangdong. Dr.sun yatsen was the father of modern China. He was a great leader, he was against the emperor. He tired to chang China and free the people.
So,I think he loved the people and people loved him.


❹ 一篇英語作文,是關於一位中國的歷史人物的生卒年,職位,生平的成就

Sun Yat-sen [1], former Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925). Great Chinese democratic revolution the modern times forerunner , revolution banner , revolutionist , statesman , theoretician. Be addressed respectfully as the Father of a nation. Graate in Hong Kong Western medicine academy of classical learning in 1892. Going to Honolulu to be founded may to overthrow , pledges in being popular. Revolution group such as in 1905 allying self with the Hua Xing meeting , recovering meeting in Japan is set up Chinese Chinese Revolutionary League , is pushed for Prime Minister. In 1911 the Chinese Revolution of 1911 queen is elected as provisional President of Republic of China by seventeen provinces representatives. But the day is not ready from person, this for the generation great man who is concerned with motherland safety and danger still avenges a grievance eventually. "Revolution is not yet successful , the comrade still needs making great efforts ".

❺ 中國古代著名人物發明英語作文150字

Sky Lantern is an ancient Han Chinese handicrafts, ancient do military purposes. Put lanterns and more modern use as a blessing it. Hand writing greeting men and women desire, a symbol of harvest success, happiness every year. Usually in the Lantern Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other major festivals cast.
Legend has it that by the time of the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang invented. At that time, Zhuge Liang was besieged in Pingyang, unable to send troops out of the city for help. Ming considered quasi-wind, floating paper lanterns will be made on line help message, then turned out of danger, so future generations will call this lantern as the Sky Lantern

❻ 寫一篇介紹中國名人的英語作文

英文原文:Dr.sunyatsen was a famous historical person. He was born in Guangdong. Dr.sun yatsen was the father of modern China. He was a great leader, he was against the emperor. He tired to chang China and free the people.
So,I think he loved the people and people loved him.


❼ 關於中國人物傳記(有小標題)的英文作文

Albert Einstein was bron in Germany in 1879.he started instered in Compass whe he was a little boy .he likes doing some small research by himself .he study high maths in high scool.when he finish the collage ,he moved to swiss and published the photoelectric effect speech.he became the most famous sincentist in the world .
At last ,he died in 1955.we lost a greatest scientist in the world.we miss him for ever.

❽ 英語作文介紹一個中國名人70字左右



Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930.


His ancestral home is in Dean County, Jiujiang , Jiangxi Province.


During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War, he moved

with his family and attended school in many

places, including Hunan,Chongqing, Hankou and Nanjing.


Yuan Longping is a Chinese agronomist, known for developing the

first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.


Hybrid rice has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America,and

Asia—providing a robust food source in areas with a high risk of famine.


Yuan is always called the "Father of Hybrid Rice" by the Chinese media.




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